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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Happy Birthday guys, have great nights
  2. Robson Green: Extreme Fishing - Coming soon to BBC3
  3. I'm going to give the DLC a go later tonight, didn't have the chance to go on POP last night, was a tad busy with other things. Still havn't beat the game yet, which this may give the incentive for me to beat it finally.
  4. I was wondering why the member profiles looked different, thought it was a bug or something. Oh well, thanks for the info on the updates. And thanks to Michael again for the upgrades. Edit: Just spotted something on the profiles, which is a "One Touch Ban and Clean" button. Hmmm
  5. The Exorcist Caught the last hour of this, and i have techically seen it before in full and never reviewed it. I think for its time it was a scary movie, but it isn't remotely scary for me these days. Ok, it can get a little jumpy but thats about it. It's got a good story to it to be fair. If you see it, the Directors Cut version is the one to go for. It has much more added to it and is jumpyer as it were. 8/10
  6. Prince of Persia DLC is up on XBLA now, currently downloading it Contents
  7. I don't drink to get trollied as it were, i drink what i can manage in a night. This can vary from 4 pints to 25 pints without getting legless. Last 25 pint session was New Years last year, wasn't trollied but staggered a little and could speak clearly. I only have say 1 beer if i am alone with no-one out then i tend to go home. Danny, i see where you are coming from. One of my mates drinks to enhance the pleasure feelings he has, but most of the time comes back down to Earth with the miserable feelings which follows on afterwards and he goes off for a cry somewhere. I drink with mates, become more sociable than before and really enjoy myself even on the way home after the night of fun.
  8. I have to agree, i can watch them only if there isn't anything else interesting on the box, which half the time there isn't anything. They are enjoyable, but not enjoyable enough to purchase a box-set. Old ones ftw
  9. We should, i shall donate something to the box if there was one or two. A few copies of Recall should do nicely.
  10. Nice going. Now then, how many more people can we get to watch Recall. (i think i said something like it's a sin to not watch it in an earlier post)
  11. Welcome back, nice to see a face return.
  12. Welcome, nice to see a new face. You'll get to know us all over time, we are a friendly bunch (sometimes). Stick around, your time and fun is only just beginning.
  13. My trip to Germany seems to be off, my mates pulled out and don't wish to go now. So that leaves me free and open for this meet-up. Count me in. (Note: Subject to change, will keep this topic informed)
  14. Ditto, probably will be the next XBLA purchase i will make after the Lost and Damn DLC.
  15. Good work Michael on the repairs, the majority of the bugs i've been finding/experiencing have gone. Thanks for putting in all the time, really appreciated.
  16. Not to my knowledge. The 32bit versions are available in retail outlets, but can be upgraded to 64bit through Microsoft i think. 64bit Vista O/S's are available in retail outlets as well (the boxes are marked with which bit version is in the case)
  17. My Jim Carrey movie marathon i planned has failed. I did plan to watch more than 2, but people kept annoying me and arranging things to do without my knowledge until the last minute. Seriously, how many more times can plans backfire. Anywho is a word i use often, it can be found in many of my posts including this one.
  18. Dyson, EEVIL will be proud. Anywho, the Jim Carrey movie marathon i planned didn't go down as planned. I only managed 2 movies because of pool, helping in the house and generally people having problems that only i can solve. Anyway, these are the two Carrey movies i watched The Mask An early Carrey outing as the party animal with a green face. Awesome movie complete with the humour you would expect. 9.5/10 The Number 23 A later Carrey outing, this time a more dark and sinister outing. It can mess with your mind for a while with all the 23 references and all that, but it is a good film so it gets 8/10
  19. True, but the journey can have many different junctions and that is what makes it so interesting as such. There have been many a time where i have lost what i could of gained being possible friends, relationships etc, jobs. The usual stuff really. But there are times where these opportunities come about maybe once more to give you a second chance to gain what could of been.
  20. Happy Birthday Echo, have a great one
  21. Well, at least everything is ok with N-E now. Had a good day yesterday, which mainly involved drinks in the evening of sort. Lost in snooker to my mate 2-1, but then whitewashed him in pool 19-2 (i reckon) and one of them games included a 7-ball whitewash (i 7-balled him, 2nd time he's ever been 7-balled and i am the lucky person to do that twice).
  22. Happy Birthday guys, have great days.
  23. Good style sig and avi combo, they get 8/10
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