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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    It would be a bugger if you couldn't carry on with the game. You are quite far into the game and starting again would certainly be a nuscence and frustrating. I think the only glitch i had was right at the beginning when you have to look at the tattered spire from Bowerstone, all she did was keep mentioning old Albion. Frustrated me then, but luckily it un-glitched so no restart required.
  2. It was bound to happen, either Jeff or Edge was going to get screwed out of the title. As to which one, i didn't know. It was basically 2 outcomes. A clean win with no interference or a win with interference.
  3. The Jeff/Edge match was a little predictable, it was either going to be Matt or Christian screwing either Jeff or Edge. Still, sets up nice for a brother vs brother match. Just now has to think if Christian is returning now, and if he does go to Smackdown as planned will he be face and team with Jeff to take down Matt and Edge.
  4. One of the best lines in the movie, agreed. It does have a feeling of hope and we ain't going to back down inside it as well Yeah, and then we will need a cable guy to upload the virus to the mothership as well. I don't think any other person could do such a task. Then we get our hands on a suicidal crop sprayer as well to vanquish such a craft. Alien is a good movie, i have to agree with you on that one. But Paj Meen Ah has a point, it is more of a suspense/horror themed movie compared to Independence Day which is Sci-Fi themed. Both films can belong in the same category, but are 2 completely different movies. That would be typical, such destructive missiles with a simple unlock code. Typical Americans.
  5. Jimbob

    GTA IV

    GTA was great up until the bank job, then it was the repetitive "find x, kill/kidnap x" style missions afterwards. And they didn't take too long to do either. Still, it was a great game with a great story to it. I am looking forward to this DLC, to see a new side of Liberty City as the creators have mentioned already.
  6. Managed to get hold of one picture of my office desk, wasn't easy though. Office Desk Home Desk
  7. Happy Birthday Sprout, have a great day and all that.
  8. Independance Day 3rd Blu-ray i bought over the weekend, and 2nd seeing of this as well. Damn good movie. Always felt sorry for the people on the rooftops who got zapped (i also laughed as well, not sure if that was wrong or not). Loved Will Smiths greeting to the Aliens and the end sequence inside the Mothership. 10/10
  9. Happy Birthday, enjoy the day.
  10. I havn't got any pictures of my desk at work. Mainly it is covered in paperwork and has my mug for tea on the left of the PC monitor. Edit: Unfortunetly it is near impossible to take pictures of my work desk, as i got HR and people walking about all the time and if i take anything company-wise off-site i could get the sack be it pictures (competition with other companies i think). Anyway, shall post some home desk pictures later though.
  11. Jimbob

    GTA IV

    ^ So, theoretically we'd be spending nearly £15 on DLC. Gonna be an expensive month. From what i've read about it, it does seem promising and looks good. It will be nice to go back on GTA and actually do missions for a change.
  12. It's all good for me as well, it gets better on hard mode.
  13. I wanted to watch The Wrestler this weekend, only problem was the cinema didn't have it showing over weekends, which is naff. So instead i watched Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Pretty good movie, wasn't what i was expecting (which was horror for some reason). Loved how
  14. I'm a little annoyed with my family once more. After much debate and arguing as to my room getting Sky Multi-room fitted with the answer firmly on No (which i wanted that answer), i come back from cash count to find someone has been in my room, fitted the box and put a damn cable through my wall and basically screwed up the network i had set-up. And i didn't get a new box, no i got the flipping fucked one from downstairs (sorry, no other word could suffice) with the crud picture. And it was positioned underneath my Blu-ray player (heat rises, work out the results). Currently it is all unplugged and ready for removal (i'm cutting the cable as well). All i wanted was a main ariel connection to my TV as i am fed up with the indoor ariel i am using. I don't get what i ask for in this house. Phew, rant over.
  15. E-Bay would be a great place to start looking, or you could look on Silvervision who specialize in WWE DVD's
  16. Quite a few years i think, nearly 6 years. My Rumble winner prediction could be one of the following. Christian (thats if he returns at the Rumble and enters), Undertaker, Triple H or Randy Orton.
  17. It is looking more and more impressive everytime i see it. It's on my must play this year lists.
  18. I'd personally ditch him, he doesn't seem worth it if he keeps going behind your back and "seeing" someone else as it were. I've only had 1 g/f cheat on me, id didn't take it too well. In fact, i think i went and beat the crud out of who she was cheating on me with at his own house with his family watching (he was a good mate of mine, now i can't trust him to save my life). This same guy always tries to get the girls i'm with. Last attempt was last year at New Years (2007-2008). Anywho, enough of my problems. Trust me, just leave this guy as it obviously seems he isn't worth it one bit. Don't stoop to his level, it only makes it worse for you. Leave with your pride in-tact and find a new partner. Trust is half if not all the relationship and if that is lost, then the party ends between both of you as it were.
  19. My problem seems to be ok now, i just ran a few scans and its stopped doing that loading now. I think it may of been a server problem as well, because the loading icon started showing on Internet Explorer as well. As for the problem you are having Dyson, only recommendations i can give are to either check the Options and see what you have clicked in the Privacy section. Or re-install Firefox.
  20. Anyone had a similar problem When i go into Firefox to browse the net, it decides to keep loading something because next to the mouse icon is the loading circle (or egg-timer). It doesn't do this in Internet Explorer, and this has only incurred the last few days. I've checked for updates and there are none atm, any suggestions??
  21. I got Kaspersky running atm, its pretty good as well at keeping me protected online. I've also got Windows Firewall running as well and a router Firewall, so techically i got 3 Firewalls on the same network going to the same PC.
  22. I have this craving right now for some chinese food. And lo and behold mere coincidence, we have a chinese on its way.
  23. Tis a shame, those shots above look pretty good. Have to see what Rebellion will do graphically to enhance Battlefront.
  24. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    Its reletively easy to work out which quest gives the good points and which give the evil points. An example evil side-quest is "Red Harvest", the opposite one for good points is "Cold Comfort Farmer". A sample quest which can give either good or evil points depending on what choice you make is "Til Death do us Part". These are just an example of what is good and what is evil, in the case you are looking to make a pure and good character. Best place for experience is inside the Crucible. Keep playing through it and you should be able to max out any skill or will area you wish in about an hour or so. As for the combat multiplier, keep blocking with "X" which should result in an attack at the same time on your behalf.
  25. I've been working on 2 vehicles, one land vehicle and one air vehicle. Basically both will have a similar design, both will have a tray for storage and both will have weapons. Only difference will be the land based vehicle will be waterbased as well. Should be good then to complete many more missions and get many more jiggies. Picked up 4 more jiggies yesterday, 3 of which from Logbox720 and one from Banjoland.
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