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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yeah, the end to the Klingon war was disappointing. That said, I loved the "epilogue" part of the episode. And I liked the season overall. Can't wait to see who the additions to the cast will be. At the very least, there seems to be a new captain, though Saru should be perfect for that position. But I'd also like to see more of the other crewmembers. That's so far my only complaint about the show, especially compared to other Star Trek shows. The previous Star Trek shows were always ensemble shows. With most crewmembers getting a chance to shine, but in Discovery, the focus was only on a few.
  2. It's a good thing you can bring your Switch with you then!
  3. On the contrary, I think it is. Despite the controls, Doom was a very enjoyable experience for me, since "not being able to aim" rarely felt like a handicap, in single player and on normal difficulty. For a few reasons. The most important reason is that Doom, in contrast to the average FPS game, puts a huge emphasis on movement. It's as much a platformer as it is an FPS game. In fact, I'd say movement is much more important than being able to aim. This a things it has in common with the Metroid Prime games. While the default controls were shit for aiming for someone like me, they were excellent for movement. The problem comes when enemies come into play. In Doom, the average enemy gets bigger and bigger, and behave more predictable. A lot of enemies like to get in your face, which ironically, is usually where you want them. And the bigger they are, the bigger a target they become, which obviously helps when you can't aim. And lastly: melee attacks. Why shoot when you can simply crack some skulls open. I almost never used guns on imps and most zombies, and even hell razers and possessed soldiers were often beaten to death, depending on the circumstances. In the Metroid Prime games, while it obviously has its share of huge enemies, the average enemy you will encounter remains small, there are more enemies compared to Doom that like to stay at a distance and shoot you, and more of them are airborn. In other words, being able to aim is more important in Metroid Prime than it is in Doom. And you can't punch something in an emergency. The only difference to its benefit, and maybe its only saving grace, is the lock on feature. With motion controls, I wouldn't be needing it, with dual stick controls, I can't imagine being able to play the game without it. @dwarf, I don't see why single stick is seen as limiting. While I love (well implemented) motion controls, mouse and keyboard remains superior. I have never felt the need for analogue movement. There are only 4 directions I want to move in, and only at 2 speeds at most. And in Doom in particular there's never even a reason to walk. I tried using left-handed controls in Doom, but this isn't the same as N64 controls (plus it has its own quirks). My right thumb just isn't trained for delicate stick control, and never will be. I don't want to and simply can't use the right stick for anything more involving than camera movement. This is also why I'm most likely not getting Wolfenstein for Switch, despite having enjoyed Doom. Wolfenstein is not a platformer.
  4. Yeah, global warming put an end to that.
  5. Yeah, no "traditional dual stick" controls for me please. Doom has confirmed for me I can't use them. Motion controls, Gamecube controls, or N64 style FPS controls.
  6. How bizarre. We call ours a Sméagol. What's bizarre is I'm never drunk, but can't drive for shit anyway. Never let me drive you is what I'm saying.
  7. I'm a high-functioning alcoholic. Are you great at driving under influence as well? Fun fact: A designated driver is called a "Bob" in Dutch.
  8. You don't sound drunk at all.
  9. In my opinion one of the cooler ones, and one you get from a sidequest rather than a random core.
  10. Oh and this is late, but, for those who haven't seen it:
  11. I'll dedifinitely be online tonight (unless no one else is), but not sure what time. Probably around 22:00 CET / 21:00 UK.
  12. Couldn't wait until March?
  13. I do miss it, but I have no desire to read a bunch of books about it.
  14. Was it a mess? I thought it was cancelled for being Star Wars. Anyway, I have no strong feelings one way or another about Bandai or Namco doing Metroid Prime 4 yet, I'll just wait and see if this new team can deliver.
  15. I think I'll do some Googling too.
  16. I don't really see the point of a new game plus honestly. Once I get back to the game, I'll finish the remaining sidequests, and collect the final blades, and defeat those supermonsters, all in the same playthough. Unless the game features slightly altered story content to reflect all the weird additions, speaking of which,
  17. Looking forward to Black Lightning Dynamite Panther next week.
  18. I'd like to get some games going tonight, but not sure if I have the time. I haven't played in a while, and I need to check out the new map. At the very least, we should talk about the upcoming Splatfest.. Like always, I'll try to be online Saturday evening, but no guarantees. For the first time since cake vs icecream, I'm with Marina on this one. I like pickles / gherkins on my hamburger. Though I also like them without. I like them in various configurations. But I like them so I'm going to vote in favour.
  19. No.
  20. So they basically devalued my gold coins before I got to even use them. I've bought as many games as I could, both digital and physical, and I'm not even able to buy an average indie game from the E-shop. They should increase the discount, not the number of coins you get!
  21. I don't like how this has such a complicated relation to the MCU. I mean, get it over with, and decide whether it's fully part of the MCU or not. I think I read Tom Holland may show up, but if he does, I don't know what to think of that. If they do make it part of the MCU, It could be a win-win. It seems he's a bit of an anti-hero in this one, he could a full antagonist for a Spider-man film, one who had a whole film dedicated to him, and therefore has an actual backstory. He could be the best MCU villain to date. Anyway, I like the character (I think, I miraculously have actually never seen him in action), I love Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams, I'll go see it anyway. I'd like to see Sony dance around the MCU.
  22. Does anyone have an opinion on that Kakegurui that's on Netflix? I've got the feeling it's popular, though it doesn't seem like something I'd like.
  23. Hopefully we can get some quality back with the Netflix Marvel shows. I have yet to finish punisher, which was an absolute chore to watch.
  24. Good. Guess I'll be skipping the digital version this month in that case (and good that I haven't pre-ordered it yet). I'm a bit annoyed by the physical releases of indie games long after their digital release.. I vowed to get as many physical versions possible, but I'm not sure if I'll buy the likes of Wonderboy and Overcooked, for example. I mean, I want them, but money's also better spent on other things.
  25. Ehm yeah.. So about Cloverfield: it isn't good.
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