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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Fuck that, take it to Jeremy Kyle, watch him rant over that.
  2. Smoking. tried it once. Didn't like it. Even tried cigars to see if they were as refined. Didn't like them either [to be fair I couldn't taste them, but they didn't relieve stress or any of that bullshit] so haven't tried them again. This is what bugs me. People who smoke always say "Yeah it tasted disgusting when I first tried it." Why fucking go back? Skip to 6:13 It sounded more like he was amazed by the sheer volumes. Like I am with pretty much every religion in the world. What amazes me is my girlfriend's reaction when we kiss after she's had a cigarette, she knows I don't like the taste and puts on a full sad face. As if it's a new revelation. Sometimes I kiss her directly after eating chocolate to get revenge. Suddenly the tables are turned. I agree. The look of you masturbating and Ine's suprise over your tiny wang must've taken ages :p
  3. Hell yeah. Bollocks to the World Trade Centre. Frasier is where the action is.
  4. So after the 6th you just stopped cleaning?
  5. More than you'll ever know.
  6. Ducks wear remixed Keaton Masks. That's basically it.
  7. I feel your pain gringo. pr0 Man Hugs to the max.
  8. Designation?
  9. Gutted. As soon as I saw Estevez I was expecting the Flying V.
  10. Taking it back to the old school: My favourite is the castle theme around the 6:55 mark. Fucking awesome. I can feel the passion.
  11. Thus the implosion would begin. Would be interesting to see them both reversed though. Retro. Team Ninja. Make it so.
  12. The effects of the Asylum are growing in you. Follow my ways child. A penis? I was expecting some form of ring joke. Also crank up the volume please.
  13. "IS THAT GLASS BULLETPROOF!?" "NO SIR!" *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* Couldn't find a video, so uploaded it meself.
  14. Doesn't mean that there's more to do. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even without the random scanning. Prime would still last longer, and still be better, maybe. But this would be an amazing clash of the technical genres which would blow the universe apart. I'm half tempted to contact Amazon and ask for a refund for some random reason.
  15. I'm sorry, I don't keep up to date with the religion of the celebrity world.
  16. Tis true, one of the best button bashers I've seen. I should play it again sometime soon. Really looking forward to it now. Fire starter all the way.
  17. After only watching 45 seconds? Aim impressed.
  18. I just got a letter from my bank talking about overdraft which is set to expire on the 7th Oct. I'm not sure if I'm reading it right but I'm hoping it's going to be the same as my current.
  19. Give us Weaving as the Red Skull dammit!
  20. Please elaborate.
  21. Everytime I've caught a bit of it, it's been the (I assume) the mum (Who I'm sure I've seen her as an Indian but it seems she's been plastered with white make up), suggesting something which Amstell tries to deny/refuse like a pussy in a quiet voice. Occasionally some other family help the 'mother' and gang against him. I assume it ends up with humourous results?
  22. That's before you smoke it I assume? :p That aside - you've lived on little before Jay, surely there's some tips you can pass on?
  23. You're not pushing the right buttons. Instead of handing in a CV, just send them a copy of this.
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