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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Recieved my Secure Key today from the bank. Specifically designed to make logging onto internet banking ten times the pain in the arse that it is normally.
  2. Same here, I've only watched part one and wondering if there's any point watching the others.
  3. I only noticed you saying that halfway through the next image, I was busy drawing!
  4. Where from/how much? If you're not feeling it I could take it off your hands.
  5. Did anyone save my baboon image? I didn't have time.
  6. I'm on my way bitches!
  7. Meanie....
  8. Who will die tonight? PRACE YOUR BETS NAAAOOOWW!!
  9. So I made Cube target Esequiel then?
  10. You'll get 3DS owners going "The fuck?!"
  11. Jay passed it to me, I've now transferred it to Coolness.
  12. I requested that Peeps be redirected to Esequiel. I know not if that happened.
  13. For which night? I'm truly offended. As far as I'm aware I'm the only one who has revealed their role and the majority of their activity.
  14. Because it helps to answer the question if you have more info. Plus I'm a considerate guy.
  15. Very true, also depends on your definition of a celebrity also. The party organizers should've thought of that.
  16. Especially when compared to pr0ness of Antz.
  17. Stopping reeling it in when it's out of the water and unable to offer any resistance... helps?
  18. Just come as Peter Falk, the fact that you'd be dressed as Peter Falk on a day when he was filming Columbo would be a massive coincidence. It would make a shitload more sense than saying you came as your country's economy.
  19. Very popular celebrities right there.
  20. Well after someone pointed out Karma was Asian, I'm assuming that makes me one of the Asian chicks mentioned. I choose someone to be redirected to another, not a random thing.
  21. Awesome, I went back through about ten pages to no avail
  22. Does anyone know where to find that mardy "I don't want to talk about it" Facebook image thing? I've tried finding it here but haven't had much luck.
  23. What question would you like answering first?
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