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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Let's get the guy some crayons.
  2. ReZ, cut the moon video crap and get us that damn you = Bob videoings. EDIT: also ReZ, is that plane thing actually Lego? It looks like a load of smooth blue plate covers. That's not Lego at all!
  3. How comes you askings?
  4. I demand video/sound. Since you video everything you do. No excuses bitch O_O
  5. £2-3 is insane for a sandwich whichever way you look at it.
  6. I went pr0 with Van Gogh also.
  7. You were losing? Explain. You sit around drinking ale and cider with your right hand and give handjobs to fellow society members with the left?
  8. I always wondered what Jay's house looked like.
  9. I remember that! Looking like he was doing it on a lubed up piece of metal. Then doing that thing at the end. On the tippy toes. Awesome.
  10. Apparently the 19th Jan was the most depressing day according to Yahoo news. http://in.news.yahoo.com/139/20090119/882/twl-today-is-the-most-depressing-day-of.html
  11. I'm going to have to teach you the amazing art of cutting off emotional ties. That's what my Welsh friend was bullshitting on about last night! Seems to be a miserable period at the moment. If you're not feeling what you're doing now - go out and find something you can be feeling [...], failing that, find somewhere you can "hibernate" your resources, whilst you do your research into what to do next. Take myself, I spent 3 years at uni and it's got me doing 20ish hours a week at a pub. I work Friday and Saturday so my social life is shot, since none of my mates [who barely remember me since I moved away for uni] invite me out to join in any of their reindeer games. But I'm there so I can take their monies to finance my future, at present being my 'counselor' job in America, and then who knows. But I know this isn't what I want to being forever, my workmate has shown what might become of me if I were to stay on as he did... Sad bastard. The simple shit is alwayst the best, noone wants a complicated image on their t-shirts. Except those Iron Maiden fans, and no one really gives a shit what they think. Quit uni. Now. Just put on a voice.
  12. You should not be a pussy and purchase it outright O_O Have faith in the pr0ness of the Neeson. I fear I know the answer, but what was your first best film last year?
  13. Not very...
  14. Yet you seem you have a tablet. Upper class bitch.
  15. The gr00ve!! As mentioned by your humble fabulous a few posts back.
  16. Just been talking to an old uni friend, who was in a sad mood and feeling in a bad place. She called me then I called her. I decided to check my credit before as I've been meaning to see how much talking on the phone actually costs me. Flat on 8 quid. I think that a reasonable starting amount. I ring the lass, talk for 16 mins and my credit is no £3.85, working out at about 25p a minute. That's bullshit surely. But I'm going to go visit her sometime soon I hope. Getting the train to and from Wales is certainly not going to be cheap.
  17. You make it sound like a sense of humour is more important than a banging rack. Well you're wrong I tell you. Wrong.
  18. It used to be the other way around for me. Even though I was working on the computer. It took a minute then I think a few games of Minesweeper would be fun, then checking emails/forums etc. Work is forgotten. You need to f33l the gr00ve. As soon as you start pr0ing your way through you start charging. Juggernaut style. If you're working and not feeling it, then you're going the wrong way about it. Or haven't prepared enough. I tried that too. Got insanely bored.
  19. Wireless shizzle isn't that bad. The wireless keyboard/mouse combo I have is nice enough.
  20. I love the phrase " I handed him a plate full of his ass with all the trimmings". I have adopted it.
  21. You saying there's something wrong with my Dandelion? O_O
  22. Entering competitions is usually the best start. One doesn't win a DS and Pokémon games for doing nothing. Dandelion for the win people.
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