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Everything posted by Daft

  1. Jesus, no. I need a palate cleanser not an acid bath to the face. I'm looking forward to starting Zelda properly too. Like I said there are a couple things I simply do not like but hopefully I'll get over them. I definitely get the impression that the good outweighs the bad.
  2. @Hero\-of\-Time When I took the photo I was like...holy shit. This game is pretty but this is something else. What if I'd arrived at another time of day? What if it had been raining?! Or a sandstorm had blown in? What would every other mission in the game look like at other times of the day? And I had like a mindsplosion that was... this moonrise felt virtually unique. Something so easy to miss that seeing it felt damn special. That feeling was probably helped by the fact that I wasn't looking for Erend, I just stumbled across him fighting some Watchers. The whole thing felt so wonderfully emergent. But it wasn't emergent in the way Witcher 3 is, where the modular structure of missions and quests kind of all interplay superbly, it was because I'm so completely pulled into the world in Horizon that it felt like genuine serendipity that I found him; at that moment, in that place. It's weird. I do wonder how much Zelda will suffer because of my experiences with Horizon. The crappy controls and the weapon durability were big red flags for me but now I think what I might have found magical about it is going to just feel...childish. I'm definitely going to have to play something in between because I won't be able to avoid comparison otherwise.
  3. Can anyone tell me how far through I am?
  4. It's basically free content for every game, not sure why anyone wouldn't want it. I love that my Trophy List is a permanent record of the games I've played across three consoles. It's awesome. I think I got my first platinum like 7 years ago now. And I can see every game I've played since and a lot before.
  5. QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL QoL!!!
  6. I have to use about 5 ropes (probably more actually) with the ropecaster to topple anything big.
  7. It looks a tad rough around the edges (....fucking hell, what doesn't after playing Horizon?) but it looks like a load of fun. I can't wait to get round to the first and then this.
  8. I've not bought a slingshot yet. Is it worth it?
  9. Nice shout. The compass was bugging me a bit.
  10. I spent most of yesterday evening getting machines to fight each other. It's so much fun. I did an Override on a Snapmaw and all hell broke loose. As it was taking on another Snapmaw a second one turned up and started firing from a distance and then across the water a Watcher noticed shit going down...by which point I'd noped-out to a distance away to watch and cackle manically. Then I got one of those Sawtooth motherfuckers to take on a couple of those Big Bird mother fuckers.
  11. Override one of them and get them to fight it out. Simple.
  12. 80K is great. Sure it could have been more but it's a good number and more importantly it's build on a solid piece of hardware. There's no especially naff concept to sell. I see good things coming.
  13. It took me a while to remember you could actually melee things. I just threw everything in my quiver before I cottoned on. Ha! The Ropecaster is a must buy. It's a lot of fun seeing it pull a creature down. Feels epic. Good point. Except I'M the velociraptor in the grass!
  14. It's weird to say but it's not really a knock on Zelda. If anything it's just a real strength of Horizon. @drahkon I think I might turn it up to Very Hard, too. I think difficulty really suits this game; I'm going to be hiding in the long grass like it's Jurassic Park.
  15. I guess try not to read and see too much. I came to this pretty blind so everything is kind of surprising me. It's also an absurdly beautiful game. The videos really don't do it any justice, especially on Pro/4K. I know it's kind of blasphemous but it makes the open plain in Zelda seem...artificial, like a theme park ride. And I can't avoid the comparison because they share a lot of similarities. But I've only played an hour of BoW so far so that could easily change.
  16. Looking forward to hearing what you think. Yes! It wasn't my active quest but I just stumbled across it. It's rare that I get that feeling of genuine discovery in a game and by god does this game have it. Climbing over that hillock and seeing that door carved into the mountain like almost nothing else in the world I'd seen so far, I was utterly compelled to know what was inside. I'm even reading through all the little data info dumps you find. I almost never do that in a game. I think I'm a little behind you. I'm not off to Meridian yet but I'm close to setting off.
  17. I put the difficulty up to hard to make the sneaking/trapping/hunting a bit more necessary. I fucking love stalking through the long grass. I also happened across a massive door in the side of a mountain and there was an awesome dungeon type level in it with a boss to fight at the end. It was like the Vault of Glass in Destiny. A few puzzles and this would basically be a cyber-punk Zelda game.
  18. I think Horizon and Zelda complement each other really well. They're both weirdly similar but also wildly different.
  19. I thought Logan was outstanding. It wasn't like watching a superhero film, it was like watching actual cinema. I think people have become so dulled to the potential of the genre that they are happy eat utter ass like Dr Strange and be happy about it. "There's water here..."
  20. Digital Foundry did some comparisons; virtually indistinct from each other.
  21. This is the best looking game I've ever played. The checkerboard rendering is some kind of black magic. I'm absolutely delighted with the PS4 Pro/4K TV set up. And its framerate is so wonderfully rock solid.
  22. Why wouldn't you download these games? Tearaway is rad.
  23. Looks better than the shitmire that was Prometheus.
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