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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. It looks like they've painted someone red and blue then lubed him up. And given him steel sole shoes for safety so he doesn't hurt his delicate feet on the hard streets of New York.
  2. Probably a failed joke. If you consider catching a disease from sharing a needle sexual then you must be down with some kinky shit. But if you're wanting to backtrack you need to go all the way back and blame God. He's the mastermind behind it all.
  3. What kind of kinky sex do you get into?
  4. They're impatient fucks. Why can't they wait until they die normally, or at least until this UFO arrives. This is assuming that Applewhite neglected to mention a limit time window to join the aliens.
  5. Depends on the crime. If your "normal" personality knows the nature of the act is wrong they could be more culpable. But if you can prove it you can use a defence of insanity. It can get you off but with a condition of spending an indefinate amount of time in an institution. Many would please guilty to an offence using recklessness and take a longer sentence than consider themselves insane. But as mentioned it does depend on the offence.
  6. Sounds familiar darling :p
  7. Don't be silly. The word fail is rarely used in its intended context on the internet.
  8. I think if you get a bowl of water and make sure the top is frozen, chip a little hole in and pop a little paracetamol* in. Done. Small scale recreation complete. *or something
  9. Looked more akin to sticking a straw into a drink and blowing bubbles compared to actually "blowing" it up. Still nice looking though. Would be awesome to put whatever they did at the bottom of a swimming pool.
  10. Balls to that. If I can I'd be giving more mon in my squad stuff like Earthquake in a jiffy. But it does depend on how amazing these new moves may be. If they focus on lowering stats they can fuck right off.
  11. They both had equal quality to be the worst thing to happen to me that day.
  12. Nomination for the next year forum awards for most misleading topic title.
  13. Just saw the software trailer thing. Should be interesting to see how they implement the 3D ideal from just moving it to see the 3D action to it actually being useful. Because those games shown look like they'd work fine on a normal DS. And Harvest Moon on the SNES was the best one. EDIT: That dude can't play Link's Awakening for shit.
  14. I can vouch he has problems with that.
  15. Depends what part of the world we're talking about. Stolen from the Wiki: 10 December 2010 (2010-12-10) (United States) 7 January 2011 (2011-01-07) (United Kingdom) If we're running on Yankyland time, then by all means it's a 2010 film. But if you're a proud member of The United Kingdom you will take it as a 2011 film. S'up to you.
  16. True, but it does affect how one decides to see a film. Maybe it's got all these cinematic pieces which do wonders to the soul, and one day I may go see it. But as far as I'm aware at the moment it's about a king with a speech impediment. I'm not really inclined to delve more into the sub/plot when the face value doesn't really appeal.
  17. It's something I've had to live with for years.
  18. I concur. You can try, you'll get many people wanting a London meet for some reason.
  19. From what I've gathered. The King has a stutter. I must spend two hours [ish] knowing how he resolved it. All in all, not the best inspiration to visit the cinema.
  20. I'm sure a train driver would feel the same each time he walked into the "cockpit" of each train he commanded. Would this time be different? Would someone else jump in front of me? Why don't I?
  21. Cheese and salt 'n vinegar crisp sandwiches are amazing. French fries sandwiches... Then it gets really confusing.
  22. Fuck no. EASSIDE IS DE BEST.
  23. I'm starting to develop the cold symptoms... again. Our fucking heating's been out for a few days now.
  24. The Tzeentch Chaos Space Marines have an Egyptian motif. I'm already "planning" my Pokémon themed battle. I'm just wondering which starters to go with. The original ones would be the easiest to recognise. It's just a case of finding the right model which looks similar.
  25. Have a P Wing tattoo next time. It should last forever.
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