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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I was expecting more of a negative approach myself, but it isn't touching on the positive aspects. They mentioned how people say it builds reactions/stress reduction etc. But that was in one sentence. I think they're mentioning the WOW deaths now...
  2. Not as much as you may think. At the moment they're pointing out the obvious.
  3. This chap is thousands of pounds in debt, mainly from playing video games. And all he plays is Call of Duty? I assume he's doing a ReZ and buying games for the sake of it.
  4. Read about this on Yahoo this morning, wasn't going to bother watching it but have since changed me mind. Might be interesting.
  5. What I was getting at was if/when someone donates, how do they go about finding you (which you answered in this post) and making their choice of stay/return.
  6. Stay off? Seriously though, how much fiddling is needed to make sure the money goes towards your return instead of someone elses?
  7. It's like when he was at the student "protests" he encouraged people to destroy but stood back himself Anyways, best of luck to ya kiddo, hope you raise some monies.
  8. Don't lie. You lost your charger. :p
  9. You bastard Serebii. Was that on their mobile phones as well?
  10. I agree, but it shouldn't be use you're telling this to. Tell them. Or at least give them the link on their Facebook page, then they can read it on their phone on the go!
  11. Splendid. I'll find the app, add and contact you regarding the game. I must rest now, for I must be up for work in 4 hours. Everytime I see that word it brings this article to my mind and how right it is: http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=epic Not just you. Everyone.
  12. You prepare for the whirlwind. Hong Kong style. I'm on Facebook or Yahoo depending on what you'd prefer. Select your arena. I request a limit on move times. I can't be waiting 10 mins for this chap to move.
  13. At least ReZ didn't ask for any money :p I'll always love ReZ for the random "I thought you were someone else" thingy.
  14. Yeah but I'm guessing the dishes will get broken in transit on their way back from Brazil.
  15. I want to see snow like that. It won't go pass my shoes. And now it's raining, so it'll fuck up the snow and big it up to the slush massive. And no doubt the temperature will drop tonight and remix it into the def-ice crew. The cure? A steady dose of Hoffman.
  16. Just do the cheap thing and put a digital camera in front of your monitor. And get some footage of these tits I've been hearing about.
  17. After reading previous posts like Daft I was expecting something shitty. But was pleasantly surprised.
  18. I'll play. Haven't done so in awhile. That's mainly to the Internet Checkers in the Start menu And on MSN. Once this is done we need to resurrect the Pool Championship.
  19. I had that, except it was on the last N-E meet I was at. I could smell the bullshit the man was spewing the moment he opened his mouth, so decided to lat him carry on his long, long story. Then apologised (I lied!) and said I hadn't any monies (May also have been a lie!) Mainly around Nottingham you get the simple "Change please" people who sit outside shops with a dog (Always a dog).
  20. Being paid to drink some cider. Was informed by my brother about these market research people who were looking for taste testers. Was given four pints of cider and had to mark shizzle on a questionnaire-esque sheet.
  21. Plus you can delete the "update" from your profile page so anyone new will never find it. Mwahaha.
  22. It's not that it'll erase it from the memories from those who have seen it. People of the world untag because it removes the potential for it be in others' memories.
  23. Awesome as he looks, I think people start comparing him to Red Skull when the Captian America film is out. They might avoid using him.
  24. The sky/fairies have listened to my wishes. It's been giving it some zest for a few hours now. May be some potential for another Snowman Orgy.
  25. Lies. It's holding your cider bottle and you know it. Or perhaps a ciggie, did you ever reach a decision about your late night loft window opening mission?
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