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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Give us a plot or something ReZ, like Mewtwo Strikes Back, Rok returns with a clone of each member?
  2. Ah now you see there is your current mistake. :wink: They're not older, they probably around the same age, appearance driven to elderly proportions by chain smoking to a pr0 degree [not the good pr0 either], and mounds of excess drinking which got them knocked up in the first place.
  3. Me too! Shame about the ending though
  4. I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
  5. Send anthrax in the mail. Start small.
  6. I did consider going to see Elton John and Billy Joel, but in the end didn't. Maybe I do see some people as misguided in this regard, since I don't see much of a point.
  7. But I have tried it! and now I'm knocking it! But I know I'm going to get the "Oh you didn't see [band/Artist X] because they're so much better". Another thing is, when I listen to a song I don't jump around, wave my hands in the air and sing loudly [i know, I'm crazy like that], so why I should pay to do so in a room with many others I'm just not feeling. I'm not saying I'd never see a live act again however. Someone can pay for me.
  8. Jumanji I KNOW MANY OF YOU WATCHED THIS YESTERDAY. It's the kinda of film where you wished the stuff in it was real, but then a second thought makes you change your mind as having a rabid lion trying to munch on yo' ass isn't as fun as it looks. Eight Shabba's
  9. Is the bloke in the back servicing himself?
  10. I think I just watched the first episode of season 3 of Heroes on iPlayer. I must've missed a bit because people are not where I left them. I seem to have missed the pimpsmacking of Pineherst and that old Petrelli shit get pissed on.
  11. ... This is meant to make me go to a live act? I'm not a photosensitive epileptic. But because of that I'm going to get the police round yo' ass after being mean to me and the disablilty discrimination act. Is this a good comment towards me? I'm too tired and I keep rereading it and I'm never sure. I'm not objected to live music, I have some live tracks on the PC with me. I could slam on some Bryan Adams unplugged or some Green Day live like that! *snaps fingers*, I just don't see the point in paying much monies to listen to the same songs you know, sung differently from that what you're 'used' to, the added fact that they're not that far away from you. It just doesn't do it for me. It's the same with going to see a football team play, people can knock one out over the atmosphere, but I don't see the point.
  12. A sound purchase. I'm going to let you off of not noticing what the film was from the cover [which you really should've], because I love you so. Have you got a reason for me to without spending monies? Because your avatar/sig sets make me dislike him as he looks a lanky fuck, with a few stolen[?] Spiderman elements.
  13. Nothing wrong with getting off your arse and doing so is it? I've seen you post about how you went out shopping. Don't bullshit us.
  14. Failing that, the slightly older Live Music thread. Which this is basically a 2009 only copy of.
  15. I have to ask, in the coke advert with Duffy, is that how she sounds when she sings? Because if so I'm fucking baffled as to how she won any awards.
  16. I had Mini-Discs! They were alright for awhile. I was meaning to touch upon music also. I was thinking about this yesterday and I get a flashback scene from The Rock where Cage orders a Beatles LP, and says they sound better. For the older generationings here, do you concur?
  17. Shit. Rumbled. Don't worry about that foreign business crap. You get that sort of email all the time. My long lost Mongolian second cousin is on his death bed and his lawyer tracked me down and wants my bank details to wire the cash. Or wants to scam him. George wants my bank account details because I won a Cash Prize Monies. I've also won the Super Special Awesome Global Lottery on at least 30 different occasions. Who'd have thought I was so lucky?
  18. We had the betamax, then we changed to the VHS, moved on to doovdé because of it's visual superiority, now blu-ray is meant to be even more visually spectacular. Same with TV, analogue onto digital, and now HD is being thrown into the mix. How far do you think this is going to go? Personally I think it's getting all a bit unnecessary. Go.
  19. An extreme example perhaps, but a girlfriend dumping her boyfriend because he beats her is a terrible thing? I think getting satisfaction from ending that wouldn't be a horrible thing at all.
  20. How you doing it? Text, email or the face teh face? I can assure you all 3 ways are equally effective. Whatever the method, you have to start with the deep trouble line.
  21. I misread that as rap. Which makes sense also.
  22. My sweet child... in case you weren't being cheeky... I was referring to the heavy and bothersome baggage you were lugging around the locomotive system.
  23. So you admeet eet. And your contribution to others who may come expecting the same has been stunning. And now I can't find my vintage pic with me and Roy Walker... EDIT! REFINDINGS!
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