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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Completely agree. Personally it's one of the best, if not the best third party game I've ever played! Don't agree with you on the level editor though, I was actually surprised as to how powerful it is. I mean apart from the restriction on the amount of items used you can basically to anything, even re-create some of the Story Mode stages. That tells me we've got pretty much the same tool as what the developers had, what more could you need?
  2. More like good news everyone from America, as that has merely confirmed the US version will be a budget title at $29.99 (£15 / €22). We'll be lucky to even get it for £20. I reckon it'll be £30. By the way, don’t go looking at Capcom’s European site for a similar confirmation, they don’t even have Wii listed as a system!
  3. Better make it a very big pinch of salt! That's got to be one of the worst, most inaccurate release lists I've ever seen. Not to mention a hilarious caption: Yeah... nice one IGN!
  4. Cool. Send me some screens/levels sometime. Yeah searching for and collecting Eledees is the main objective, but it's not just limited to inside a house. Eventually you go out in to the streets and find yourself lifting up cars and even houses! I've spent just over 12 hours on my game so far (a few hours of that time in edit mode) and I'm up to stage 19 in the story mode, I believe there are around 30 stages in total. Plus each stage has 3 unlockable modes so there is quite a bit of replay value. I definitely know what you mean H-o-T about the Chibi-Robo vibe, that and Pikmin were the first games that came to my mind when I started playing this. And... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC408W3Mw3g Neil Buchanan sure loves saying "could be anywhere"
  5. So what does everyone else think of the game? I've gone through the single player a bit more now, up to the stages that introduce special requirements i.e. you shouldn’t break stuff or make too much noise. Certainly adds a nice twist to the gameplay as you can't just go mental throwing stuff all over that place like on the opening stages! By the way, just to add something to what I said about the edit mode before, I found out you can choose the furniture set before you start so you're not actually tied down to whatever goes with a certain stage, in fact you can choose up to 3 different sets of furniture and you don't even have to pick the corresponding one, so you can make a stage using the bedroom but with furniture from the hall, kitchen and study instead. Another cool thing in the editor is that you can turn the physics on and off by pressing the 2 button, so you can stack loads of stuff up and then switch on the gravity to check if it balances or falls to the ground! It's also useful to make sure everything is properly placed in the room as sometimes after moving items around they're left slightly in mid air. So far I've only got one complaint with the game, and that is the restriction that is placed on the WiiConnect 24 feature. See it turns out you can only send screenshot and custom level data once per day, at first I thought it meant you could only send 1 screen/level to one person, but it's not actually that bad. You can send to more than one person (everyone on your list it seems) but you have to do it all in one go, so if you forget to send to someone you can't then just send it to them afterwards, you have to wait until the following day. I guess it makes sense though as it would probably get really messy if there was no limit to what you could send. I sent you a screenshot yesterday Owen, did you get it?
  6. Yep, Eledees and Spider-Man 3 it is. Mercury Meltdown seems to be slipping pretty much on a weekly basis. Next week we should be seeing Cooking Mama and possibly Bust-A-Move, although the latter has also had a habit of slipping in the past.
  7. Ok this game is so my cup of tea it’s not even funny. I’ve played for around 2 hours now and am seriously loving it. It’s scary how well Konami has utilized the Wii Remote in this game, especially as it was a launch title. So far the controls have been completely flawless. My first experience with this game has actually been very similar to that of Wii Sports, the feeling of interaction is just as immense, if not more so. Picking stuff up and chucking it around, opening doors and turning on taps ect… all feels so perfect and true to life. I only played the first couple of stages before jumping into edit mode, but as far as I can tell it’s no way near as limited as what has been suggested. You literally have an empty room and access to all of the furniture from that particular stage to decorate it as you see fit. Moving items around is incredibly easy and you can reposition/rotate things any time you like. It’s like a mini version of a 3D app on Wii! There is a limit to how much stuff you can place, but it seems to be very generous. I already know for sure that this mode is going to last me a long time (love level editors) the scope for creating some cool levels is definitely present with this game. People on my Wii address book should be afraid, very afraid! Speaking of which I got a nice little surprise when I started up this game today, a message popped up saying I had received a screenshot. I was like, huh? But it was from Dcubed who must have the US version. Cheers for that mate! : peace: Send me some stages now. So yeah, I really like this game. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever played before, a truly unique game made possible by a truly unique console. Now this is what I bought a Wii for.
  8. Perhaps just a bit too heavy on purple, but other than that I think it's really nice, seriously I prefer that to how the real site looks! Good job.
  9. Will do man. You too. : peace: I'm so looking forward to trying that out! *EDIT* I just got my e-mail from Gameplay, so hopefully this will arrive tomorrow. Nice to see Gameplay dispatching early again anyway. *EDIT 2* Postie has just been, Eledees Get!!
  10. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. :wink: I get the feeling Eledees is going to be another Excite Truck. Bad reviews, low initial sales and then... Boom!
  11. Gotta love NoE's generic e-mail response. I got exactly the same reply when I e-mailed them about the component cable. After what appeared to be a turnaround with Wii launching so soon after the US and Japan, it's pretty safe to say that NoE have now returned to form. Is Watchdog still on TV? I reckon we should try and get NoE on that.
  12. Yeah I know. Pangya too (in Japan anyway) but I'm not getting either of those. :wink: You should cancel and order from somewhere else. I bet Play would get it to you quicker than that, and it's the same price as Amazon: http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/GENCD/3-/1027928/Eledees/Product.html
  13. Now if I was you I'd take that £13 and put it towards an official RGB cable. Trust me, when it comes to these things Nintendo's stuff is always the best. Mind you, as DCK already pointed out, a lot of it comes down to the TV too. So even with the official lead the jump might not be all that massive.
  14. Same here. Can't believe it, finally the last "launch" game is almost here. Completed Mystical Ninja yesterday too so the timing is perfect.
  15. Elebits/Eledees worldwide sales figures: Japan = 62,075 US = 93,125 Europe = 3 Surely some of the Portuguese mafia will be getting this?
  16. Nah I'm just assuming it's RTP, that's Portugal’s main TV company right? Anyway, let us know if you find out anything from the e-mail, I'd be very interested to discover what it's all about.
  17. For some reason I find the Japanese version to be a bit more tolerable: The music in first half of that trailer is pretty cool though, kind of got Konami's old-school funky vibe to it. Seriously though, what the hell does RTP have to do with it, or is the guy that wrote that IGN review just being a weirdo?
  18. Yeah, according to everyone bar Konami and NoE. Anyway, I added it back to the list. Fingers crossed it makes it as I could really do with a new Wii game.
  19. Yeah I really hope Eledees does come out next week, but I won't be at all surprised if it does slip yet again. I mean we're like 6 days away now and there's still no official confirmation! Konami's site just says April 2007, as does NoE's Q2 list.
  20. Yeah I've got it as well so I won't be getting it for VC. Unless by some miracle they did include the Expansion Pack from the DD, then I'd definitely get it.
  21. Cool thread idea Emasher. These are all the ones I could find, (there are loads more than this though, yeah I used to change my sig a lot! ) oldest at the top:
  22. Yeah I guess Spider-Man is a dead cert, to tie-in with the movie release so I've added it back to "Coming Soon". If anyone can find the confirmation for Cooking Mama or any of the other games I'd appreciate it. Just checked 505's site, they have it down as March 2007 : http://www.505gamestreet.com/gameinfo.htm?id=161 *EDIT* OK, added Cooking Mama. Welsh_gamer PM'd me a link to 505's announcement, weird how they still have March on their site though.
  23. Yeah I wonder why they left that bit of info out? Seriously though that article was insulting, not to mention embarrassing for NoE. First they give Europe a shit release schedule and then go on to try and scare people about mod chips so they won't take advantage of their incompetence. Unbelievable. How about they just get the games to us in a reasonable time frame, comparable to the JPN/US release dates so people don't need to result to using mod chips!
  24. While I'm pretty sure all of those dates will stick, there's still no confirmation (to my knowledge) for any of those dates from the publishers. So yeah they can stay on TBD for now.
  25. You obviously haven’t heard this then :
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