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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I think I might end up investing in some vintage Mighty Max toys... nostalgia calls.
  2. I might be a one-off thing if it actually happened. Who knows, if we started harassing people now it might be done in time for this christmas.
  3. Party At Richters take on old rivals Recall United. Having lost the previous encounter 2-1, can Recall United find the strength to get their asses to Mars?
  4. Everyone's lying, they're not musical at all. They volunteer for N-E Band Aid and then buckle... tres disappointing.
  5. Seems your starter follows you around like a little bitch. Will Arceus be gettable normally in this game?
  6. Ah the good old days... I actually trained a squad to level 100 the natural way.
  7. Is anyone still to send their discs out yet? I haven't recieved my second ch00n fest yet.
  8. "I'm smaht, unlike someone we know" Apparently that movie is on tonight [Red Heat], I'm yet to see it and will sadly be at work. Thankfully my brother has set up the V+ in anticipation.
  9. You might want to have a word with them about that, it might not have been what they were going for. Signing on wasn't bad when I did it. It was just weird seeing some proper pikey chav's there and pitying them, I know that sounds bad for considering myself better than them. But for some of them, I do.
  10. The mystery way you didn't know what was in the box?
  11. A comfortable draw against the Soap Box, although the bastards injured one of my men... the fiends.
  12. Ghostbusters 'Nuff said. Got a sudden urge to watch it at 8 this morning, so did. Ten Shabba's
  13. Which exit music we thinking of here?
  14. 6th in the league... Not bad thus far for my first try.
  15. I'm not anti-weed at all! I'm just not a fan of it.
  16. You're right, I was foolish to imply the existence.
  17. EDIT 15: It's time for Jay and I to settle our differences, both our ringpieces have been traumatised during this terrible ordeal, my day went better because we slept together in perfect harmony: [We both dyed our hair and shaved our pits for this image] We had fun, don't lie Jay. [i've saved the last encounter if you'd like to continue ]
  18. As was I. .
  19. You know you're lying.
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