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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Because it's awesome, that's why most of them sing in English. And why the Japanese ram in English words all over the place. I'm half inspired to buy the album of Eurovision this year, there were some really good songs going.
  2. Just got back from the Making of Harry Potter tour, so much shizzle to see/hear. Got a nice Slytherin T-shirt and pillow from the overpriced memorabilia giftshop.
  3. Preordered! O_O Might be able to do some deals together, got any spare Accelgors/Heatmor?
  4. No ReZ, I'd like to hear more about this unique job opportunity you're constantly flaunting on Twitter please.
  5. Same here, it was a quality game.
  6. Exactly Bard. Maybe, but in an acceptable direction. Instead of acting a twat and my parents arguing over what to do about him, he'll be spending time readding 1000ish friends. Yes, he'll be angry at me but that's fine. He came home not long ago to find this: "What did you do?" "Oh, you mean the picture thing?" "Yeah, but all my friends are gone!" "You don't think I deleted them all?" Then he went off in a huff. I'll let him know the truth tomorrow.
  7. I've only just started the third tower, but died twice so got bored. Since I stopped to play Tales of Graces it seems harder than I remember. I just don't seem to be that great at evading attacks. As soon as two enemies corner me I can't do shit.
  8. Because it normally warrants a fair amount of shouting (and him saying sorry for the hundredth time which normally preludes him doing it again) which is putting strain on Mummy's/step dad's marriage. And that affects me greatly.
  9. As I technically promised my brother, another bullshit violation would result in a major inconvenient punishment for him. Since [once again] he thought it appropriate to ask for one-two cans of beer from my stepdad and then take an entire crate round to his mates house. So I'm deleting all his friends from Facebook. Apparently just deactivating it is easier to get back.
  10. Yeah, when stacking the supplements at work I saw first he was bad, then it was in remission, then it came back and he blamed karma since he was so successful as a musician*, but he did do some nice work. I shall play Chain Reaction in his memory. *I'm not kidding.
  11. Oooh, might have to pick one up for meself.
  12. That's quite a saving, where did you get it from? [Why not from the cheapest place you found?]
  13. How much? .
  14. And you can do all that zooming thing where you pull your fingers apart?
  15. Word, a fine ending for the series [the main bunch bit, I'm sure they'll churn out a few ones with random Stifler members again]
  16. I've been looking at this also and since I'm getting impatient I may go for this handset. What's the browsing quality like?
  17. Wouldn't know my Star Trek timelines, but I was wondering who else was going to pick up on that disgusting Pot Noodle mistake.
  18. I gave it a little more investigation and it's one of those "get shitloads of money working from home, but before we start you off - we need about tree-fiddy"
  19. Oooh, let's get Frag Grimes back in on the action. I loved his picture.
  21. Two packs [since they come in 32's] of these bad boys for the upcoming Nationals Tournament:
  22. pr0. So when's the next one? This one went rather smoothly.
  23. 9/11 killed her apparently.
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