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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm ashamed at myself as to how I find myself fooled by my brothers bullshit. I mention that since he owes me money I best get it first before he starts getting into "debt" with his mates. However I bullshit myself again... I come home from work and he returns from one of his mates houses I assume, pissed as fuck and I hear him on the phone begging one of his friends to meet him, hook him up with drugs because he's got £50 and whatever. After the call I mention him owing me money [since he has some from his dole money] but now he suddenly owes so many mates money [disregarding the fact he was willing to blow it all on drugs 2 minutes previously] I threatened him with cutting off his internet. Tomorrow I'll repeat the phrase when he's sober to make sure he understands.
  2. Starwing! Now we're talking!
  3. If you distance yourself from the animé and stop expecting it to be so similar the movie doesn't seem that bad. T'was what I did. I knew it would be nothing like DBZ.
  4. I understand how to read it, but it would still take me longer than just looking at an analogue/digital watch. Plus it doesn't have seconds. Disgraceful. I myself am going to waste a massive amount of monies on a Spike coat. Assuming I don't find one ready made beforehand. Anyone know any decent leather coat stockists?
  5. I'm not sure, because I couldn't bring myself to watch it in its entireity.
  6. Not at all. I might be angry you gave Memento a 10 though.
  7. A film called Metropolis. And that is fair enough gringo, I was merely checking. Many of our scores differ. Now come here, embrace the infinite.
  8. Personally I like having a stopwatch, lets me know how long things are in the oven. I won't deny it, it looks pretty, but too much effort to decipher.
  9. But d'ya think there might also be something more at this new job?
  10. For some reason my Firefox won't open pdf's. Thus I have to copy the link to IE, either way it looks crap. On a Starfleet control panel it might fit in. It looks like it'll take you an hour to figure out what time it is to begin with. BlueStar! Does yours work on a similar fashion? What other features does it have? Define.
  11. Did he finally get it on with that chap he loves like a brother, but a brother he wants to have sex with?
  12. When it says "Digivolve into champion" in the Digimon intro, that always gives me the tingles. The way the chap says it. Just thinking about it is giving me little ones. Relive the nostalgia kids.
  13. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington so good it's on twice? When you say Metropolis, do you mean the animé one?
  14. You say the new job is a decrease in responsibility, a step backwards. But that doesn't mean there will be an opportunity for promotion in the future. You've been at your current job long enough to know something isn't coming [?]
  15. Thick As Thieves Lowdown here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1112782/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thick_as_Thieves_(2009_film) Didn't start out very well, but finished off better. A recommended filmings but don't expect anything groundbreaking. Seven Shabba's
  16. It should be the other way around! High School Musical is a modern Grease! But with watered down lyrics! [i assume they're watered down, I've only seen one song]
  17. This sounds very temptedings, will most likely get it. I completed the first, but not the second. Got kinda bored at the time. They should try a game set after Fusion, because Samus was stuck with that "suit" forever?
  18. I almost don't want Boyle to go through, the hype over her is bullshit, and her performance tonight wasn't anything special. EDIT: Gutted.
  19. You inspired it.
  20. Did Darth Jackson do something decent for his audition?
  21. You started it with what you said. And IMDb think the same [Well... they said it first and I copied it]
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