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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I'll start soon, my mistake guys and gals As no-one seemed to be available for the draw, i went ahead and did it. Footage is coming asap, but the draw is as follows. Quarter Finals Matches Silverdale Hotpot vs Dragoooo Coloccini vs Fedex United Duds Baggies vs Eights United Hadens Rangers vs Roger Federer Crew All matches to be played on Tuesday 29th January 2013, if there is a semi-final draw it will be Tuesday night at 9pm
  2. The links for the draw and chat Stream link is here Chat room is here
  3. Just got back from seeing The Last Stand, i highly recommend it. It is better than you may think believe me. 10/10. Got 2 more in sights to see, Stallones new one Bullet to the Head and Willis's A Good Day to Die Hard over the next couple of weeks/months.
  4. I go for the low fat stuff on the menu, favourite at the moment is Turkey Breast and Ham. With all salad minus Olives, Sweetcorn and Tomato. Bit of chilli or southwest (not a lot mind). Not fussed on the bread, but i prefer 9 grain wheat. Much prefer Subway over a Burger anyway, you can have a footlong for probably 1/2 the calories of a Burger King anyway. And save pounds in more than 1 way.
  5. Already came out with my targets, which were Yvonne on night 2 and EEVIL on night 3. I failed to send a target in on night 1. I'm a tracker in case anyone is wondering, i couldn't get a result on Yvonne from night 2 due to the power failure. And i didn't get a result on EEVIL either for some reason.
  6. I live near Beermonkey, he lives 2 miles up the road (or there abouts). As far as i can tell, no other forumers live near me. And i havn't exactly met him face to face either, in fact havn't really spoken to him for a while.
  7. I need to get back onto my diet, this current diet of beef jerky and stuff isn't doing me favours. Have started it again though, salads for lunch and a subway for dinner once a week instead of a Burger.
  8. Mine used to be kept separate, i was someone else online and a different person when out and about. I found that being myself online and offline is much easier, which i discovered back at the N-E meet 2010 when i first met many from here in the flesh. That way, no surprises for anyone who ever meets me in the flesh.
  9. @The Peeps, i'll send an invite over later on.
  10. G'ah, lost 3-1 to the mighty Dragooo. Which means i'm looking for a friendly match for Tuesday, any volunteers? And the next round draw takes place on Saturday at 8pm. Don't forget, i'll post the links for the chat and stream later.
  11. I think mine is receeding as well, can't be 100% sure though. It certainly looks like it has on the sides, but from looking at previous photos of myself from 10 years ago, my hair looks roughly the same. I'll let you know in 10 years if it's fallen out or not. Other than that, i'm considering wiping Friday under the mat. Firstly, i was woken at 7am by my mum (who thought i was working at 9, but am on lates and don't start until 11am) Then when i do go to work, i forget my train pass. And now i lose the other 1/2 of my return i had to buy. I'm going to attempt a free ride though, hopefully my card fails to work on the machines. Anything else.
  12. What the............ I got nothing at the moment, but i did target Mr Murray last night however. Anything happen to you at all?
  13. I'm game Zell
  14. Regular friends These are the ones i hang out with often, usually once or twice a week). And thats mostly in the pub, with occasions going into town or the cinema from time to time. This group has been shrinking, and it's basically down to 3 or 4. A few years ago, it was 8 or more. Work friends Self-explanitory really. These ones i only see at work and chat to from time to time. We do have nights out once a month or so, but it is hard as many are on different patterns. So some nights are more suitable than other nights for people. Again, this group has shrunk due to people leaving or just generally being dicks and not wanting to chat. Facebook/Twitter friends These ones are the ones i can only speak to via these means. Usually because they live so far away (a few live in the US, so hanging out is impossible at present). Socialising is tricky due to the time gaps, but we do leave messages often. Others have settled down with a family. Gaming friends Again, Xbox Live friends and/or 3DS friends. Socialising occurs in-games only. And finally, there is another group. Which fits into Facebook/Twitter and Gaming groups. Which is N-E Group A group of friends living all over the EU/World. Chit-chatter is typically upon here, but has crossed over to Facebook/Twitter and Skype (well not yet)
  15. Much easier to post a snap than list, so here goes Films Boxsets/Special editions Non-movies
  16. Sweet, cheers for adding the feature. Thanks @Guy for suggesting these.
  17. Sweet, just noticed the Twitter/Youtube thingys. Cheers guys.
  18. Doesn't seem we got any leads so far, so for now i'll Vote: No Lynch
  19. Looks a little iffy, like the contrast has been beef'd up. From whats been said, and i'm with a few people here, i won't be sold on a purchase unless new content is added and/or i hear more of this "tuned up" experience. Other than that, i'm not usually for HD remakes. I still got a Wii, so Wind Waker looks alright enough on there for me to not warrent a purchase as of yet. I still havn't got a WiiU, nothing appeals to me for a purchase of the console as of yet. But who knows, maybe by years end i may have changed my mind.
  20. Had a crap load of snow last Friday, must of been an inch or two. I didn't get a snow day either, that was my normal rota'd day off. All public transport was stopped, and expected the same for Saturday (it did snow again over night). But no, the train arrived. And my connection ran on time. Pavements were suicidal, but have since thaw'd and are slushy snow now (so grippable). I've had no delays or cancellations of services due to the adverse weather, which i suppose you could call lucky. But 1/2 the department took a snow day or two and they had less snow than i did, which is remotely unfair. As i mentioned on page 1, it's got to be impossible to travel on train/bus/car before they even consider a snow day. And if you call one, they check you ain't lying. If you are, then it comes out of annual leave/flexi or you are "persuaded" to come in.
  21. Thats unfortunete guys, really is. It's not often online retailers let the side down.
  22. Interesting subject indeed. With movies (DVD's/Blurays etc). I'm not overly fussed, as i've moved onto the Bluray format so i always go for brand new in this instance. Most of the time, they are brand-new so second hand isn't an option in this case.. DVD's, even though they are still around and being printed, i go for second hand if brand-new isn't available. Books, brand new. You can't beat that "new book" smell. Games, this is an iffy subject. I've had a few issues with second hand games compared to second hand movies, namely that they won't start and if they do, they freeze or crash 1/2 the time. This is going on the copies of Gears and Pokemon Silver i bought pre-owned recently. Most of the time, it's brand-new with this still. In my whole collection, 70% is brand new compared to 30% second hand.
  23. GAME are doing a lock-in for this next month in Cardiff, may go along and see how the game is for myself. I'm probably not going to pre-order it, it's not likely to sell out or anything.
  24. I certainly agree with the idea of getting rid of inactives, but at the same time they may not be inactive due to the fact they've got nothing to add which would change opinions/mindsets on players.
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