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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Oooh. James Bond-esque.
  2. When the email saying they were going to put it on the site they mentioned that it didn't mean I had won, they just wanted to let me know in advance if I thought so. They named the next news letter after me, and my picture was the only one in the newsletter, which obviously linked to the gallery. I invented Dandelion about 5 years ago... It's served me well. The email I just got seems legit, game.co.uk email, also has the email I sent to begin with at the bottom. Linkage and all.
  3. Apologies for the massive bump. But I just got an email from Game today saying Dandelion had shat on the competition and won.
  4. Evidently.
  5. All thanks to me and my mad CV skillz advice I gave.
  6. It's one of my best features.
  7. That "I'm gonna beat you" kid. Do you think that was actually scripted, or the dude forgot his lines, or maybe just got told to improvise?
  8. Just saw on Newsround that the Radcliffe, Grint and Watson have got their handprints on Hollywood Boulevard. They've done fuck all! You need proper commitment to get shizzle like that.
  9. Happy Birthday mingesmell. It was bound to happen.
  10. It's exhilerating. Inspiring. *Boring shot of rhino* You're guessing they're going to unveil Halo 3 twice?! What a bold strategy on their part. Are there any official Nintendo conference videos going round yet? Or hasn't it started ¬_¬ IF HE SHOWS UP!
  11. From the ending that you knew all about!? HOLY SHIT! That's almost as shocking as her not having the last word as "scar".
  12. *Points to the money I have from not buying Subway*
  13. So you're getting £250 a week, how many hours are you doing?
  14. Keep it short and sweet, make them want more. Just say "I was part of The Sainsbury's Massive" Then they shall ask you some questions about what happened in The Massive. Just saying you did this and that on paper isn't as effective.
  15. With each new film that comes out they're always wanking on about how it's darker.. It got old quickly.
  16. 2 quid for a sandwich is never a bargain. As it never got answered, how much is a sub when it isn't sub of the day.
  17. Someone PM me/post some linkage if you please.
  18. Bent coppers who pimpsmack wrong doers in an angry [yet somehow humourous way]
  19. Sounds like The Shield.
  20. Genius.
  21. Word on the street is that there's going to be a massive orgy. I can't wait for the film. I'll have it when Imageshack stops being a massive cocksuck.
  22. Sorry for the triple post but it has to be done. FUCK WIMBLEDON! NEIGHBOURS IS BACK! Is everyone feeling the Aussie magic once more?
  23. Stunning advice. I got a call from the Sainsbury's Massive, they said "You have a massive wang and we could use your pr0 skills on checkouts." Naturally I was reluctant because I wasn't sure how my gigantic cock would help on checkout, maybe it would give the old ladies's pacemaker a boost and get through the checkout quicker. A 20 hour a week contract, so we're looking at about £100 a week at least.
  24. Personally I'm not that bothered, I'll read it. A few days after the release, as my brother [who has them all] will lock himself in his room and read it quickly. I also loved the news article I read about JK crying as she came to the last few chapters, boo fucking hoo, feed the crack habit another way. However, I bet she'll milk the enterprise by making a shitload of other stories, Voldemort - The early years and shit like that. I still think my ending is the best ever.
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