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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. If by hype, you mean they provided me with thoughts of "shut the fuck up", then yes. They certainly handed me a ticket for the hype train. Choo-choo.
  2. Not entirely true. You could have the giant horn on the gamepad and have a tiny map and tiny off-tv play screen. It's not ideal though :P
  3. I've only seen the 41 seconds that made up the reaction to the Mega Man Final Smash and the commentator ejaculating has already put me off watching any more. I'm not sure what it is about the Smash Bros. series which seems to make American males constantly shout out the names of characters (See the Pokémon character reveal when Mewtwo was uttered approx. 2000 times), but Nintendo need to make some sort of patch to stop the effect.
  4. There's a fine line between "that's how Mario Kart is" and "getting fisted into a position that you can't return from".
  5. Not really, but to be honest I don't really go for the new game + on any game. Tried it on Tales of Graces f once, but then my PS3 needed to have its memory wiped when it was fixed and didn't bother again.
  6. Aye, the S3 has done me well, had it since release and then cracked the screen a few months after. So I'm impressed I managed to last til the end of my contract before getting a new one. Now to see if I can pawn it off to someone...
  7. Is that what you call it over there? You sly bastard.
  8. Do you mean S2 as a Galaxy S2, or a mistyped Z2?
  9. Right then, see if any of yo' peeps can clarify this for me...
  10. New moblee! Was going to go for a Galaxy S5 (upgrading from my S3) but was convinced by coworker at the Phone Shop the Xperia Z2 was pretty much just as good and cheaper a month. No more cracked screen!
  11. I hope the job comes with a badge saying this.
  12. Completed this last night, phew, those last battles sure take their time. There seemed to be a few holes missing from the story (which may be due to a large gap in non-playage), I'll mention them when I get home from work.
  13. It's good until everyone gets to level 8-9, then the backstabbing begins and it can take awhile. Other games I've played: Pathfinder, Space Team Cadet (or something like that), Castle Panic, Mansions of Madness, Last Night on Earth, Invaders from Outer Space (Same as Last Night but martians instead of Zombies), Hero Quest, Dreadfleet, Bang, Sopio, We Haven't Even Playtested This, Also have Karaokards.
  14. I go to a Monday night gamers thing every week-ish at a local pub where we play various games and get drunk whilst we're at it. I myself have - Zombie Fluxx, Oz Fluxx, Munchkin Deluxe, Pathfinder Munchkin, Elder Sign, Tsuro, Dominion, Cards Against Humanity, Super Dungeon Explore
  15. I think I'll get back into mine now...
  16. Did you get asked any of these questions? http://www.27bslash6.com/interviews.html
  17. I like some of the tracks, mainly Thwomp's Ruin, Bowser's Castle and Grumble Volcano, but they alone don't make this an essential keep for me. To be honest the anti-gravity is just a massive gimmick which you only really notice when you can sneak a glance at the landscape and find it upside down. What I'm not a fan of the weird bump boost thing, it just makes no sense. Tried that once, didn't do a bloody thing. Wouldn't mind trying a league night with no items at all.
  18. Yes, but I'm willing to be that the DLC won't be worth keeping the game for. The game will still be the same. 1) I discovered the online racing blew before the league 2) Not that bothered about losing the league 3) The nice "you'll be playing against people with the same score as you" I can imagine will alienate the bottom half of the table.
  19. I mean it more about what they were coming out with.
  20. Same here. I can't even be bothered to go for three stars on 150cc, I haven't unlocked the Mirror Cup, but I'm just not feeling enthusiasm for the game. I think I'll take it down to Grainger tomorrow (including the nice Turtle Bay headset they convinced me to buy which I used once.)
  21. We were practically told this, and we all know how that ended up. The Lord of The Rings. Why does no one bitch about Sauron not getting action?
  23. That's what I was thinking, and it's still just as bad. I can't imagine what the system would be like for selecting/switching out items before each dungeon but I can imagine it would get very boring very quickly for the sake of a few Skulltula etc. Not to mention the fapping around getting to them in the first place (This is going on a random assumption that the dungeon will reset itself when entered with a new combination)
  24. A small tweak. Very happy the original comes with it, means I don't have to hook my 360 back up to play it again before lé sequel. Still prefer her with long hair though.
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