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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Just some duct tape. Problem solved.
  2. Fix. I guarantee it.
  3. I read in the papers today she's begging the Man From Uzi 9mm to give her a pardon, because she fears she's going to get hurt. Apparently prison isn't the fun jamboree I thought it to be. Some Twot with an A [Joshua Capone, the bell end who started a petition on MySpace I believe.] has said that she should be let off because she brings some... and I quote: "Beauty and Excitement to our 'mundane lives' " I am yet to see either.
  4. Should've ended the sentence with a "of your tits" Replace with any parts of preference.
  5. Sounds like a bit of bad circulation, take a break and have your hand hanging down, letting gravity do some work. Or have a wank.
  7. That's very true hobbzinio, but the true evil is hidden. Subtract two from three. That's right. One.
  8. My life? The life of ONE person? My ONE life is a lie?! ONE feels enraged. And if you divide 3 by 3. What do you get... ONE! IT'S THE SOURCE OF IT ALL! Fucking right doggie.
  9. I broke up with ONE of my girlfriends after going out for ONE year, she pissed me off ONE day after I read more than ONE of her texts. HOLY SHIT IT'S A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.
  10. That's nothing a good backhand can't cure.
  11. Punctuate your what?
  12. Nottingham. It's so exotic.
  13. How long has there been a Nemesis at Thorpe Park? Last I heard Alton Towers had the only one.
  14. Nope, I'm not sexist.
  15. Bullshit. I'm not conforming to that "Not hit a woman" wank.
  16. She hasn't got a rack for fucks sake. It's not a nipslip if there's nothing for the clothes to slip off!
  17. As soon as I saw the title I know you had watched the Snooker. I did too! Anyways, "women's" sports piss me off. There is a reason why Snooker [for example] doesn't have any women in the Crucible. Because they're shit. Same goes for other normal sports [Although that woman ref would get a shabba'ising] I'm not 100% on this, but is there anything, in any sport, which designates it as a male only sport? Not counting the Olympic shit. Although I really don't understand why they feel the need to make their own league and shit. It's like hiding behind that "You shouldn't hit a woman" bullshit.
  18. Oh well. What they really need to do is lock up Kate Moss for being a talentless whore. Forever.
  19. Now this is television gold.
  20. I bought a tin with some booster packs from Gamestation yesterday. There was one booster which had Pokémon with types they technically aren't. EG a grass type Dragonair and a Psychic Vulpix, a few weird Ditto's too.
  21. In Pokémon 2000 they add a little extra with Zapdos and Moltres, sounding more like Zap-Dose and Mol-Trace.
  22. Not really bothered to be honest, they're both pretty average.
  23. Now this isn't a topic about one pronounces the word Pokémon, contrary to one interpretation of the title. In actual fact it is how you pronounce certain Pokémon's names. For example, Suicune, until I saw Pokémon4Ever I said it with the Sui of Suicide, with a Koon on the end. However it's apparently said Swee-Koon. I've just been training my Lucario, now do I say it Luke-Ar-Ee-Oh, or Loose-Ar-Ee-Oh, or something completely different? Go.
  24. You wish you could Lasseh. Possibly, although it was half inspired by the Arnocorps song. http://www.arnocorps.com/mp3s/index.html The links appear to be with the wrong song, so be careful.
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