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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. Played the new sonic yesterday. It's actually pretty good ^^
  2. I see your station and Raise with a Japanese station
  3. I won it in a sales competition. First big thing I'w won I don't think they are so expensive.
  4. Cycling in my city is great. But I live in Noway so what do you care? :P My bike
  5. Not sure if this is homo-erotic or just plain Ego-Lovin'
  6. I have updated the post with a Unboxed pic
  7. They Claim it's the official Asia release... Anyways, 100$ is cheap. And by the time I'm done with all seasons I'll be ready to buy their next pack or buy the seasons separate. I'm not a collector, I'm a user that likes to have things. It looks, and feels real. That good enough for me.
  8. I have to go to bed early today since I'm opening the store tomorrow, but I'd rather sit here and do nothing. Damn you 360!
  9. I still don't have live Time to use another xbox. Glad I have 3.
  10. Awesome tatto Lets hope that it's not a cock blocker :p
  11. got it installed finally. But now I can't connect to live (connection test is successful but I can't sign in). I think MS hate me :/ I Like the new look.
  12. 5 reboots later it installed ... Install failed.
  13. The update doesn't work for me. (unmodified xbox) sings in to live, there's an update, install?, update failed. When I test my connection settings everything is fine and I'm asked to update.
  14. Lets hope Xbox live doesn't go down again. I think it will. NO LIVE FOR YOU!
  15. I allways find thousands of things to do when I have something I should do :P Strange how cleaning normally goes before school work, but if you have cleaning to do you normally do something else instead.
  16. I gained 5Kg with the use of creatin. Love the stuff. Not started with protein supplement though. Gonna train more next year and start eating more meat.
  17. I need to Write a letter to a dear friend and confess some things, I need to reply to an email about a broken headset, and I need to change the bed lining. I think I'm gonna post here when I finally do it :P So my guess is that everyone of you is Procrastinating something right now. What is it?
  18. I was a redbelt in taekwon-do to, but I quit. And even during my best years I had less muscles than I have now. Now I'm all for using weights and eating "right"
  19. I agree ^^ But I'm not afraid of ordering things with paypal :P I'll send you a PM to tell you if they are legit and what quality it has. The site is redonkulously cheap.
  20. I'm working on gaining weight. I'm around 70KG atm, But would love to gain atleast 5KG. And King V... WOW, your body is amazing. Hope I get that buff eventually Here is some new pics of me.
  21. Would love some comments on the new page. There's basicly nothing on it right now, but hope you like the way it looks. http://www.diemetrix.net
  22. Smallville Season 1-7 100$ and free shipping
  23. Prince of Tennis Complete series
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