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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Box Boy! Box Girl! Super star DJs, here we go!
  2. My predictions (not necessarily my favourites, though in some cases they are): Best film Roma Best director Alfonso Cuarón Best actor Willem Dafoe Best actress Olivia Colman Best supporting actor Adam Driver Best supporting actress Rachel Weisz Best foreign language film Cold war Best animated feature Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse Best documentary feature Free solo I was going to leave it at those catagories (I find the others more difficult to guess), but hell why not, let's continue. Best original screenplay Roma - Alfonso Cuarón Best adapted screenplay BlacKkKlansman - Bunch of guys Best cinematography Cold War - Łukasz Żal Best visual effects Avengers: Infinity War Best costume design The favourite - Sandy Powell Best original song Shallow - Lady GaGa Best original Music score Mary Poppins Returns Ya, I'm not going to bother with the rest.
  3. Releasedate: 13-03-2019
  4. Out now. Launch trailer:
  5. https://store.skybound.com/products/skullgirls-limited-edition?nosto=frontpage-nosto-1 Aready asked on Twitter if there's also going to be a regular edition and if it will be sold in Europe.
  6. It definitely is. Objectively. There are too many obstacles to even experience the actual gameplay, that's my problem with it, not the gameplay in general. Some incredible bad design.
  7. I did, and I hated it. Shit game. This looks like it could be more up my alley though.
  8. I'd say it personally doesn't deserve to be full price, unless it has a whole lot of currently unannounced new content. But there are valid arguments to be said for the opposite. So let me tell you that I'll personally never buy the game for 60 euros. 40 euros will be my max. unless like I said there is much new content, which I seriously doubt.
  9. Edfit: Slight Hollow Knight ending spoiler towards the end.
  10. It was a semi-joke. I actually don't like Star Fox Adventures, and to this day I'm curious what the original game would have been.
  11. Dinosaur Planet.
  12. Sadness.
  13. I don't know why, but I decided to give Umbrella Academy a try last night. Watched 5 episodes. It's the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
  14. I'll get back to you. I intended to create one myself, but never got around to it, apart from getting the source images. I think I can improve upon it. I also don't think it needs to be that small, you have some smileys bigger than that.
  15. I'll elaborate later, but I liked it. Did take some getting used to, still don't know the best strategies to fight other mechs and the boss in the demo.
  16. It's not so much about being "overwhelmed", it's simply about clutter. I prefer to keep them apart. That said, i'll probably just follow whatever Nintendo decides to do. Separate apps, separate threads. otherwise all one thread. Unless it's one app with an added menu. Anyway.
  17. Overall I prefer the US version, with exception of the pins. Outer box looks better, and I don't care for a USB stick.
  18. How the hell do you mistype that? I'm a type B man myself. Nah like i said in the Direct thread, this is not for me, so I'm not even downloading it.. Can't wait for Nintendo to add something exclusive to the Switch online subscription that appeals to me.
  19. Alex Kidd was on my Steam wishlist in consideration for my last Wii points, but I guess I'm getting it on Switch instead. That would be my first Sega Ages game.
  20. Just want to post in its own thread, that this will most likely be my first Dragon Quest. I have never been interested in them before, but this one looks too good to pass up.
  21. Doraemon Harvest Moon?
  22. As is FF IX, Tetris Battle Royale, Captain Toad DLC and the Daemon X Machina beta.
  23. @Serebii, update OP and title! 26-07-2019 And a limited edition coming out. Edit: and it's looking glorious: It's a long wait. But it looks awesome. Real question now of course is: Will we get Nendoroids of Sothis and Edelgard?
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