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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Of course, if Miz and Morrison are not at Wrestlemania then i shall eat my hat.
  2. The very match to be fair. All Jeff had to do was jump down to Unify the Tag titles and "potentionally" fire the Dudleys when WWE won the "Winner Takes All" Survivor Series match. Instead of listening to Matt, he attempted to put D-Von through a table, but it botched up. Rest is History.
  3. I got back into this the other day, half way through now to be fair. Got 2 of the 4 powers available. Just need to conquer the first big boss now, already cleared many areas from the darkness. Need to go back and get the lightballs to make up enough for the next power(s)
  4. Ordered last night £16
  5. Drunken singing is quite fun, twice in the same weekend whilst walking home i randomly started singing "We are Sailing". And everyone with me joined in all the way home. Wooped my mate in snooker 3-0 and again in pool later that night, didn't know it was a 1am shut-tap so finished drinking at 12, about to leave and got told its open until 1 (and i'm on committee and should know). Watched some Lee Evans until 3am then went to bed. Oh, and dumped the girlfriend as well in case i didn;t mention it already.
  6. 9. What phrase did P.Z. Myers use to express his disbelief at the "kidnapped communion wafer" controversy? I'm going with "Its a Frackin' Cracker"
  7. Yeah, a tad late but still Happy Birthday, hope it went well.
  8. I shall be going down the pub to the guiness themed bar and drinking all night whilst playing irish games and listening to irish music as well. Will be the 3rd year this will have occurred for myself. They are awesome nights to be had to be fair.
  9. Test was a pretty cool wrestler, if only he was given more of a chance in WWE probably would of made a good World Champ to be fair. 33 years, crumbs and such a young age as well. But, thats drugs for ya i guess. RIP.
  10. True, why shaft us for a newer model DSi/game for the price of a Wii with Sports As Darkspine said, most of us already have a Wii like myself so this price increase which could affect consumers doesn't affect me. But, we may get a hike on the games price so that could affect me/us in a way as well.
  11. Looks alright, and £40 for it as well is great value. I'm tempted in a way to pick this up, but i got enough consoles atm to keep me amused. Still, good for playing old Mega Drive games though.
  12. Sounds interesting....................... I've not really visited many theme parks in my life so far, not really near one except Oakwood, and i've done that one enough times to know where each ride is etc. Should really get out more hehehe
  13. Matt vs Jeff has been announced for Mania now, how predictable.
  14. ^^ Rez's green original joke banner is probably the only thing that gets a laugh out of the joke. Cheers Shorty for pointing that out. An Alcohol fueled night last night, was awesome. Lisa called me when i was most fueled and gave her a right argument which has resulted in non-stop texts of sorry etc. Too late i think. On the way home, all me and my mate did was sing "I am Sailing...." all the way home (shades of Men Behaving Badly "Drunk" episode) This morning, a little groggy from last night other than that, i'm fine.
  15. Correct, well done. Round 16 over, well done to everyone who took part. The points are rewarded to the following quizzers. Answers below with the questions and with an updated scorecard which follows the answers Question 1 What was the last thing i declared was a sin? - Losing my Religion was a hit for R.E.M in 1991, Dannyboy-the-Dane hasn;t lost his religion - 1 point Question 2 Which movie is this quote from? Can I use the bathroom? I may have shit my pants - "Andy Kaufman in a Wrestling match", The Villian was the ref - 1 Point Question 3 Name 3 fish beginning and ending with a K? (Worth Two Points) - Moogleviper becomes the fisherman - 2 Points Question 4 Which song is this from? - Eddage snaps this one up - 1 Point Take it easy son, this aint so deadly Got keep on, gotta go on, gotta go on Question 5 When was this lovely picture last used by myself and for what reason? - Cube knows the difference between a frown and a Rez original Joke - 1 Point Question 6 16 x 16 x 3 / 5 + 34 x 7= ? - ShadowV7 knows a thing or two about the beautiful language of Math - 1 Point Note: This symbol "/" is divide Question 7 What type of bird is an Egret? - Cube is the bird watcher in this quiz - 1 Point Question 8 Which DJ played the first record heard on Radio 1? - jayseven knows a thing or two - 1 Point Question 9 What Colour is a Black Box? - Supergrunch has been paying attention to science aka Brainiac - 1 Point Question 10 According to an old sig of mine, the highest form of life is man and the lowest form of life is...............? - Dyson became the first to break the magicians code - 1 Point Updated Score Card
  16. I'm in a both pissed off and happy mood. Happy because i got the place empty at home, no parents or sister which is excellent. Pissed off because once again, Lisa bought up a crap excuse to avoid coming down. All that effort for nothing, she raises all hopes of a visit again and botches it at the last minute. Just had to cancel the restaurant. Seriously, i'm ending this relationship right now because i can't take it much longer, i've had to let mates down to find time for her and re-arrange things with mates when she doesn't come down for what-ever reason. Everyone is getting annoyed with me, and i can't take it much longer to be fair. Her latest excuse - she's working late (i gave her a months notice and reminded her every couple of days to book time off and she assured me she would. If i see a nice girl out tonight, i may take my chances with her instead.
  17. The rest of my days been good, i'm in that Friday mood (well, it is Friday after all). Got the place to myself (which is a pity to be fair, see the sexuality thread for the reasons why) and am sorting out food before heading out later on.
  18. I don't think i would mind leaving my children (as and when i decide to have any) in care. Just as long as they were fully trained and have a clearance to look after children. I have known people to not trust care workers and have to stay off work until they go to school, which to be fair is both good and bad points to it. Good points include spending quality time with the kids at all times, bad points is that it could be hard to re-aquire a job when the time comes to get a job again, and then the flexi-time to arrange as well which is easier than it looks.
  19. I'm still going with Taker winning at Mania and remaining undefeated until he retires to be fair.
  20. I get this update over the weekend apparently, thats what the message at the top of the screen says anyway. Edit: it came through just now. Not bad i think, looks a little smoother etc from first impressions. Will return with further developments later.
  21. Happy Birthday Konfucius and The-Ironflame, have great days. Edit: Had to be done, the pic
  22. Which is pretty damn good to be fair, how long until Youtube decide to stop the "un-official" videos appearing online as well.
  23. I'll take a look when i get home to see if i've recieved the update at all, it was all the same yesterday as it was before this new update.
  24. Nnnoooooooooo! Have a good time in Blackpool, don't do anything i wouldn't do (to be fair, what do i do thats bad) Good thing Springs coming, it will finally kill off this annoying bug thats still doing the rounds since Christmas time, some people are still getting it.
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