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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. After the lovely chap from some computing establish came round to install the router properly, a wireless card in EEVIL-X [The PC formally known as Shabba-X] Everything went well. A couple of days later wireless fucked off so I had to cable myself up again. After numerous days of "Tomorrow we'll try the tinternet wireless yeah?". You read right. Tinternet. I think the router isn't working out of spite. Anyways, two days ago I had a go myself. Had everything shut down, cables in right places and restarted. Voila. We had both Pc and laptop online. Then it seems like the laptop is some sort of relay for my PC, internet is shit/non-functional when the laptop is off. Magically I get signed back into MSN when the laptop is turned on. Today however it seems this is no longer the case. Internet fucked for EEVIL-X. I repeat the method, this time having the router higher up, "umbrella effect" according to the chap at PC World. Nothing. Laptop has "Tinternet" [You have no idea how hard I restrain myself from slapping him when he says this] but EEVIL-X doesn't. So I've cabled myself up again. Step dad has a new idea. To bring his laptop upstairs into my room, and try wireless here with my PC. Because logic dictates that my PC is "Getting on abit". S'not that old. Might just be the piece of shit wireless card they've slammed into my machine. From what I've managed to gather is that after a near perfect "network" has been done, it fucks up after a couple of days. My PC spends hours "gathering a new IP" or some shit. Anyone got any advice, answers or whatnot? The weird thing is. Step Daddy knows fuck all about computers. He says "one day we'll have to sit down and you'll show me everything". He can use Google to get answers on his crossword like a pr0. But he seems unable to open Word or anything himself.
  2. Just some duct tape. Problem solved.
  3. Fix. I guarantee it.
  4. I read in the papers today she's begging the Man From Uzi 9mm to give her a pardon, because she fears she's going to get hurt. Apparently prison isn't the fun jamboree I thought it to be. Some Twot with an A [Joshua Capone, the bell end who started a petition on MySpace I believe.] has said that she should be let off because she brings some... and I quote: "Beauty and Excitement to our 'mundane lives' " I am yet to see either.
  5. Should've ended the sentence with a "of your tits" Replace with any parts of preference.
  6. Sounds like a bit of bad circulation, take a break and have your hand hanging down, letting gravity do some work. Or have a wank.
  8. That's very true hobbzinio, but the true evil is hidden. Subtract two from three. That's right. One.
  9. My life? The life of ONE person? My ONE life is a lie?! ONE feels enraged. And if you divide 3 by 3. What do you get... ONE! IT'S THE SOURCE OF IT ALL! Fucking right doggie.
  10. I broke up with ONE of my girlfriends after going out for ONE year, she pissed me off ONE day after I read more than ONE of her texts. HOLY SHIT IT'S A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.
  11. That's nothing a good backhand can't cure.
  12. Punctuate your what?
  13. Nottingham. It's so exotic.
  14. How long has there been a Nemesis at Thorpe Park? Last I heard Alton Towers had the only one.
  15. Nope, I'm not sexist.
  16. Bullshit. I'm not conforming to that "Not hit a woman" wank.
  17. She hasn't got a rack for fucks sake. It's not a nipslip if there's nothing for the clothes to slip off!
  18. As soon as I saw the title I know you had watched the Snooker. I did too! Anyways, "women's" sports piss me off. There is a reason why Snooker [for example] doesn't have any women in the Crucible. Because they're shit. Same goes for other normal sports [Although that woman ref would get a shabba'ising] I'm not 100% on this, but is there anything, in any sport, which designates it as a male only sport? Not counting the Olympic shit. Although I really don't understand why they feel the need to make their own league and shit. It's like hiding behind that "You shouldn't hit a woman" bullshit.
  19. Oh well. What they really need to do is lock up Kate Moss for being a talentless whore. Forever.
  20. Now this is television gold.
  21. I bought a tin with some booster packs from Gamestation yesterday. There was one booster which had Pokémon with types they technically aren't. EG a grass type Dragonair and a Psychic Vulpix, a few weird Ditto's too.
  22. In Pokémon 2000 they add a little extra with Zapdos and Moltres, sounding more like Zap-Dose and Mol-Trace.
  23. Not really bothered to be honest, they're both pretty average.
  24. Now this isn't a topic about one pronounces the word Pokémon, contrary to one interpretation of the title. In actual fact it is how you pronounce certain Pokémon's names. For example, Suicune, until I saw Pokémon4Ever I said it with the Sui of Suicide, with a Koon on the end. However it's apparently said Swee-Koon. I've just been training my Lucario, now do I say it Luke-Ar-Ee-Oh, or Loose-Ar-Ee-Oh, or something completely different? Go.
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