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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Thats the easy part, trust me. Kill anything that is down and you'll have it within a few matches guaranteed.
  2. I havn't sorry, no email came through as of yet.
  3. Made me panic a bit there Jay. Don't do that again my friend.
  4. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    I had one of them Grandstand systems, with Space Invaders (or what-ever it were called) upon it.
  5. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    I didn't have an Amiga.
  6. I was playing the Players Choice mode yesterday, all i seemed to be getting was King of the Hill. It does get annoying, not the huge heads no. But the high-pitched squeals/voices do get annoying. If Players Choice remains in the full retail, then i can see this mode becoming popular. As i said in an earlier post, the 100 Lancer Kills. Only played about 7 matches since unlocking the gold, and have over 80 kills. Many have said, short bursts counter the recoil. And that is true. Should get the retail lancer later this afternoon no problem. Edit: Scored the final kills earlier today in a King of the Hill match. Just one last Flame weapon left, and all done with the unlocks.
  7. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    Well, it would only be the second game i've ever played that needs to have a disk change 1/2 way through.
  8. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    That solves it for me.
  9. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    Missions i guess will be on other disks, so perhaps the first is the whole of the map. Second and 3rd are mission disks,
  10. As i mentioned, the 10 with him is the tricker part. Being the random team placement the game gives you.

  11. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    According to Rockstar (and a few others) LA Noire is so huge, it can barely fit onto 1 Blu-ray disk (PS3) and 3, yes 3 disks (X360). Probably due to the face mapping they used, which would explain the number of disks.
  12. Made 26 kills with the Retro, way above my average. How far you got to get Cole now??

  13. I stand corrected. I look forward to seeing you in a match, shall be on after Time Team (around 4pm ish)
  14. Just returned from voting Couldn't decide on the councillor, because none of them campaigned around the area. Couldn't decide properly on the Assembly party because none of them partook in campaigning. It was basically a "pick one at random" situation i had. The AV was simpler, i voted yes on it. Because if the Yes campaign is what it says, these councillors and candidates will have to campaign harder.
  15. Aye, that was after 8 beers at the pub as well. Gears and Beers is a good combo. I'm slowly working on my Gold Retro, which is the last of the unlocks for retail for myself. Twas good popping in, should play again as it were fun.
  16. That is what i meant, only about 15 matches from a Gold Retro. Then the fun begins. I say it is easier to get, because you can hold the Retro no matter if you are Cog or Locust. I should be starting the unlocking of the Gold for retail later this evening, watch out if i see you online (I'm looking at you Peeps!!)
  17. I can't recall any movie series having 3 releases in the cinema, i know they re-released them on the launch of "Revenge of the Sith" as my local was doing a special screening. I also recall nearly being kicked out of college for going to see it. I didn't see all 6, only RotS. I do remember seeing queues of people outside purchasing tickets for the showings as well. People will lap up anything George Lucas brings out about Star Wars. He could add 3 seconds more footage and people will buy the films again. I appreciate the movies, don't get me wrong. I just don't see the point of someone who loves to re-release movies everyone has already seen thousands of times time and time again. If it were me, i wouldn't re-release more versions past these Blu-ray and 3D. Leave it George, please. Move onto Indy and bring us these movies in stunning HD.
  18. What was the last ones, i know. He released his movies again with the orignal theatrical versions bundled in. Now on Blu-ray, what next Current releases and what changed
  19. Compared to playing 90 matches, it sounds easier. I had around 30 kills in 2 KOTH matches using the Retro, pity they didn't count
  20. I believe the 100 kills will be a damn sight easier to get than playing 90 matches and earning Cole Train for retail. Nearly at the 90 match mark, then it's plain sailing all the way.
  21. Sounds awesome. It is about time they bought them all out in 1 boxed set, but part of me knows this is milking the franchise bone dry. They'll be awesome looking in high-def though
  22. Wonder if they'll give us AV on the AV referendum, imagine. "Yeah, well i agree with the Yes group, but also the No group. So i'll mark both boxes."
  23. I agree more with the "Yes for AV" than the "No for AV" group, so i'm voting for AV. Plus, if the ads are true, then if it goes through i should be seeing a lot more candidates wandering around in the future. All i see at the moment are reps for the Labour candidate, no other parties.
  24. Apparantly, the burial was recorded according to the news. They are on about releasing the footage in a similar way to that of Saddams hanging.
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