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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I misread the beginning bit.
  2. The Usual Suspects I think I hyped this film up too much for myself, because it wasn't as "big" as I imagined it to be. The job they did wasn't as big as I expected it to be. It might've been because I was playing Platinum at the time that I might have missed something. On a seperate note.
  3. It was, the "I'm Out" bit sealed the deal for me.
  4. Some lass who had the pleasure of wandering into the N-Europe iSketch room.
  5. It didn't start off drawing dongs every time.
  6. We're in Easy English UK 8 if anyone's interested.
  7. No one on now then?
  8. I got told off by my other boss tonight because of my email to their bosses. They're purposely giving me less hours and still state the rate on the government website is wrong, despite the fact the payslips now have the proper minimum wage. Sarcy comment coming Friday.
  9. I don't think there is a concept where Jay's concerned. [Not dissin' yo' dawg]
  10. If anything's happening when I return from work [about half 11ish no doubt], I'll join in and pimpsmack everyone.
  11. True, most likely by trainers who are pussies, who don't have faith in their 'mon so have to big them up during battles. I remembered my other move Mewtwo had. Hyper Beam. Fucking right doggie.
  12. My Pokémon don't use bullshit stat increasing moves. Not unless it's a byproduct of something which causes massive damage.
  13. I never had much difficulty either, yet it took me a few tried to defeat Candice at Snowpoint Gym again...
  14. I'm kinda ashamed to admit this... but I've never actually gotten to the choppa.
  15. Me neither. Amongst many other "classic" film series.
  16. The Don always has a squad of hoes with him for those special occasions.
  17. It can't be a "new" Nami, otherwise Naomi would be hardly here at all either.
  18. Not to mention the 2 shitty ghost moves mentioned in the Platinum topic. My Mewtwo was amazing. Psychic, Thunder, Blizzard and something else. It might've been recover, but I don't think so.
  19. I've never killed anyone yet, or anal.
  20. Well that's between her and the iSketch Massive who were there.
  21. Roadkill's saucy way of drawing must've influenced me. I drew a regular head towards the end!
  22. The lass enquired what N-Europe was, we merely satisfied her curiousity.
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