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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Agreed with the above post. There is nothing "sexual" about sucking a dildo one bit, doesn't work to arouse me at all.
  2. To be fair at first i agreed with the parents but after reading the whole article i now agree with the Doctors to be fair. If someone who is on life support has a chance of leading a normal life as it were once making a full recovery then keep them on support but if someone, like OT has zero chance of leading a normal life or recovering then its a waste of resources that could be used on someone who can make a full recovery to be fair.
  3. Absolutly disgusted with the Scottish Express writing such a dispicable article. Why do the media bring up bad memories for people who would like to put this permanently at the back of their minds and try to lead their lives normally. At least an apology was issued, if it were a little crude.
  4. Funny you should say that, i've had a feeling now the British Media can put some proper news in the papers now.
  5. He'll come and go, he'll come and go oo Forgive me, couldn't resist it either.
  6. Blackadder II - Beer Good episode from my favorite Blackadder series. "Luck, sounds an awful lot like F......." 9/10
  7. Quantum of Solace (Blu-ray) Arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon, watching it now. Pretty darn good Bond movie starring Daniel Craig. Great story to it and to me so far, Craigs best outing as 007. 9.5/10
  8. Most people i guess would be pissed off if they found out she "faked" it all. Because there are many people out there suffering from Cancer and they wouldn't find it funny or entertaining one little bit. You may find some would want to kill her.
  9. In a good way, Jades media coverage has encouraged many more young ladies to go for checks which is good from many different views. But to allow the media to exploit her "struggle" is a bit OTT. Like many people, just because they have cancer doesn't mean you have to milk it for money. I've known someone who had cancer and it isn't nice having to witness their struggle and deterioration as it engulfs the body.
  10. Certainly seems that way to me. I'll be waiting for the full release as Betas seem to not work half the time on my system for some reason.
  11. I keep saying this and i keep doing this, drinking too much. Its fun until the morning hangover (if i get one). Last nights comedian was brilliant, she was all over me and my mate ripping into us as we were the only 2 in the function room without female company.
  12. I, like many other members and people i've spoken to didn't like all the media coverage that Jade was getting during her struggle for life. The way it was "bigger news" than say murders, robbery's etc. But even someone like Jade didn't deserve to die at 27, but thats life and thats the b***h really not her.
  13. That is a roll my friend, nothing else to it to be fair. I actually had one of them "rolls" earlier, which was nice tbf. Day so far, pretty damn good. My mate popped over so we watched Top Gear, played Lost and Damned and then he wooped me on Soul Calibur IV as Darth Vader until i came along with Maxi, Yun-Seung and Kilic. (we have this thing, pick a character and stick with them until you lose then you can change). Final score was 12 - 6 Then in return, i wooped him in Smackdown vs RAW (same rule above included in here). He only beat me twice, i beat him 14 times. Off to the pub again later for a comedian.
  14. Drew the last fixture, must of done something right to get a point from it. Didn't know about the pool, shall investigate later. See if i can win more money.
  15. The above is a Jimbob approved fact* *Note, may not happen to all guys but we can all dream can't we : peace: I'm back on the single list again after that relationship i had with Lisa (aka the one who avoids seeing her "apparent" boyfriend). Lovely.
  16. Too true. I myself was on the dole 19 months ago, hated every moment of it and i am pleased i am off it now. It did my head in. But i know too many people abusing this system because they don't want to work at all. Why can't we do an America and give the jobless but capable of work benefit claimers 6 months (except those on carers allowance etc) then cut it off. Anyway No bread in my house, tis the end of the world as we know it. "Arrgghhh" I was looking forward to a Corned Beef Sarnie tomorrow as well. "Sigh".
  17. Just came home from work and beat the first level on Force Unleashed, went straight to hard settings. Took me an hour to beat it inc each power-up. Now alas, chilling out. May go up the pub later not sure yet though.
  18. Just don't do what my sister did after her tounge-tie op (eating Salt and Vinegar crisps) and all will be fine. Good luck btw. And i have the honour of being on page 1000 as well.
  19. Just bought right now £28
  20. Trailers look very impressive and are only wetting my appetite more for this game. June cannot come sooner.
  21. Why oh why do i feel the need to say..................PC World! More Jade articles over the covers of some papers, but at least Fritzl gets most of the pages now.
  22. Interesting theory Dr You has, early signs of evolution shown. I for one am interested in Dinosaurs and have been since school (juniors). Will read this article more in depth later.
  23. Jeez, i'm completly fed up of all this Jade Goody coverage. Ok, i do feel sorry for her because she has cancer and no-one should have to go through it, but the media should have a soul and stop. Let her go peacefully and not harassed by media.
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