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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. The game is really bad. Stay away from it.
  2. No more heroes: Orgasmic Chrono trigger : Perfect Haze: Toxic
  3. Did you like it? I'm gonna wait for the 360 version before I really begin to play it, but I'm playing it on my mates PC for the time being.
  4. LostWinds: Boring Metroid series: Amazing
  5. At first I didn't like anything. But when I played it more it felt more like a 3person adventure "stunt man ignition" game. And then I quite liked it. Gonna give the retail version a good Go
  6. Halo 3 - Multiplayer GTA 4 - 8.8Great.
  7. The Killer Rhino is a mount specially sufficient in PvP combat. The Killer Rhino is able to plow through large masses of enemy soldiers, dealing lethal damage. At launch the only way to get a Killer Rhino is by pre-ordering the game at certain retail chains where it is an offer.
  8. Age of Conan is out. And for those who don't know it's a new MMO game from the makers of Anarchy Online. The first MMO in a while to steal members from wow. Game Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34331.html So does anyone have it? and what do you think about it? Personally I can't wait to get home to play it some more. And tnx to N-Europe & GAME I can give away 5 Age Of Conan Killer Rhino Mounts + Inventory belt. First 5 to post a pic of you and your game will get it.
  9. Thought I was the only one who liked that game :P Hope it comes to VC ^^
  10. This is great tnx Yerba buena - guajira Is another great summer song
  11. Recommend me or share with us your favorite Summer music I'm trying to make a summer playlist but my mind draws a blank. Personally I'm looking for summer music with a lot of energy.
  12. Shine get! ( I love the sunny weather )
  13. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    Wii fit want's me to gain 6Kg (1stone/14pounds). I'm going to try doing that while i exercise each day.
  14. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    My body is starting to get toned and firm I'm getting "touched" more than usual by girls when I'm not wearing a shirt now. I like to think It's because of Wii fit
  15. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    10k is needed to level up to level 2 in Ranked Online Multiplayer.
  16. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    Anyone reached level 2 online and how much cash is needed?
  17. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    That would be great
  18. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    that was a low draw distance
  19. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    Remember to Add me to live if you're up for online tonight
  20. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    thank you What is you guy's Ski jump record? After a lady friend beat my record of 280 I managed to get a record of 340 I'll try to improve on it later.
  21. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    I have no problem putting my foot on my thigh, but then again I'm a flexible person. My balance was 50/50 today Still can't do the ultimate balance test though. Would be great if you guys posted pictures of your Wii fit cash after training for some weeks to see how you spend your time. I mainly use the Muscular training but "waste" a lot of time on the balance games also.
  22. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    Can you go searching for hidden pages in free mode?
  23. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    Been doing it for a week and It's highly addictive. And I'm getting thin
  24. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    haha. Yeah that would be crazy :P I meant 500 points ofc ^^
  25. DiemetriX

    GTA IV

    Those who preordered at GAME in Norway and Sweden (Denmark?) get GTA + 12months live + 500 points + t shirt + poster, For the price of the game And get this. If you trade in two newish games you get all that and 100kr (£8) That's the way I'm gonna roll. Glad I work there
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