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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Well, i like my comedy. So here are my best and worst comedians Best Worst
  2. Update came through this morning, if it bricks my machine then Microsoft will hear about it. No issues so far i might say, but if this Paypal thing has been added, it will make my purchasing of points easier. Not that i bought them from Microsoft anyway, cheaper elsewhere.
  3. Tax office got back to me this morning, the job offer is no longer conditional. It has been offered permanently, just have to await the contract to arrive in the mail. Could be here tomorrow, could be here over the weekend who knows. Now then, to cancel the Marriot interviews.
  4. I've experienced similar programs to the one you have mentioned, follow this guide (follow the manual removal) and remove the bugger. Then update every security program you have, and scan to make sure it is all gone. http://www.spywarevoid.com/remove-vista-home-security-2011-vistahomesecurity-2011-removal-steps.html
  5. You'll need a weapon, as i am attending. Could be an issue with me attending. Have a "conditional" job offer with the Tax office, they said that i am unable to take holidays in July (they asked if i have holidays booked, i said yes and it would be on a weekend). But i'd work every other Saturday, and if the 16th is a Saturday i work then i will be unable to attend. But, if i am able to attend (as in not working a Saturday) i may not be up on the Friday, but i may be able to get around that one. As i said, the 16th July weekend is all booked up. So i may not be able to arrive Friday, but the Saturday would be the day i'd travel up.
  6. Things are picking up for me. Have an interview tomorrow for a position in the Marriot, Chepstow to work on the Leasure desk. Had another call from the Marriot, Chepstow earlier this morning. Have another interview on Saturday to work in Housekeeping. And, to add the icing onto the cake (and the cake as well). I get a call from the Tax office, they have 5 full-time fixed term positions available. Of which they asked if i were interested, of course i'm blooming interested. They offered me a position, on conditional terms. Just need to pass a health form and i'm done, then it gets offered for real. Edit: The job is on a fixed term, from 13th June until the 31st March 2012. 9 month contract, which ain't too bad.
  7. Birthday wishes to you, hope it was well and good for you today.
  8. Right, watched the new Comedy Rainbow earlier today. All my views are within the video review of Comedy Rainbow 21 below, enjoy!!!
  9. See, i told you i could hack into the PSN. Now, lick ma pits!!!
  10. Welcome to N-Europe, a friend of Dannys is a friend of us all.
  11. Shall watch this tomorrow. A review of Comedy Rainbow 21 will be coming tomorrow, courtasy of the "Fez Report".
  12. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    No bugs as of yet, have been unlocking cars and doing side-quests much of today. On disk 2, which does make it seem i'm rushing the game. I'm not, as i am taking around an hour to do each case. Careful in searching for evidence, picking up everything as i go. Have a few badges on the pursuit challenges as well, still enjoying and taking my time as always.
  13. Right, just came back from looting only to discover the world didn't end. Suppose i'd better take back the stuff i "looted" then.
  14. Of course, just gotta have some dinner first.
  15. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    Ditto, pity you can't kill anyone when driving like a maniac.
  16. The Rapture, sigh. Couldn't it wait until i've become a millionaire??.
  17. Damn, heard about this a few hours ago. Sad day indeed, R.I.P Macho Man. Maybe now, Vince will induct Macho Man into the Hall of Fame and stop his grudge against him.
  18. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    If you link your save to the Rockstar Social Club, you can get a different suit as well.
  19. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    I thought it was pretty interesting, since i've finally got the hang of the questioning. Managed to get a female to squeal on the location of a victim just by showing her the evidence of his "double" life. I don't think this game would have worked as well, if the facial recognition and mapping wasn't implemented into the game. Snagged a few achievements yesterday, 1 for clocking 80mph for 10 seconds and a few for solving a case/proving someone was lying with evidence. I am enjoying this game, and intend to enjoy it for months to come.
  20. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    I installed all the disks onto the 360, so hopefully i won't get any over-heating problems. Played about 30 minutes so far, had to stop to download the DLC and something to nibble. First impressions are wow. The map is friggin huge, the character mapping is friggin sweet as. And, i swear i saw Jon Cryer walking around LA whilst i'm solving a case.
  21. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    My "free" copy arrived today, am very pleased. Not of the game, but am pleased i got it for the grand total of £0.00. And i will be giving my views upon it later, spoiler free as well (if i can't help it, the tags will be there).
  22. Well, well, well, i didn't think this would ever occur. A brand spanking new copy of L.A Noire showed up today. Completly free, and i cannot believe it. I'll be playing it once my errands are complete. But, my summer gaming is complete now. Got both Mass Effect titles, Bioshock 2 and L.A Noire to do this summer. Shall be shur-weet.
  23. Bought earlier Both for £16 (together) And also 2 pairs of these, £40
  24. Jimbob

    Fable III

    Is it worth under £10, Yes. That is all. Most glitches have been repaired already, so the game is more enjoyable. More side-quests, the game ending will make you feel "wtf". Ignoring that, it is a good game to play.
  25. If only. Yeah, i completly dislike the Go Compare Ads as well. I could post the worst one, but they are all as bad as each other. Where-as, the Cadbury ads make no sense. They are supposed to advertise chocolate, but they make no sense. Oh, and this
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