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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. and I love it ever so much. Best phone I have had
  2. So far my day has been great. I'm thinking about the last drive-in i arranged *daydream bubble*
  3. haha.I'm Glad to see you guys like it ^^, It was really fun to make.
  4. Having played the previous Animal Crossing games a lot I can proudly say that I'm really looking forward for this one Animal Crossing makes the time fly by and I always find something fun to do. And with added online support I can finally put the pitfalls to good use Pimping my house and designing clothes never get old.
  5. I like being by myself, but I seldom am. And when I'm with certain people, I feel lonely. Even when sleeping with someone I really care about I sometimes feel lonely. Probably because there's a lack of love from my side. But when I feel lonely, I don't feel sad. It's more of a hint telling me I lack something (that special someone). I have more friends than I can handle, and TBH I would rather be alone most times. Cause when I'm all alone, thats when I'm most at peace. And I don't feel lonely at all.
  6. The game is out. And it's great. Single player isn't all that. But still has a lot of charm and moments. Gonna play through it two times for all the achievements. Multiplayer makes this game worth it's price though
  7. new ultimate band video: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35436.html I think it looks good.
  8. I might play some later. I'll try adding you again.
  9. I tried adding you flameboy, but I think you have to be online for the search to work. Doesn't really matter now. I'm quite tired of MGO now :p
  10. IGN - Review 8.5/10 Bad Company opens up to offer one of the better shooter experiences we've seen this generation.
  11. I saw a review of the 360 game. It got 3/10.
  12. I only played it for about a hour and half. It could get better.
  13. The game is out on Friday. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME It's awefull. Juck. Tested the wii version today. it's horrible in so many ways. Gonna test the 360 version tomorrow, hope that's better.
  14. Game Informer 7/1/2008 9.25 out of 10 92.5% ^^ Looking forward to this. Especially Mulitiplayer.
  15. I haven't had any problems. BF:BC uses a new sound technology called "HDR sound". And on a good surround system it's sounds really good. Don't see any reason why you have problems with it tough.
  16. haha. Love it!
  17. I agree. Great finish to an amazing series. (I still like mgs3 better :P) METAL GEAR RINGTONE (codec)
  18. YES finally I have use for my Wii jet again (jk)
  19. Been playing for 2hrs straight. It's really good, my average position is 1place ^^ SVD sniper or XM8 ftw. Here's a great war story I'll share with you guys. I was playing on the losing team, and we where 2 kills behind. we had to kill 3people without dieing to win the match. My team mates rushed as a group to the blue base while I decided to go another rout solo with my trusted SVD. Time was running low, and as the teams best player I knew it was up to me to save us. Suddenly I saw three people hiding on the left side of map. Full of adrenaline and with little time left I blind fired all my shots. 2of them landed in the opponents heads but that left one guy remaining. I knew he would take me if I reloaded so I switched to my trusty tranquilizer gun, thinking that a draw game is better than losing. He got ready to throw a grenade, but I got lucky and hit him in the head. He fell asleep and dropped his grenade. BOOM! he was killed by his own grenade and we won the match. EPIC multiplayer finish. And things like this makes MGO stand out from the rest. I still hope we get a Xbox live version.
  20. haha. Now I wish I had 17 feet :p
  21. make a vid of it walking
  22. Some of those creations are amazingly awesome. Love mundi and cubes creations. To bad my pc isn't good enough for spore
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