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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I'm sure it does, but I'm not buying a 4K TV / monitor and player anytime soon! When I do though, it'll be the first thing I watch.
  2. Oh sure, subjectively, I'd probably prefer this over Fortnite or Pubg.. Purely because of the Titanfall setting and because I absolutely hate building in Fortnite.. But objectively I can't see a reason for Fortnite players to give this a try. Then again I may also end up in tears if I ever consider playing it, because it's no Titanfall 3. Anyway, I doubt it will run and I don't have the space anyway. If it ever appears on Switch I might give it a go.
  3. <yawn> If they actually included the stuff that makes Titanfall fun, this could have been interesting. Now this does even less than Fortnite does. There is no reason for this game to exist, and it's going to bomb. It will last a year max.
  4. I'll save the t-shirt for later, I blew 500 euros on a film festival. And I received the following in January: Like I said in the film 2018 thread.. One cut of the dead is my favourite film of 2018. And it had just been released in the UK, you can buy it on Amazon, check it out people! I'm buying an extra UK copy for convenience. The Japanese version doesn't have subs. The blu-ray release is actually new in japan as well, and this is my first ever first press release! Got my first clear file as a bonus! I don't know what to do with it! Your name is the super ultra deluxe 5 disc set, including an ultra HD blu-ray which I can't use yet. I also received these from Big Bad Toy store:
  5. Yeah I was considering opening a thread when I first heard it, before the extra details were known (apparently). I did know about no Titans, but not the title or the planned teaser. Title would have been "Titanfall Battle Royale" and content would have been this sole smiley:
  6. Since apparently it's on CBS all access, maybe Netflix will bring it over here in Europe.
  7. I think you forget to take inflation into account. While I find this whole discussion boring, fact is suggested retail prices are lower than in the past, except for PC games, if we're talking base games. I have never payed less than 129 guilders for new N64 games, roughly 65 euros. Most were 149. I have never payed more than 60 euros for Switch games, with most "big games" costing 55 or 50. Of course, that's not necessarily the suggested retail price, which often is 60, but you make the distinction yourself, and it's still cheaper. NES games were the same (missed the SNES period back then), if I got a game for (much) cheaper, it was because the games were older and / or they needed to get rid them because it was the older generation and they weren't selling well with the SNES out. Some prices were even much higher than 129, even back in the NES days. Batman for NES went for 189 guilders I believe. That's roughly 95 euros. So roughly 95 pounds as well nowadays. Exception is the price for PC games like I said, they have always been cheaper than console games, but publishers found an easy way to ask for more money by matching prices for PC games with their console counterparts. This is even more stupid than the "Switch tax". I refuse to pay such prices out of principle, luckily at least one store often has day 1 discounts were they simply use the old pricing for PC games. Go online and you pay the premium for pre-orders. To give you the numbers, PC games have tradionally been 99 guilders or 50 euros, but are often sold for 60 euros nowadays. I wonder with how much success, since discounts happen more often and more quickly as well. Then is the dlc issue someone mentioned, which you also need to take into account of course, if you want to compare money spent on games, but don't forget we had expansion packs back then as well. Price for those was 30 euros, though I can't remember the guilder price for those. Maybe there is a sticker on my Firestorm expansion for Tiberian Sun, I'll have a look later.
  8. Done with the film festival, I sampled 4 new series today by watching their first episodes. Nightflyers was one I was interested in, but the first episode is disappointing. It's pretty bad. It looks like they just stuffed in one scifi / horror cliché after another. I'll continue watching for now, to see if it improves, but I suspect it's not a show worth your time. Next up was Russian doll as mentioned by @DriftKaiser. Somewhat similar concept as Happy Death day, except as a series, and Natasha Lyonne's character doesn't necesarrily get murdered. It also has a totally different vibe and sense of humour. And as a series, it will be able to explore some side characters. I like it so far. Then there's Always a witch / Siempre Bruja, something that simply caught my eye on the homepage. A Colombian show about a time traveling witch. That sounded awesome, but I found it a bit disappointing. Pacing is a bit too fast, with lots of quick flashbacks in the first episode, and not enough time to show Carmen adjusting to our time. Carmen is a witch from the 17th century who traveled to our time with a mission after being burned on the stake. It feels too cheap and small-scaled. Kingdom is the Korean zombie period drama I've been trying to hype here. So far it's living up to my expectations. Exciting, great atmosphere, intrigue and good build-up. That's why I'm going to watch episode 2 right away.
  9. You forget the only significant thing: blocking online multiplayer for non-subscribers.
  10. Pics will have to wait. I'm fucking dead after being awake since 11:00 O'clock yesterday, watching some films, watching Star Trek while waiting for my remote to charge (totally didn't take that into account), then a marathon of season 1 of l'Amica geniale. And little sleep in general this week. Tired is what I am. Anyway, first up the stuff that was already there: Wiiware My life as a king (+ all the dlc) Lost winds 1 Lost winds 2 Megaman 9 (+ all the dlc) Megaman 10 Bomberman Blast World of Goo Swords and Soldiers Onslaught Texas hold'em poker Texas hold'em tournament Virtual Console Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (NES) Kid Icarus (NES) Double Dragon (NES) Bio Miracle (NES) Super Mario World (SNES) Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Chrono Trigger (SNES) Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SNES) DoReMi Fantasy (SNES) Sin & Punishment (N64) Wonderboy (Sega Master System) Wonderboy in Monsterland (Sega Master System) Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Megadrive) Earthworm Jim (Sega Megadrive) Streets of Rage 2 (Sega Megadrive) Toejam & Earl (Sega Megadrive) R-Type (Turbo GraphX) Cho Aniki (Turbo GraphX) Bomberman '93 (Turbo GraphX) King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo) Impossible Mission (Commodore 64) And to this collection I added last night (though Chrono Trigger and Zelda were bought from the same Wii points added in march): Wiiware NyxQuest Tomena Sanner Gradius Rebirth Megaman 10 Bass dlc Virtual Console Ufouria (NES) Zombies ate my neighbours (SNES) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Turbo GraphX) Some notes: I managed to spend all the Wii points I had left: 4500. Now I wish I had more to spend, but I didn't have a grand plan back in March when I added those points. I postponed everything, except for Zelda apparently, I was surprised I had already downloaded that one last year. Now in hindsight pretty stupid of course, and 800 Wii points I could've better spent on some other games. I intended to get all the MM10 dlc as well, and started with that. Got the extra character, but endless mode didn't sounds appealing, and I didn't know what those special stages entailed. So I decided to leave it at that, and buy them if I have otherwise unusable wii points left at the end. But I didn't. Also, Googling them now, those special stages actually look pretty cool, so maybe I should have gotten. Now it will forever remain an "incomplete" game, though I intend to get the collections some day. NyxQuest because I wanted another "Wiiware" classic, even if it's available elsewhere nowadays. Tomena Sanner because Haven't tried it yet though (but haven't tried most of them, I had to go). Zombies ate my neighbours because Lucasarts and therefore not available elsewhere except for a 2nd hand cartridge. And because it always looked like fun back in the day Castlevania Rondo as opposed to rebirth because not enough points for both and Google suggested this one. Plus still pretty rare apparently. Had a real quick go, looks pretty cool Ufouria because someone else brought it up in another thread (forgot who and where), and looked like fun. Played a tiny bit.. And I don't know how to kill the enemies! Then I had 600 points left, and various options. Could complete MM10 like initially intended, could go one of the art style games. Could go for a "normal" game. Was considering Alex Kidd in miracle world for nostalgia reasons for example. Then I noticed Gradius rebirth was cheaper than other reborth games, in fac it was exactly 600, so I decided to get a least one representation of the rebirth games. Played a little bit. Not sure if I actually played any Gradius back in the day.. I'm more familiar with Parodius, and Gradius NES is freshest in my mind. Still, fun to compare the two versions. Balance was completely different, and there were little changes in level 1. If I did more research last year, I would have added more points to get more stuff. All the MM10 dlc of course, but also maybe Mylon just to have both games on the system and another are game in general. Earthworm Jim 2 likewise just to have them both on the system. Maybe all of the rebirth games, though I'm not sure if I need both Rondo and rebirth. Maybe more representations of the other systems in general. Fortunately I have at least on of each (available in Europe). Of course all the NeoGeo fighters are obsolete now, plus lots of other VC and wiiware games. Ehh, it's a nice mix overall. Redownloaded the few titles that were missing from the system at that moment. The lone Commodore title for example, which weren't available to buy anymore. I'll delete and redownload a few more just to make sure I have the latests versions. The shop complains about updates for a few titles, because it can't check the versions of games on the SD card (or whether they're there at all).
  11. Guess which bad boy postponed this until the absolute very last minute? Living on the edge! I'll post pics and a list tonight or after the weekend.
  12. Hope you won't regret this in 10 years time. Also what's with the retro avatar (yes I consider it retro at this point )?
  13. Not quite a song "I'm really into at the moment", but yesterday I saw a very interesting documentary about these girls. The documentary is called BNK48: girls don't cry. But being busy with a film festival, I apparently missed this bit of curious news from a few days ago: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-47019350 Edit: Oh and if you prefer Japanese vocals and / or Japanese girls, here's the original version: Edit: Or if you have various other preferences, take your pick: Indonesia: Philippines: And there are more, but I can't find this particular song. Some of these groups are new or still forming.
  14. That sounds familiar. Anyway, I love Natasha Lyonne, and I love time loop stuff, so I'll check it out. I started a long post earlier about travelers, but didn't finish it. In short: ehm yeah ok, the other 2 seasons are better than the first, though still not fantastic. The ending was pretty good though. Maybe I'll elaborate later as I had more to say, but that's the gist of it. And Star Trek season 2 has started, but I don't see any posts in the Star Trek thread.. I liked the first episode, but can't watch the 2nd until my festival is over. Unless I find some spare time before that.
  15. So who's going to pick this up immediately, and who's waiting for the physical release in March? I'm going physical, but with the delay, and it being a multiplayer title, and because of their weird release / pricing structure, I might double dip. Though I think I prefer to wait and perhaps get a (half) digital version in a sale somewhere in the future. So basically, who's online end of the month and who in March?
  16. Was going to grab it day 1 (despite the reviews), but I'm kind of busy right now, and could use the money until end of the month. I'll get it in a week.
  17. A visual novel which has just been officially announced for Europe (though no exact date). Will also have a physical release! I actually like the artwork / waifus and the concept (a town myth about the dead coming back). So I'll likely make this my 2nd visual novel for Switch after Steins;Gate.
  18. Quake 2 is looking pretty great when raytraced. Edit: for comparison, the section that you see in this video at 1:08, you can see here:
  19. Really? Haha, I need to get me one of those..
  20. The case of Hana & Alice is great. Was considering getting it as well this month, when I ordered some stuff from CDJapan.
  21. I'm no expert, and it's more expensive, but you can't go wrong with Ikaruga.
  22. It's about a man, who killed Hitler.. And then Bigfoot.
  23. There's definitely something up with the cat. You can get spoilered if you read the wikis. I did.. And totally forgot what it was. I love my bad memory sometimes.
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