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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Launch trailer: According to the E-shop, it's out 20-09, but I've got the shipping notice for my copy (CE). It's one of the 3 "big" games I chose for this month, skipping the likes of Zelda and Ni no Kuni (for now).
  2. Edit: Oh and:
  3. Also getting a physical release from Limited Run. I.. actually have this game on Steam but never played it. Prehaps it's time haha (well, with all the games.. No it isn't).
  4. @GenericAperson, not going to spam the other thread, so I'll continue here.. I may have more to say, but for now, read this: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/beyond-basics/how-build-mana-curve-2017-05-18 I didn't name a specific card, but with cheap direct damage spell I meant something 1-drop. Things look different in Gatherer.. Did the formats rotate? I haven't kept up with the news. I think it was simply shock, but I've seen other cards that could be interesting in your deck. But shock is simple. You can get rid of cheap creatures, but more importantly, you also have the option to ping your opponent while simultaneously feeding those spitfires. And yes, those drakes are a good addition, this is indirectly also why you need shocks, eventhough they don't do much damage on their own. They're so cheap you can easily fill your graveyard with them, so they synergize with those drakes as well. I wouldn't put 4 of those drakes in your deck no, gut feeling tells me 2. Maybe you'd like this one as well. https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=452942 There were a few others that were interesting.
  5. The update also changed some of the dialogue on bernie's support scenes.. Big <sigh>
  6. I think I'll pick Sobble actually. I've already pre-ordered the game, but I'm seeing bundles here that come with plushies for 5 euros more. So I may upgrade and get the Sobble one.
  7. Fun Japanese pre-order bonus if you feel like (forward) importing. https://www.pokemoncenter-online.com/?lp=official&main_page=product_list&keyword=『ポケットモンスター_ソード・シールド』予約&utm_campaign=official_0708&utm_source=official&utm_medium=referral
  8. Did you change the comment system on the frontpage to Disqus? I'd swear there was a native comment system before.
  9. I can definitely find some uses for those faceplates and middlefinger..
  10. In fact, there was something I wanted to post there as well.
  11. Date for the Witcher seems to be 17-12-2019. Dark Crystal is very cool by the way.
  12. Brilliant concept.. Now let's hope it works. I've tried Fitness Boxing for a month, but didn't feel like I made progress. I'll definitely give it a try, and may even buy it day 1 in October, the new September.
  13. I'll skip this one though, but I'd happily buy and play a port of SOMA.
  14. Started a free trial of Disney+. I have very little interest in it, but since I'm interested in new media developments in general, and since it's free.. doesn't hurt to try. See some stuff that used to be available on Netflix, few things I've never could officially watch before (can now watch Agents of Shields for example), and lots of stuff I'm not interested in (Star Wars, because Star Wars is shit, and Marvel films, because I see those in cinema). Not going to watch anything now, but I think I'll start off with Steamboat Willie later. That seems appropriate.
  15. Trailer for One-way ticket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHerwbhHtE0 Apparently I can't embed this one. Made by a Chinese studio, and apparently loosely based on real events.
  16. 19-09-2019 Sure, you're late to the party, but add it to the pile anyway. Great song though. I'm very interested in the soundtrack (I heard something about singles being sold on PAX..) I may make an exception for this one (as in, may buy it digitally right away instead of waiting for any news on a physical release).
  17. Looking forward to that update then. Together with @GenericAperson posts about cardgames, I'm getting that itch again. @GenericAperson, you should look into this game if you haven't already.. Just a one-time purchase, and single player experience, but plenty of deckbuilding.
  18. Had a quick look.. In case you're interested: I did get lucky though. I find robot dude's starting artifact not that useful compared to the other 2.. So it's the only one I tend to exchange for a boss relic when I get the opportunity at the start.. This time that got me a Black Star right from the beginning, that's insane. Edit: I see they're working on a 4th character.
  19. I'm not going to bother with ascensions (much). I'll try to get the "normal ending" at one point, but for now I had my fun with it. I forgot what my (succesful) decks were (though obviously I can simply check). I found the robot guy to be the hardest to get to grips with. Tried several things, but couldn't get it to work. I think in the end I suddenly bashed everyone with a build that gave me ridiculous amount of energy, using those plasma orbs. My turns lasted for a while near the end.
  20. @nekunando posted this on Discord as well. @dazzybee has a server (or whatever you call it), and a bunch of us are on there.
  21. Like I said on Discord: I can't remember. I deleted all of them while making space for other stuff. It's probably Zelda though. There's a small possibility my brother made the first screenshot actually. This is the first I tweeted: @Kav so also something bear related haha. But weird that's a tweet from June. Didn't bother tweeting screenshoyts before apparently. My Switch is the reason I'm active on Twitter nowadays anyway. Anyway.. First games of September.. I'll give them a quick go tonight, but then it's back to Astral Chain. I think I heard Momodora is short, so I may be able to fit that one somewhere this month. Or at least earlier than December.
  22. Didn't comment on this yet, so here you go: I love it. I.. didn't actually manage to finish FE in time before Astral Chain.. The first track is I think the extended version of the main theme which I haven't unlocked in-game yet. The Japanese version wasn't on the USB thingy at all, extended or not.. so I bought this single. 2nd song is.. some chill remix of the main theme, don't know if it's also part of the ost, or a special remix for this single. 3rd song (and I assume the 4th as well) is just one of the singer's own songs. Her first single actually, as far as I understand. I love it actually.. Here it is: I haven't checked out the DVD yet, but I won't understand it anyway.
  23. Sorry wrong video. 15-10-2019 Opening up a thread to gauge interest. I think I'm getting it, but not sure when.. I hear something about an actual (Japanese) physical release after launch, plus October is the new September. Not sure if I'd get around to it. That said, as a multiplayer title, I may get it sooner and digitally anyway. Though there's also Ghostbusters for the online action in October..
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