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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Anyone up for the Iron Banner later in the week?
  2. True, and there would be no complaints this time around.
  3. Hmm, might give that a go. Cheers for that.
  4. I'm up for something after 8pm tonight or on Thursday after the Mario Kart league races. As long as it doesn't involve double jumping hehe. I did get my hands on an Exotic bounty, so would be looking at getting 200 kills on Nightfall at some point.
  5. So, the Canadian GP this weekend. Should be a good one, hopefully Merc don't do what they did in Monacco again.
  6. @dan\-likes\-trees. Witcher 3, even though it is 3 main regions, all 3 when within load seamless. You want to go into a building, go ahead. Cave, again feel free. Nothing to load in each region, it's all seamless. As it's been said by @Tales, if you were looking for the new Skyrim then look no further. Edit: Bloodborne and Witcher 3 will keep you going for quite a while, both are fantastic games.
  7. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Agreed, it's been too long now. There are probably a few hardcore people whom have held on for this long, but most would have either given up waiting or picked up the discounted version online.
  8. I'm flipping between both Vision and First Rule, i have vaulted Vestian Dynasty and Her Mercy which i got from the raid as well. Probably taking a break tonight, then once the resets have happened on Tuesday i plan to max out the Vanguard tier and get that trophy. And also, i'm up for another raid or whatever is available in the week.
  9. Brilliant post @Fierce_LiNk For me, Sony have re-invigorated my love of gaming. I've had my PS4 since it was launched back in November 2013, and a PS Vita since January 2014. I recall picking up the PS4, first console launch i've ever attended. When i saw the initial queue, i thought as the store had just opened that i'd come back after doing some other shopping once it had gone down. Come back 30 or so minutes later, it was even longer. Took me an hour to get to the front and collect my console. 2 moments stood out that day, 1 was being told by someone that Super Mario 3D World wouldn't work on the PS4 (i was also buying a copy at the same time as the PS4). 2, seeing that same person argue with GAME staff that he couldn't buy a PS4 as they only had pre-ordered consoles in-store (he hadn't pre-ordered). It's been a great experience none the less, PS+ is certainly great value for money with it's free game service. It's usually paid for itself by March, so that's good. Without PS+, i'd never have thought about playing Never Alone, Valient Hearts or Unfinished Swan. Gaming-wise, i've had the pleasure of playing inFamous: Second Son. Thanks to games being relaunched on PS4, i got to play the brilliant The Last of Us, a game i missed out on due to owning a 360 over a PS3. And i also picked up Sleeping Dogs last year, again a game i missed out on. I did buy a copy of Flower, which is cross-buy with the Vita (another reason to own one, it allows me to play on the move). This game is a pleasure on the eyes second to none. I did finally get my hands on Driveclub and Watch Dogs later in 2014 (both games i pre-ordered for PS4 launch, and both got delayed). Apart from the server issues with Driveclub, it's a great racer overall. And also last year, started playing Destiny, which i am still playing (along with Driveclub) to this day. In recent weeks, i've begun playing Witcher 3. Which is by far one of the most detailed, expansive games i've ever played. It feels like as you reach the end of one page, another 4 are ready and waiting. As it feels so big, it could be one of them games that (as well as the 2 expansion packs coming) could last into 2016 before seeing the credits. I would go on, but i'm reserving thoughts to the right threads. Overall, this is a brilliant gaming system. And it made me wonder, why didn't i get a PlayStation console earlier?
  10. Least we finished, not a bad first outing for raids. Got the 3 trophies i was aiming to get anyway, plus quite a few Legendary weapons. I'm up for more raids/weekly thingies. Got my Destiny groove back : peace:
  11. Great Raid, cheers everyone. Sorry for my pure crapness at double jumping.
  12. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Them Lambo's, lovely. Great handling on the corners, which i like.
  13. There's a good chance (as long as we are all part of the N-Europe clan) that i can get 3 trophies off this tonight, 1 for doing the raid, 1 for doing it on hard and another for doing a raid with everyone on the team being part of the same clan. I'm still up for this btw.
  14. Very impressive, well done.
  15. Yeah, it's only a matter of time before BT start charging for BT Sport. They must surely be losing money by giving it for free to BT Broadband customers. I just put a 30 day notice to EE to cancel my contract via their online chat. Because i can't get through to someone on the phone as the line keeps cutting off (irony)
  16. Sign me up, looking forward to it.
  17. I'm currently an EE customer, don't get me wrong the coverage is great. However the service is terrible. Look back at the history i've had with EE, it wasn't good. EE's customer service is aweful, they even admit that there phone lines are temperamental (as a phone company, this is laughable). Either way, as BT are looking to own EE in the next few months, and if you are a current BT customer and happy with the service then the deal they are offering is decent, albeit the skimpy data allowance (500mb in this day and age)
  18. House of Wolves missions complete, just need to do the level 28 PoE to unlock the rest. Edit: Done, and got myself a few prizes including an Exotic Auto Rifle (Hard Light) Got a Legenday Hand Cannon as well (Her Majesty). It's been a good evening in Destiny for myself.
  19. Just did the Wolves story strike, that were tricky. Luckily the 2 randoms i was with knew what they were doing as well, so it made it easier to say the least. Edit: And now i'm annoyed, i keep dying for no reason.
  20. I'm free all night, up for Control @Daft. Sign me up. Edit: hang on, will need to do the Wolves missions. Fancy giving me a hand to clear them out beforehand?
  21. Right, i'm off work for the next 3 days. Hopefully will get the Prison of Elders opened up this weekend, again any help in doing so appreciated.
  22. I ended up getting the 3rd place trophy in GP1 as well, did @Dcubed get a 3rd place one as well? Overall, that was nuts
  23. So, that's 3rd, 1st and 4th this week. I think i stole 1st place a few times, sorry guys and gals.
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