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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. It's that time of the year again, where 6 teams face each other to see whom will be the Six Nations 2013 champions. Will any of them go all the way and take the Grand Slam title, only time will tell. RBS Six Nations Matches Saturday 2nd February 2013 England (38) vs Scotland (18) Wales (22) vs Ireland (30) Sunday 3rd February 2013 Italy vs France Thoughts and opinions on the tournament on opening day.
  2. So, a good game indeed. I was more inclined to believe EEVIL after he didn't lie. And i didn't want to reveal this part of my power for obvious reasons, which was my intention. I was suspecting Yvonne for a little while, and i targetted them on the night they were killed to see if they were lying.
  3. If i don't get caught up on the way home, i can certainly do a draw if thats ok with people.
  4. Thats the sacrifice wrestlers make, and if he's been hurt for that long and still wrestling then i commend him for this. But i'm edging towards the decision he won't be around for Mania 29, and that will be only his 2nd Mania missed in the streak (1st being Mania 16)
  5. Pretty decent overall, it seems to have gone back to the roots which made the show good.
  6. I still got a license for 8 dotted around which i bought on the deal, so if i feel like downloading it again i may. But for now, i'm sticking with Windows 7. It does the job for me.
  7. 10pm tonight you say. Can't argue with that.
  8. The thing is, Taker has to come back and at least annouce he'll retire. Not that i mind, he is 20-0 at Wrestlemania and his "end of an era" match could be classed as his retirement match (after all, he looked physically drained and broke out of character after the final bell). If he didn't come back, i don't blame him. He's done it all and more, exactly the same as Shawn Michaels and Triple H have. And HBK has only come back for the odd appearance since retiring. The only problem with Undertaker making appearances is that he has to do so in-character.
  9. @The Peeps. My apologies, my train got cancelled so i didn't get home until 10pm that night.
  10. What is he now, 20-0 after the End of an era HITC vs Triple H. Thats impressive to say the least, and something that will never be broken since talent never lasts more than 5 years or so in WWE on average. What i don't like is the prospect of Cena-Rock II for the WWE title at Mania. The winner is near-cert going to be Cena, which is stupid. Why advertise the match as "Once in a lifetime" when it's repeated this year. On RAW, Cena announced he was going for the WWE title (which didn't surprise me at all). I've calmed down, i was livid when Cena won the Rumble then Rock won the title (not for this part, this was ok)
  11. I've been hearing that Rock potentially has more free dates in 2013 for more appearances post-Mania than he did last year. Rock is scheduled to miss next weeks RAW, and that seems to be it for missed appearances until after Mania. As for Jericho, he's signed for the Mania period and is also possibly leaving afterwards for a while, he's typical of this as he tours with Fozzy between WWE stints. As for Lesnar, he's signed a new 2 year deal. Probably for 6 appearances or so a year, which sucks. He re-appeared on RAW this past Monday, probably setting up a rematch with Triple H for Wrestlemania or something. Something i'm finding surprising is that there is no sign of Taker returning for his typical Mania run. If he chooses to retire, i don't blame him.
  12. Vote: Jon Dedede
  13. And that was fact, i did learn nothing from EEVIL on that previous day. By the night, i found more information on him. Couldn't post it at night due to it being night. And i was quiet in the next phase, albeight a few posts confirming information about my role.
  14. I havn't fully revealed my role, and i don't intend to as of yet. I did say i'm a tracker, as i am a family portrait. So i can see and hear actions in the night-phases. From my investigations/targets, on night 3 i mentioned i targetted Mr Murray. I'm more inclined to believe him, and i recommend people do. Night 4, i targetted Sheikah but was swapped to yourself @Mr\-Paul. I can confirm you were blocked on this night phase. Last night, well i know it sounds dodgy. But i tried to investigate Yvonne last night, but failed due to their death so i got no result from them. I should have targetted them on an earlier phase, i may have got a result that way.
  15. I like CM Punk, he's fresh and original. When they let him have the microphone to vent 2 years ago was great. That was genuine, he confirmed it via his DVD documentary. He provides something different that the likes of John Cena cannot. @Ville, apparantly they are pushing it a little harder and above the boundries. Thats what i heard anyway.
  16. The days of PG do seem to be over, i heard that RAW is going to be more "pushing" the limits than before due to lacking ratings. I heard last nights RAW was a TV-14 rating over PG, i'll see for myself tonight though. And the days of Hardcore are over, WWE are trying to avoid headshots with weapons as to avoid another Benoit incident. So the days of Mankind/Cactus Jack and awesome TLC matches like the Dudleys/E+C and Hardy's are well and truely over. If you want Hardcore, there is still a market for it. You've gotta go to the indys for that these days. Don't get me wrong, Benoit was a good wrestler. Very technical in what he did in-ring and all that. But his head wasn't right after taking all them bumps (i mean, who has a headbutt as a finishing move) and top that with other elements whiring around the system, which is what caused him to do what he did. The Wrestling community tend to replace Benoit's name with the name of Steven Richards, and the meme's going around at the time of Benoits suicide show the time when Randy Orton found the WHC at Summerslam after it mysteriously vanished at Wrestlemania after Triple H tapped out to nothing.
  17. 10/10 It's easier than the old one, why. Should be challenging.
  18. My Opinion on the Royal Rumble 2013 PPV US Title Pre-show match - Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz Pretty decent match, makes me wonder why it wasn't on the card. Goes to show what WWE think of this title. Antonio is one of my favourite new stars, talented and getting quite over with the crowd. Miz going face, it's going well but i don't see it lasting. 7/10 World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing - Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show I see WWE gave up with Botch Cara as the new Mysterio and gone with my favourite living mexican wrestler. It's nice to see Del Rio in face form, and i can see this lasting a while. As for the match in general, i laughed with the ending. Thats one way to keep a giant down. I thought that Show was going to win to be honest, he showed dominance throughout. And when he chokeslammed Del Rio from the stage to the table, i thought that were it. And Del Rio winning with duct-tape, classic. 9/10 World Tag Team Championship Match - Team Hell No vs Team Rhode Scholers Wasn't too fussed on this match. An easy win for Team Hell No, even though i thought it was time for Rhode Scholers to take the titles. Am really starting to like Damien Sandow. A few good moments, but something to calm the crowd before the main event(s) 6/10 The Royal Rumble Match Highlights for me Chris Jericho coming in at Number 2, how WWE kept that quiet i will never know. Goldust returning, again didn't know he was coming back. Nice to see Godfather, even for a few minutes. Kofi Kingston using JBL's chair to get back in the ring. Kane dropping Daniel Bryan after Bryan eliminated Kane. With the winner, boy was i miffed that John "i have 5 moves of doom" Cena won. It set the most predictable main event in Wrestlemania history up, which confirmed the result of the next match for me as well. I know Cena hasn't been in the title picture for a while (which is lovely), but neither has Sheamus or Randy Orton. I honestly thought Ziggler was going to win, but alas WWE said their ass kisser had to be the winner. Crowd were miffed as well, i could tell. 6/10 That score should have been an 8, but John Cena won the match and has probably ruined Wrestlemania because of this for me. WWE Title Match - The Rock vs CM Punk Outcome was set, Rock was going to win because the ass-kisser John Cena won the Rumble and wants his "revenge" on Rock for beating him last year. Going into the match itself, it was good. Rock sold Punks moves better than i thought. I expected the Shield to interfere from the word go, and that happened as predicted (the lights off gave it away, and the subsequent pictures on Wrestling fan-sites show the Shield). Ending was better, because i would have been even more miffed if Punk was stripped of the title instead of Rock winning fair. And beating Punk with an elbow, i wanted a Rock bottom followed by elbow. 7.5/10 Overall, it was good. My main gripes are as follows. Cena and Rock won the 2 main matches, setting up the Wrestlemania rematch which John Cena will win. Even though Rock is available for more dates in 2013 after Mania, i just can't see him beating Cena twice. Hopefully they've saved time and just asked Rock to hand over the belt to Cena on last nights RAW (which i've recorded, don't spoil it for me). Save us waiting 50 days for the most predictable Mania match ever. I can see it now, Cena takes 3 Rock Bottoms and/or a few Peoples elbows and kicks out. He hits Rock with 1 AA and wins. I mean, who writes this garbage. Fixed for you. Daniel Bryan is more like a mid-carder at present than a main eventer, same as Miz. Both are former World Champions as well, both from Money in the Bank contracts.
  19. Damn, lost. Ah well, it's practice anyway. Anyone up for a Friday match?.
  20. If he don't accept asap, you're in the semi's. I think it's by 10 or 11pm tomorrow (today) that the invite has to be accepted by for Tuesdays game.
  21. Due to my computer being restored from Windows 8 back to the lovely Windows 7, i lost a few files. Namely my mafia. I'm in the process of re-writing it and can start in Febuary onwards.
  22. When i found a copy of this when i was 12 in a cupboard in the living room. Bit graphic, but all in black and white. Learned quite a bit from there, and that was before the school started giving S.E lessons.
  23. It won't last. Shows pretty good though.
  24. Hahahaha, i was laughing so hard during the Liverfool/Oldham game earlier. Just goes to show that anything is possible in the FA Cup.
  25. Footage for those who missed the draw.
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