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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Lucky bastardsm everyone's getting Visa's.
  2. I voted Conservative, just for the sake of I know the candidate who keeps coming into the pub where I work. I think he has a gambling addiction, so I might rat him out to the press if he gets elected. I voted for them for fun.
  3. Correct! .
  4. I'm yet to see a Jack Bauer joke, could you provide some?
  5. Jugulum: The rack of a rarely seen member here. Maskerade: Fizzy drink made from masks. Abroad: A lady with a six-pack Now, without cheating, can someone tell me the common link where I got the inspiration for those words from?
  6. Technically Jimbob due to the dual Total Recall name inspiration... I know I have another... who beat me last season? I think one team beat me in both times we played.
  7. To be fair, all glory-asswipe football fans do it. My workmate assrams Chelsea, but what really annoys me is when he says "The best team won" when they lose. I know he's lying, he knows he's lying. He'd big them up before/during and then when they get shat on he's trying to scrap what little dignity has has left. Last night I had a Forest supporter bragging to him about the European stars he has on his shirt, whereas Chelsea have none[?]
  8. I have no doubt there's something you want clearing up. My big black ball and blue fluids can help you.
  9. Yes on both counts. Wanna go to London? We can find something Media-related together.
  10. But if you have an issue I will utilise my 8 Ball for you.
  11. I was referring to goaferboy's many questions of life.
  12. Who Framed Roger Rabbit This is certainly not just a kids film, the plot nearly confuses me today. But the "special effects" are fucking genius. All hand-drawn animation and shit moving around in 1988. Bob Hoskins. Jessica Rabbit with a banging rack. This film practically has everything. I can't help but be fucking impressed by what this film does, I wish I knew who Judge Doom really was. Nine Shabba's
  13. Today, with the help of my brother and our next-door neighbour... I recorded the longest Arnie Call by our gringos to date. At a rocking 6 minutes long, it's pure genius, with added "commentary" by us three present. This actually seemed to infect my brother with the Arnie Fever, I returned from work about an hour and a half ago, and he wanted to borrow my DVD of Kindergarten Cop... *sniff*... he's growing up. [Will post when it's finally uploaded to the 'tube] EDIT: 25ish mins later...
  15. At least correllate it between however many towers you're near.
  16. I don't want to hear none of that Jordan-esque crap! Or else...
  17. Pretty much, trying to get a decent job whilst trying to figure out what the hell to do... fact is there's fuck all happening round here and I'm not rolling in monies. Plus the Student Loan People thought it would be nice to send me a reminder about the interest on my student loan mounting up... roughly £13,500... twats.
  18. You seem amazingly troubled. Give me some questions and I will ask my Magic 8 Ball.
  19. Yeah, they keep slamming one on me when I get in the ambulence after having a fit... buggers. [And similar comments] S'what I said about Eternal Darkness[esque] The insanity effects would be much more... logical in how they're implemented.
  20. All the decent choices were taken.
  21. 2 new young players to the Party at Richters Massive.
  22. Has there been something penguin related happening?
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