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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I need my mother to leave the house for about 10 mins. I need to change the cable running through the ceiling into my room with an ethernet cable because the router we now have doesn't support USB, I'm getting sick of being hassled of getting wireless and can't be bothered to wait. I need a cunning plan.
  2. I know I've beaten it. Did it around 2 years ago. Buy Ninjatown people for the modern ninja-ry townings experience.
  3. The sun has got his bastard hat on today. The snow is melting! I can't rebuild HardOn the snowman and his friend BJ.
  4. I wish I could buy a classic game which came as a trial with my ooooold PC from Tiny many eons ago. Conflict Freespace: Darkness Rising. Apparently there is an expansion called The Great War which I can see in the used/new section on Amazon. It's almost worth the £15ish they're demandings.
  5. If anything, I'm the player. I'm a white Shaft.
  6. I had sex today though. I told myself I wouldn't do it with her again because she's got a boyfriend... but my compass always points north.
  7. You mean my snowman with a raging carrot hard-on didn't horrify you!?
  8. Go by yeself ye queen.
  9. Not going to be a part of my wardrobe. Even the model looks embarassed wearing it. But I'm sure it'll look fabulous on you Ashley
  10. The camp that interviewed me said they're going with someone else. I'm upsettings. But there's a directors fair in London on the 12th which I'll have to go to I guess to start kissing some pr0 arse.
  11. I don't have to hold shift. I'm that lazy.
  12. It's getting to about 2 inches here. On my way to the shed to get some chips [didn't have any, but got a pizza instead] I had to make a snowman. The carrot was too big so I gave it a raging hardon.
  13. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/100_2814.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/100_2813.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/100_2812.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/100_2811.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/100_2810.jpg This is from last night as it startedings. Pics from my bedroom window. This is it this morning. The album with 3 extra pics. http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Snowings/
  14. chrizkerr2, fucking hell. My pictures feel like a floppy cock against the mighty erection of your pictureings. Uploading mine now.
  15. I do hope I get work cancelled today due to snow providing lack of interest in alcoholic beverageings. It's really giving it some commitment now.
  16. Terrible. Here's mine though. I've really wanted to read a Christmas carol and Jekyll and Hyde for some time.
  17. I was going to mention it. But I wasn't sure if it was the same elsewhere. It's been on and off. But basically now it's around half an inch thick, at most. The really light stuff.
  18. Bustin' makes me feel good. Many times.
  19. I think it might be. All mishaps are kinda interestings.
  20. Survivor was genius.
  21. I'm shocked you thought it might not be Ashley! C'mon, it's Jordan we're talkin' 'bout.
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