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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I've started reading the Screen Burn book, and I must confess I've only laughed once thus far, and that was referring to Sid Owen sticking a spoon into his eye so it sticks out like a miniture diving board. I need to finish The Three Musketeers before I get properly into this. Only another 3000 pages to go!
  2. Maybe it's because he couldn't get it updated... if you catch my drift
  3. What is the crap on those shelves?
  4. That's the cable he means. But as he says it can be detached at both ends, in effect making it a cordless phone. Which would respond if picked up and not keep ringing as the prank implies. Thus the switch question.
  5. But it is. But more curiously so, how come you got it on the 360 also?
  6. I still don't get the mechanics of the phones he has. The cable can be disconnected but won't work when disconnected because the phone will still be ringing when picked up. Does the phone have a switch or something set to cord/less?
  7. I'm not sure how clearer to make it.
  8. Right. After I made my post I started work on a genius piece of illustration which will clear everything up. Expect it just after 6 when I return from work.
  9. Is the confusing thing the bit where he mentions which warehouses Batman's bitch and Dent are?
  10. I cancelled a direct debit to a charity for the deaf by phoning up the bank.
  11. You are wrong in every sense of the word. I think I speak for everyone when I say: "One of us is in DEEP Trouble"
  12. Calling the bank and telling them to block it should be enough. NOTHING! They're always giving you extra. Anyone who has a problem againsy Howard Brown as a pr0 problem with me, and they wo8uld be in DEEP trouble. Great isn't it? Delving into the world of history. Granted my example wasn't that expansive with video games [your copy is coming people, send me a PM again!] but the whole thing is exciting and boring. I'm always impressed by those who stay in the library, even with an MP3 player/etc. Take that marriage counselling bullshit away from here.
  13. Austin Powers Trilogy The first film is sexy, Hurley making it so. There are two main sad things about the movie, as with other [not all] comedies once you've seen it, some things aren't that funny anymore. Also is the fact they use alot of American only jokes that we probably won't get, and if we do they're not funny. The first example which comes to mind is the Lucky Charms assassin. The Spy Who Shagged Me has the best lass of the three: Heather Graham. Makes some events from the first film bullshit, and in many ways makes absolutely no sense in how the plot works, which they actually acknowledge in the film. Plus muchos cameos from some actors. Also shows the start of Dr. Evil becoming a right fruit. Goldmember. Easily the worst out of the three, even with Michael Caine. Hampered by Beyoncé, doesn't look that bad, doesn't sing that bad, but can't act for shit and given an ugly afro. Dr. Evil's character gets even worse. But it has a Charmander in it! [One of the greatest starting Pokémon (All fire ones are {Since the ones in the wild aren't that great})] "Hey Assholes! I'm Mini-Me!" A choice Danny DeVito quote. Eight Shabba's
  14. Well considering what you do...
  15. As a former victim I can vouch for this claim.
  16. Just was what? It can't have been was just sucky because you said it wasn't but the just was implies to the wordsuckywhichyourmentioningsitwasn'tjdnkjsnfd
  17. Your words sting me, you used to be someone I could trust.
  18. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/landingArmy.jsp?catId=cat1300051&rootCatGameStyle=
  19. No. A thousand times. No.
  20. Plastic. Although I have models made outta metal, but they are packed away. There are some older images here: http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Tyranids/ Correct.
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