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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. The ol Gjallarhorn dropped for me earlier during a Crota raid with a few friends. Once i've levelled it up a bit, should be one epic rocket launcher.
  2. I do agree, apart from Splatoon, Smash and Mario Kart what else is posted there. I reckon the chit-chat should move to the relevant threads as currently, the likes of online play with games like Destiny are in the threads over on the "Other Boards"
  3. That scene is represented in the game, and yes you do smack a Raptor gymnastics style. There are many changes of some scenes in-game, and many are expanded upon for gameplay purposes
  4. Anyone up for a Prison of Elders 35 run at some point over the weekend?
  5. Played and finished Lego Jurassic World this week. Overall, it wasn't too bad. Very colourful in terms of graphics, some humourous moments. As the game is based on the 4 Jurassic Park movies, you do play out some of the big moments, including the T-Rex escaping the paddock in the first movie. But (and this is in my opinion), the game does get tiresome as it is the same formula that is present in Lego games of this kind. Don't get me wrong, it is fun but i was getting bored. There are many things to collect to try and keep things fresh, but i havn't collected them all and i probably won't either. It's a perfect weekend-esque game, or something to play as a refresh to the likes of Batman and Witcher.
  6. Boy my internet was taking the absolute piss, apologies for my delay
  7. Some news just come out, will launch as an episodic game December 8th, but will come out on disk in 2016 Interest is a little weary now.
  8. I need to do a PoE 35, so if that's cool i can help that way.
  9. It's about average for a Lego game. In a way, once you've played one you've played them all. I do enjoy the parts where you play as a dinosaur, they are good in places. But the use for them is limited. And there is free-roam after you've finished each chapter, so you can go back and explore each story area with a different character to get everything. As i mentioned, there is plenty to collect (unlock dinosaurs, collect gold bricks etc, rescue people, photo chances). I've only played Lego Batman II on the Vita and thought it was ok (it was a freebee via PS+). By all means, it's a great title to play in short bursts and not for long periods. I've been streaming the game via Twitch, so if you want to see gameplay then check it out (Twitch I.D: Jimbobthon)
  10. I'm in, sounds like it will be an interesting night.
  11. Sorry for the bump Been playing this over the past few days. Quite a few moments are worth a chuckle, but otherwise it's ok. I'm on the final part of the story now, the Jurassic World chapter. And the game is getting quite tedious, to the point i can't be bothered to collect 1/2 the stuff.
  12. Still got 2 months to clear out 14 gold chests, 22 public matches (have to do patrols, but have seen a site which gives timings for when events arrive in certain areas). Just need a hand doing the Prison at level 35 and a hand finishing the Crota stuff and i should be good. I'll be on and off this weekend if anyone wishes to give me a hand with either/both.
  13. Again, sheesh had these problems on Friday. If they ever come on, anyone fancy a 35 PoE?. Just been checking my triumphs and that's the only thing missing that i can't do alone, that and maybe Crota's soul.
  14. Most likely will watch this, enjoyed the Rocky movies. Trailer was good, didn't reveal too much. But did have several titbits and nods to the previous movies.
  15. Ditto, once i've done Jurassic World and maybe one other game i shall return to the Witcher world.
  16. When the PS4 came out, i did have the choice to get it delivered or to go in-store to get it on launch. Nothing beats going to the store to collect a new console for launch. You get that launch buzz, the chatter in the line whilst waiting to collect. It's the same as when i've pre-ordered some games in-store i get that same buzzing feeling. Otherwise, it's a case of waiting for Mr Postman/DPD guy to arrive. It's quite handy as i know a few of the posties in my area, so i tend to get games earlier if they catch it early enough.
  17. I did hear about Bungie Day (as they are calling it), so i'll be logging on later (around 7-8pm) to do the Nightfall, anyone want to help out?
  18. Not really into the new characters (Lucas, Roy and especially Ryu). But the stages are pretty decent, i like battling on them. Havn't had much of a chance to play on the WiiU version, have been primarily focused on the 3DS edition. So that Miiverse stage (the one with the random messages that pop up from various people), hardly seen it. But it is a good idea none the less.
  19. One of us, one of us............ In seriousness though, welcome to the PS4 club.
  20. I did sort of like Wii, but rules are rules as such and things did need sorting out. Havn't been checking this thread for a while, so i was wondering why Wii was banned until i caught up.
  21. Silverstone showed a great GP, and really proved that the rest of the season has been mediocre at best. Hamilton's pit stop for the Inters was by far one of the most perfectly timed stops in recent years, as they said you get some right and you get some wrong. Gutting for Williams, they had it right up to the first pit, then got it wrong and didn't really recover from there. At least Alonso scored his first point for them, that's something at least.
  22. Seconded, in terms of content offered for the price of the season pass, it is second to none. So much content for such a small price. Now, you can get the base game and the season pass for the price the base game was at launch. Can't fault that.
  23. I do pre-order some games, but most i pick up around launch. The ones i pre-order are usually the big ones, so the likes of Witcher III, Arkham Knight, Fallout 4 to name a few are/were pre-ordered. Most of my pre-orders are done online anyway, because it's cheaper to do so. Even in comparison with GAME, online and in-store prices do vary, usually by quite a bit. Nintendo are one company whom do ship out complete games, then add extra DLC on months later. The big urk i have with DLC, is the stuff companies announce before the game is released. Surely it's possible to shove the stuff in-game before release, the only exeption here is CD Projekt whom announced 16 DLC packs for Witcher III before launch, which are becoming available each week for free (no further cost to the consumer here). They also announced an Expansion Pass which includes 2 (quite large) DLC packs.
  24. Would be great if the chap had it working, but it does seem a little iffy that no-one has seen one of these models for years. And how there are two tones of the plastic casing. If it's all legit, then this is history.
  25. It's Metal Gear Solid V, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Uncharted Collection and Fallout 4. I'm probably interested in Tearaway, but it can wait for a bit as i'll have more than enough to keep me going. Also in August, i'm probably getting the Dishonored remastered collection as well. And the latest NBA title as well Maybe the Taken King expansion as well, but Bungie need to convince me it's worth it or put a good deal on.
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