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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Because they become pussies a la Reek. It's been awhile since I read the books so can't remember what is actually from the books and what is now coming from the 'winging it' style. The "BIG REVEAL" at the beginning of episode 7 was "meh" to me. I was even shown a video from Yankyland where they were showing an episode in a bar and people roared with cheer when he was shown... The fuck?!
  2. It's not bad, just generic.
  3. I found the Gwent deck on sale in Cash Converters still sealed. Decided to invest, even though I probably have no intention of opening it.
  4. Thinking about my state of mind those few days ago... I couldn't have been more wrong. There was a reason why there wasn't any application to Capital One. Because I didn't make one. This was actually for "Capital One Promotions" which is once again another scam company. I already had alarm bells ringing in my head during my conversations with the secretary on the phone when she would respond to the majority of my answers to her questions with "PER-fect!", but I didn't want to believe it. But as I turned up to the "office" and found myself in the same artificial waiting room, complete with fellow "applicants" and the radio on perched on a light fitting and I once again was given a form to fill out, my heart finally sank. I tried to pretend to be distracted by all the awards around the room as the secretary would not shut up with the questions - how was my weekend? How was my week? Do I have any plans this weekend? Am I going on holiday at all this year? I thought about walking out there and then but thought I'd make a day of it. Got taken into the "owner's office", with another application, which has as little decoration as I've ever seen in one of these, the only thing being a desk map of the world. As I spewed out standard bullshit answers to his questions which primarily consisted of him re-reading the form I'd just filled in, he scribbled giant ticks and underlined things on the form. Telling us more about himself/the company than asking us about ourselves, even though it wasn't cold calling/stopping people in the street, it was knocking-on-doors and stopping people in shopping centres etc. Fuck. That. Fast forward ten minutes of accurate job screening he said he was going to have a chat with his secretary about who to call back, because that's who really decides these issues of course. A couple of hours later I recieved the phone call saying I had been selected for a callback. Told them I didn't think the job was for me.
  5. Yeah I am, but since I'm hitting the brick wall ouroboros of experience, I'm branching out a little into general admin/office work, so my CV can consist of more than supermarkets and a pub.
  6. On our second viewing I brought my brother with us, who is a joiner, to have a look. Naturally we didn't want any surprises, plus as an extra intimidation tactic on the agent showing us around that we weren't going to get fooled by any bullshit buzzwords they may try to mask problems with. As we were looking at some bits we were asking him how much things may cost if we wanted to change it, namely replace the conservatory.
  7. I hate it how they try that crap. Each "Volume" comprising of three episodes. After winning a grand at bingo last week, I finally took that step to fulfilling that lifelong wantsings/new years resolution I've been wanting for so long. I BOUGHT A FUCKING SAXOPHONE!
  8. Another interview tomorrow, this time with Capital One. I'm sure they said that they were applying to an application I made on totaljobs, but when I went to have a look to refresh my memory on what exactly I had applied for (as my last interview at a legal patent firm showed me I really had to do) since I fire out CVs more than jizz these days - I couldn't find the position. So if they ask why I want/applied for the position I'm gonna have to come out with some standard winging it, "want a new challenge" etc. Which wouldn't be untrue at all, Tesco is continuing to blow and many people are leaving, one has another job, two are leaving for uni and fuck knows their plan on replacing the hours based on past approaches. Wanna get out ASAP.
  9. Shouldn't that be something you would get from the council/water board? I don't understand why the vendor's solicitors would be the only one to exclusively have access to that information. I'm pretty sure that we didn't need to get it from the sellers' peeps.
  10. What's really rare at the moment?
  11. I too would take boxes from you if available.
  12. I fired off a load of CVs on Monday and got a call back today for an interview at one of them. They mentioned the street so I know where it is, but can't remember what the job was. Something office related with a verbal resolution-something... I think I've got this in the bag.
  13. Why can't you download them and print them off? S'what we did. Been having fun painting the decking again today since it rained after the first attempt with a shitty product from Wilko. Now got some Ronseal from Home Bargains and (after several recommendations from Daddy) an incinerator bin. It's glorious. Watching the carpet we pulled up (not underlay) burn and sink into the flames like the Titanic into icy waters.
  14. I'm not saying you shouldn't approach them, but asking for clarification is foolish in this situation. Approaching them is fine, but you don't whip out a chaise longue, ask them to sit and tell you what they're feeling.
  15. If someone thinks you're harassing them (be they right or wrong) you don't start asking them follow-up questions. You're basically proving their point and asking for trouble. Actual solution: You get to da choppa and wait for them to approach you, cap in hand and suitably ashamed.
  16. And gotten whiter too. You leavin' da bruvva'hood?
  17. Should've said you were trying to not be Chinese:
  18. Surely that's some form of misconduct/negligence, there must be something in your contract which protects against this. Feeling that bro. Made another small trip to my old room to pick up some storage and my PC chair. Still some bits and pieces left.
  19. House buying isn't the worse. It's unpacking all yo' shit when you finally move in. We've been living here for almost a month now and we have so much stuff still in boxes. I have about 10-15 by myself, with games, books etc.
  20. Either way, it's pretty close for is the same film.
  21. I was considering purchasing it today but I realised how dull the film was. I was actually surprised that they didn't have a midnight launch or that I wasn't harassed by several customers at 6am. In fact someone told me we had sold three copies by 9am. Apart from it being boring I've held off on investing as I'm just going to wait until the box set comes out. Because you know there will be a new one with each new release, which you'll no doubt be proud of when you look at it on your shelf until the next one comes out a year later: Episode VII Episode VII and Rogue One Episode VIII Episode VIII and Episode VII Episode VIII and Episode VII and Rogue One Having Episode VII and VIII together and then IX separately?! SIGN MY ANUS UP. And so on, it's like what they did with the Hunger Games. Whoever bought the set that had the first film, second film and the first part of the third film needed their head examining.
  22. Whoa, some of those IMAX screens are completely ridiculous. It's weird how there's going to be another live action Jungle Book in just two years.
  23. If we're doing Bee things...
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