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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. No matter with that now. Get to a doctors dammit.
  2. You knew the holiday history of everyone at Thorpe Park? One of us might be in Deep Trouble.
  3. I think 99% of the world would. This "topic" seems to be about escaping swine flu [it's what I was going for when I posted in the How Was Your Day topic], but Wesley and Dan [especially Dan ] have derailed it by drooling over his bulging biceps. So we shall combine them. Ellmeister! How are you planning to escape the swine flu which seems to be on a collision course? If anything. And whilst you're [not] implimenting any plan, will you be looking at a pair of arms that would put a Machamp to shame?
  4. They could do something involving the birth of Carnage and how Venom must stop him.
  5. I've decided to take action against the pub company which has tried ripping me out of proper wages. I've sent them a most formal email.
  6. Talk above about Spiderman 4. Or a Venom spin off movie? Which would be better.
  7. Would've been better in the swine flu topic.
  8. I am always amazed that his arm didn't explode in this scene. And here he is partying with Bennett.
  9. There's only one thing to do... GET TO DA CHOPPAH.
  10. Same as ours, I thought it was the norm.
  11. I went through Red/Blue using only Bulbasaur, it fainted about twice throughout the entire game. It was on about lv.70-75 when I pimpsmacked the Elite Four.
  12. No, because he's a tool. Why it became the source of a sudden internet craze is a mystery to me.
  13. Does anyone else go to a sixth form college where they make you wear uniforms?
  14. Infernape wasn't that bad. Certainly shat on Torterra. But the modern grass starters blow anyway.
  15. All fire starters are the best, Queeeeeeel!
  16. I bought Gold originally. I'm wondering whether I should stay loyal or get Silver, which does have less of a pansy title.
  17. I lost £30 at the casino last night. I'm blaming this black widow bitch dealer who followed me from table to table. I did alright until she showed up.
  18. Got mine too from him, listening to it now. Sound's a bit quiet I warn j00.
  19. Taken from the rate TV shabba topic:
  20. Would you have Benny as your driver? Or Johnny-Cab, modelled on the Doctor from Voyager?
  21. Pick the Pokémon or Nintendo wordset
  22. Watched the last episode of The Inbetweeners. It's a good show, but I'm really not a big fan of the painful to watch moments, and they seem to have added more than usual in this episode.
  23. I know at least one of mine made it last time with one stamp, I might just slam on two for good measure. They shall be sent, cheaply packaged, no case, no cover, no tracklist. Everything will be magical.
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