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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. If you wore one on each wrist, would they cancel each other out? Or double the power?
  2. It's easy to make your own. Get one of those rubber bracelet things you get at clubs. Pinch one of those holograph things you see on Disney DVD's. Bam. Instant balance enhancer.
  3. I've always been a solitary guy. Except on potential Friday/Saturday nights when I may venture out to get pissed. I do like alone time. It amazes me how I've managed to hold on to my girlfriend for this long. Just a day where I can chill, read/paint in "silence". By silence normally meands having a movie on in the background for painting. not while reading, too distracting. I believe I actually got Cabin Fever once, having spent a fortnight at home pretty much doing nothing. Went for a walk which seemed to negate the effects.
  4. I spent a fair bit of time on the shading on this model. Normally I'd semi-drybrush which always left streaky marks. I went back to try and correct some of the worst offending models. I'm considering making some form of diorama if I get the money. Semi-inspired by my idea of having the heads "coming out" of the body, something along the lines of a Daemon "absorbing" an army squad or some shit.
  5. Not a bad film.
  6. The same as dosh and readies.
  7. No items whatsoever? bloody hell. Glad I'm not that bothered about it :p But that's 100% on normal done. I admit to cheating on a few but I'm not sorry.
  8. Movie starts in about 5 mins on Channel Four if anyone is interested.
  9. Would be good but it isn't convincing me too much. Even with the SNES graphics it should really be released on DS. Fuck, GBA would be more logical. But if they're going to proper amp up the graphics like they've done with New Super Mario Bros then it might be worth a look.
  10. And Jesus punished me for it.
  11. I think I am. Anyways. pr0 recap theme. Going to assimilate the thing with Audacity. I'll upload the file if anyone else would like a piece? EDIT: Hell with it. Even if noone wants it. http://www.mediafire.com/file/bc42bw5fqz980hx/Metroid%20Other%20M%20Briefing.mp3
  12. I love that recap music. Might see if I can make it a ringtone. I'd say you're coming close to the end. It's satisfying and annoying that once you get the Shinespark enemies which took the piss can be just spun into hell.
  13. All of them kids smacking everyone with twigs shouting "Expecto Patronum" I feel the bullshit mate. Life isn't as Macktastic as it once was. Monies are tight, the only jobs locally are forklift drivers and high end managerial. We should join forces. Become a freelance panto horse for hire. Shotun front.
  14. Must've been a busy six months then?
  15. Good thing you didn't start there. That would've been silly. You would've had to go all the way to page 37 of 38 to see all the action.
  16. You bastard. I was going to say the exact same thing. One word was different.
  17. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27976 I need to wash away my sin of linking this.
  18. Even with the Piece of Heart style energy tanks? Gotta agree with ye kiddo. I think I was on about... 30-35ish missiles when I completed it. Went through a treasure hunt. Got 94% I think. As a result I had to fight
  19. He does have a point. Noone understands him. They wouldn't want to. *Checks* Jesus... It seems the retard really does have some form or movie coming out. John Cena plays his dad?!?
  20. I think they crushed Nightcrawler with it. Wicked Witch style.
  21. Judge for yourself: Is that Fred douche really like that? I'm too scared to check.
  22. In some cases I agree (like the music topic being broken up into relevant band/artist threads etc), but there are some exceptions. Such as the purchases topic many want back.
  23. Button Monsters! I need backup!
  24. It's all I ever see when I browse the Yahoo news shizzle. Granted I've never been bothered to notice the YouTube ones.
  25. Yes. Yes I have.
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