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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. I'w started using the wheel. It's so much fun! I can honestly say this is the MK I have had the most fun with since MK64. Yeah the analog gives you better precision but the wheel makes it so fun. Mario Kart + Xbox Live = awesomeness. We used the lobby in COD4 as a chat room. MK should have had Voice chat as it made online way better.
  2. Yup. you start at 5000 points and loose / gain points depending on your position. Our small store got around 50. After the big disappointment which is multiplayer, my biggest complain with this game is the Random/unbalanced items. Yes I know Mario kart has always been like this. But today I won to races just because I got two stars in a row before goal and another time cause i got the overpowered bullet bill. It's still a lot fun, but any game where random items and not skill is the defining winning factor is a bit meh in the long run. When playing single player I'm always in the lead but then get about 5 blue shells sent my way. But as I said before. Time trails are perfect
  3. The wheel is working well IMO but i higly prefer the analogue stick. At the moment I'm addicted to Time trails. NOW that is one thing Nintendo has done completely right
  4. I don't really like footie games. But this game is AWESOME If you still have doubts, BUY IT!.
  5. I'w got the game. Single player and online is great fun but the multiplayer is a big let down IMO :/ 64 > WII DS > WII WII > GCN Not a bad game tough. Just not as good as I hoped.
  6. You have the pal version? would you mind sending me your save file so I can make some more comparison videos?
  7. There's a lot of potential, but I'm sure Nintendo can't pull it off. Give me Animal crossing online first ^^
  8. Wow. I just noticed I made one heck of an awesome first post here... hehe.. tnx Ashley
  9. NTSC vs PAL I actually liked going shopping, training and buying clothes. I even enjoyed looking for the dumpsters and the balls ^^
  10. I'm making some US vs PAL movies. The First one is beeing uploaded to youtube now. If anyone has a completed PAL save file to send me that would be much appreciated. Just PM me or send me it via E-mail.
  11. I really hope we in Norway get a price cut. We pay £249 for a Wii. that's a mad price compared to the 360. And we have plenty of Wiis sitting on store shelfs.
  12. Nice work MATtheHAT. Now I want to rebox all my cube games :p
  13. I agree. But I'm still glad it's there. A lot of extra hours of play time, and you can play with a friend
  14. I might challenge you Bard. If I have the time I'll PM you my code.
  15. I haven't been home lately >_<. Gonna try making the video on Sunday. I will Compare some cutscens. Some bosses, basic killing and DARK mode.
  16. There are more vidoes to unlock, but they only teach you wrestling moves. You will unlock some additional tv fun tough The music video is by Genki rockets. And look at this wikipedia info : Genki Rockets (元気ロケッツ, Genki Rockets?) is a hybrid band made up of unnamed musical artists. The face of the group is a fictional character named Lumi, an 18-year old girl who was born in space on September 11 2037 and has never been to Earth. Lumi's voice is synthesized by taking samples from several different female singers. Wow... awesome. I really like the song Dosn't really take anything away from the gameplay and overall fun. But the bloody version is better. No more sawing people in half as Hellfire said. you won't even see Travis holding half a lady. When playing on your completed file it looks like you can collect the cards you missed previously. I'm not so sure though. Dosn't look like I'm missing any so far. I have unlocked some really cool travis art, to bad I can't transfer it to my pc. ]
  17. The final boss was good. And the things that lead up to the final boss was hilarious. I won the PAL version. And when playing it it doesn't bother me at all. Still an awesome game. But in the cut scenes / boss deaths etc, the lack of blood is really disappointing. Gonna make a good Blood vs no blood movie later I loved how dark mode was in black&white and bloody RED.
  18. You start the game with sweet (Easy) and Mild (Medium). After finishing the game you unlock bitter (Hard). But when you start a new game after completing it once you start with all your upgrades and stash. Currently breezing through the Hard mode. Shinobu was still a challenge but I took her on the second try, and I'm sure the 2ranked boss is gonna kick my ass as he/she/it was the hardest boss IMO.
  19. Twist the wiimote the the way you wanna turn and then press B. Don't do it at the same time. The bike will skid the way the wiimote is twisted. I haven't really had any problems with the bike riding.
  20. Using a freeloader some nuisance, and you'll probably love the PAL version. personally I think It's worth swapping a disc every time to play the US version as the PAL version has other things censored out as well. I could never play the censored version now after playing it way it's supposed to be played.
  21. This game is BEST. Going through it again now on bitter. I have everything so far except the clothes. I played through the entire games without figuring out the counter and dodging moves. On bitter you'll need to understand them to beat the bosses.Glad some one made a Youtube guide for them You can do the moves from the start of the game if you know how to. Seriously guys.. BUY THIS GAME. I'm playing the Bloody US version though. I would highly recommend buying this and a freeloader instead of the PAL release. Turn down the sharpness on your TV. Made the game ever so much better for me
  22. I'm loving the new bin2jpg program.
  23. I doubt NMH will work tough. I hope I'm wrong. Cause I want the US version.
  24. Section 1: FAQ Section 2: Compatability List Section 3: Problems, Issues and Fixes
  25. keep trying ^^ put a light source in front of you.
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