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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I saw the intro, mentioned about only one getting the prize money, big shocked faces. Switched off.
  2. They have the cheeky gits. They've removed the source of current enjoymentings!
  3. We've all seen the X-Men movie, you see Xavier and Magneto playing chess at the end. They made two sequels based on that.
  4. One thing I noticed: Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought Dawn of the Dumb: Dispatches from the Idiotic Frontline by Charlie Brooker 4.6 out of 5 stars (17) £5.00 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dawn-Dumb-Dispatches-Idiotic-Frontline/dp/0571238416/ref=pd_sim_kh_1
  5. Exactly. We all know how much a threat the other things which are shown in films, but it doesn't matter because they're not representing anything? I've not read the book so I'll take your word for it on the first bit. As such I can't really tell what they're spoofing if I don't know the victim thereof.
  6. The matter at hand involves chess, we are making jokes about chess. What more do you expect from us!? As for the title, he's requested a change.
  7. Something to do with Halo obviously. Shut up you queen, go watch some pawn... *gets coat*
  8. Too much cock I daresay. I told you to pace yourself!
  9. I just searched for you as well Tellyn, to see if Google was just looking the other way for Shabba, and you seemed alright also.
  10. Searching for "Shabba" proved safe for all. Been playing more of Partners in Time, I'm not happy about the battery life of this DS, barely seems to cover 3-4 hours.
  11. Other cultures [such as the aforementioned stone lip], and the things they do are normally acts of religion and their way of life. I have every confidence that Ringo there did it so he could stick it to the man, and show what a marvelous call centre worker he'd be. That is assuming he can talk properly.
  12. How can some of you be surprised?! Chess is a violent sport. You kill parts of the royal family in hope of cornering the King beyond all hope, blocking any escape.
  13. Aaaw that kitten is cute, Dyson. Go forth and Shabba'ise. I concur! It's fucking horrible. Imagine those people who have massive pebbles stretching their lips, take the stone away. Saggy bottom lips. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR EAR?! Are those people meant to be impressing us when they do that? I think they're trying to show how unique and individual they are. Let's feel in awe of their individuality. Those renegades. There was something out there, and it aint no maaahn.
  14. Couldn't agree more. But if bugs sent huge asteroids to Earth I'd be quite agressive about it.
  15. My note is complete: "I swear to God at the end of the day I swear to God. At the end of the day I really swear to God. I don't know what day the end of I'll actually do the stuff I sweared to God I'd do but I swear to God I'd do it before the end of the day I'm going to do the things I swore to God I'd do. Fuck. You."
  16. Whyever would you feel that. It was worth the rocking £1.30 I paid for it.
  17. My brother is really starting to piss me off now. Apart from a van he has [with a flat tire] still resting idle on my stepdads driveway which he needs to tow away [quality excuse "I can't be arsed"], he's gone and bought a car from his mate [Ford Fiesta for £100] which he isn't insured for, and he's lost his physical license. He comes home at about 1:40am on Wednesday [up for work at 6] and starts giving mum the I will I will speech, using the phrase "At the end of the day..." so many times, if I got a quid each time he used it, I would've had at least £50 in the space of 10 minutes. And enjoys swearing to God he's going to do something. Then adds the final insult "I know I do all this blah blah, I love you" and goes off to bed. I come downstairs and find mum crying. If it happens again I'm going to have a go, I don't care if he's stronger than me, I'm getting sick of his bullshit. As another semi-punishment I've changed the password on the laptop, and when I go to work I'm leaving a note with it, basically saying "I swear to God at the end of the day, because at the end of the day I swear to god..." numerous times. Finished with "Fuck you."
  18. I'm not sure, tell me the subplot and I'll tell if that's what I suspected.
  19. I don't know. I do consider a seven/and a half but I always restrain myself. The right reasons!? They are the right reasons. Take the tits out then, since as mentioned the one's shown aren't that impressive. Could the guns and aliens be enough?
  20. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen There seems too much going on in this film all at once. Tis entertaining but somethings sadly don't make sense, even if it set in an "alternate" reality. Eight Shabba's Double Jeopardy I very much likes this film. Although checkings ImDb, the law technically doesn't work in the way which the film implies. Tommy Lee Jones gives it the extra pr0 factor as he does in so many of his films. Nine Shabba's Starship Troopers This film has it all. Guns. Aliens. And Tits. Not big ones, but they tease you by having Denise Richards covering hers us. And for those How I Met Your Mother fans, you can knock one out over NPH. It keeps inspiring me to make a Games Workshop diorama with Tyranids and Imperial Guard, which I know I'll end up doing someday. Nine Shabba's A Knight's Tale The addition of old rock music confuses me. Plus The Boys In Back In Town has always annoyed me [rhyming crazy with crazy, it's almost as bad as Robbie Williams], but an entertaining experience. Sadly it's also dragged down by Jocelyn having a plain face, wank acting and no rack. Eight Shabba's
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