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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. And now announced to be on PC too! OooooOOOOoooh... Meché... S'all I really remember of the game to be honest.
  2. MEGA METAGROSS. IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME. His bad ass should've been one of the first Mega evolutions.
  3. There's no doubt he will be playable if he's in there. There's no way they'd have such a recognizeable character in a Dynasty Warriors type game and not be playable. Anyone who thinks the roster will be all goodies is kidding themselves.
  4. Returned the Turtle Beach headset I bought for Mario Kart which I used once and not sure if it even worked, and used the last of my trade in monies, so only cost me £4.
  5. Vote: Cube
  6. Too clumsy to play with, sure, you could power it up in about 2-3 turns minimum and it would be unstoppable. But you wouldn't get it to last long enough to fire off enough attacks to make it worth the effort. The dragon type one is even more stupid: It's weird that the English Mega EX cards have Japanese text where it's English on the Japanese one. Whereas the attack in English isn't Gangan Punch, but Wham Bam Punch. Far less awesome. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTEyOFg4MTY=/z/scEAAMXQeW5TaiqF/$_35.JPG
  7. Called it.
  8. http://www.fangamer.com/collections/keychains
  9. Pfft, such caveman methods. It's all about cardboard now.
  10. ... What the fuck was that? You should link us to that instead.
  11. It's like a gay pride parade at your fingertips.
  12. That reminds me, I gotta flog my M Charizard EX on the Ebay: Number 107 out of 106. I'm down with that, my girlfriend can gimme the transport I need, it didn't take me long to get her hooked into the game shortly after we started going out. We're both Pokémon Professors (http://www.pokemon.com/uk/play-pokemon/organize/become-a-professor/) If any of you peeps feel like joining us, we go to a league at our local game shop Tuesday afternoons/evenings and the occasional Sunday afternoon for a mini tournament. Although they're not having one this week because of a fucking Magic pre-release. OOOOH! Get the basics down and come down for the new set pre-release on August 2-3. Whoever gets a Lucario EX is gonna dominate.
  13. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/ Luckily it was on the Humble Bundle about a month ago on da cheaps.
  14. Vote: Cube
  15. Dragon types as its own card colour only came about in 2012 in the Dragons Exhalted set. Instead of a vague type related to its secondary type (Kingdra being water/Hydreigon being Dark/Dragonite being colourless etc). The ballache is that they don't have their own energy card. Instead they have stupid energy costs for their attacks. Luckily I have it alright with Garchomp as I run these in my deck http://cartamagicastore.com/image/cache/data/pokemon-dragons-collide/118-blend-energy-wlfm-500x500.jpg Here's some examples: Druddigon:http://www.pidgi.net/press/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Dragon-Vault_Druddigon-card.png Giratina: http://media.pocketmonsters.net/imageboard/30/13402347800093.png Salamence: http://940ee6dce6677fa01d25-0f55c9129972ac85d6b1f4e703468e6b.r99.cf2.rackcdn.com/products/pictures/819223.jpg Flygon: http://cartamagicastore.com/image/cache/data/pokemon/boundaries-crossed/99-flygon-500x500.jpg Unless you have some sort of energy accelration, it's near impossible to play some of these cards. As opposed to Fairy types which got their own energy the moment they were released in the X&Y set. Aint they pretty.
  16. I bought an RPG Maker for all that Bro
  17. @Cube, when you made your post which said "I can't explain an ability that I don't have" you were lying. Why would you decieve us so?
  18. As a current player of the TCG circuit, seeing these old cards makes me nostalgic because I own many of them, but saddened over how crap they used to be. Low HP, high cost attacks which don't do much. Here is the main two cards of my current two decks: Have Altaria's on your bench to boost Garchomp's attack, which are easily findable due to Gabite's Ability: http://www.sixprizes.com/wp-content/uploads/433px-GabiteDragonsExalted89.jpg Other deck: Have Accelgor use Deck and Cover, put Trevenant in the active position and watch the opponent squirm.
  19. Decided to go more serious:
  20. Where from? Both feengs!
  21. Fantastic. Another tacked on thing I won't be bothering with.
  22. That's right, you swing the gamepad around your head in off TV play.
  23. Maybe Ghirahim will do the same.
  25. Then link her to Meatspin or Rickroll her,
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