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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. People seem to enjoy scoring own goals when they play me. It's as if they want me to win.
  2. One first class stamp should be enough you think?
  3. I WILL DO NO SUCH THING! My recepients will be surprised by the music, the list shall be revealed at a later date.
  4. I think the word list we had was a bit shitty at times. "nondescript"... "renaissance" ?!
  5. What does Oak's Letter do again?
  6. I feel I must praise myself for being able to get two Pokémon drawings in to assist with the sketchings.
  7. Just been out for dinner with the Dad's side to celebrate his birthday before he goes on holiday, first time some there met the missus. Decided to wear those small shoes I tried expanding with damp newspaper... it seemed to be ok to begin with, but then I could feel the pain return [the way it originally began too], my little toes feel crushed and the mark on my heel where it seems to be catching me but I don't understand how. Time to try something more drastic, any tips? Peggle is pr0. I played it round my mates house when I went to visit them in Leicester last week. Each time it hits the final orange spot and the classical music starts, I raise me hands in the air slowly to appreciate it. Do I have to join Xbox Live to get it?
  8. According to Bob it's as real as any memory in your head. No bullshitting. Your brain won't know the difference, that's guaranteed, or your money back.
  9. What I think they do is that you get put into a sleep so you're "dreaming" as the memory is being imlpanted. So as that is happening, you are experiencing them. I don't see it being much different from you remembering what you did this morning, you remember experiencing it and that is how your trip to the Mountains of Mars will appear in your mind.
  10. I don't know the details as following football is pr0 boring... But after watching the replays of the controversial moments, I was convinced the ref was being a complete tool.
  11. I hope this bit clears things up. Douglas Quaid: What's in a 2-week package? Bob McClane: Let me tell you Doug, you get nothing but first-class memories. You get a luxury shuttle flight, a suite at the Hilton, a tour around Mars canyons, and of course, Venusville. Douglas Quaid: How real does it seem? Bob McClane: It's as reall as any image inside your head. Douglas Quaid: C'mahn, don't bullshit me. Bob McClane: No. I'm tellin' ya. Your brain won't know the difference, that's guarenteed, or your money back. Douglas Quaid: What about the guy you Lobotomized, did he get a refund?
  12. Had another fit today, didn't help as I had 5 1/2 pints in quick sucession whilst working last night. Went to Macro/Hyperama with Dad and got some Milky Way Crisps and Bacon Flavour Fries, then epi'd it up in front of Dad, my first one he's seen.
  13. Wow... that's all I have to say, that is a feat of engineerings.
  14. It's on my to-do list, I haven't got round to watching it yet.
  15. Wrong. Right. Then you must see the movie to understand this topic completely.
  16. S'fucking stupid. You go into work the next day thinking you saved Hyrule [Actually, not knowing it was a game] You might go into work still wearing the green tunic and hat because the white shirt and plain trousers looked fucking stupid. Tis an interesting theory. Assuming the "events" in Total Recall didn't happen. Would Arnie have sat in a chair for two weeks [He asked what was in the two week package]... and have saved time? You would sit there for an hour and wake up having two weeks implanted... you'd be fucked over disorientated style. Or being there for an hour and having the past two weeks erased, you would've done things and not know about them.
  17. Despite the fact that I don't really like The Beatles, my album cover is going to be heavily inspired by their White Album. EDIT: Just been through my collection quickly, and got a ragtag selection together. Just need to play with the order. As before I've picked some "unfamous" tracks so not everything will be familiar.
  18. What do you think about the possibility of holiday implants etc? Were it to become reality, do you think you would give it a go? Would you be interested in one of the Saturn Cruises [Everybody raves about them], or tell them you're not interested, because you said Mars. One thing which always "bothers" me is the extras [called the Ego-Trip] where they could implant personalities to make your holiday more enjoyable, as shown in Total Recall they have the secret agent extra, but I can't help but feel confused after the "holiday" is over. If an office worked were to go on an normal Rekall holiday it would be ok [i'd say], but if he went as a secret agent [by the time he wakes up he gets the girl, kill the bad guys and save the entire planet. Now, you tell me isn't that worth a measly 300 credits?], and came back a technical killing machine, having secret agent "training" implanted with the extra. Ignoring the fact he may be married. Could it be considered adultery?
  19. I'll pimpsmack it all together tomorrow, I give you my word.
  20. Quick legal question here... Someone seems to have taken a tenner from a till at work, either purposely or by giving too much change by accident. They've asked all of us about it, giving the nice last chance "If it turns up by the end of the week, nothing's going to happen", I had nothing to do with it [not intentionally anyway] so told them to check the camera. One coworker has been caught swiping money a few times before, but said on this occasion apparently that he doesn't want to ruin his job [which begs the question why do it before] [History lesson: Apparently during Christmas he was caught again and was going to be fired on the spot, but wasn't because he's worked there the longest, he could probably shit in the till and give it someone as cashback and not get fired, it's fucking stupid.] I was told if they have to check the camera and if they see someone, the police will be involved, which is fair enough. But my problem comes here, if they don't see anything they're going to take money out of all our wages to compensate for it. Is this legal?
  21. I'm currently using a EEVIL cut version of the Digimon theme. God I'm amazing.
  22. I've just been looking at a press release, which almost implies it's not coming out on Wii/360/DS at all. Only the bottom bit suggests it's not as "exclusive" as previously mentioned.
  23. Demolition Man Again. I couldn't find anything in my DVD folder to peak my interest at that moment and checking my video folder I found what I was seeking, plus I also had random quotes from the film going in and out my head for the past few days. I find it a nice random bit of trivia that Wesley Snipes had to slow down his pimpsmacking moves, since being a pr0 black belt in real life, his movements were too quick for the camera. And how the fuck do the three seashells work. Eight Shabba's
  24. This reminds me, I won £37 on the Sticky 13 at Daddy's pub on Sunday, that weekend seemed to favour my gambling instincts. I may try the casino again on Friday. Maybe Saturday since I'm going to be in town on the night anyway.
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