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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Enjoy! : peace:No early MH for me...
  2. We've still not seen all of the available customisation options in Xenoblade though. That vid I posted earlier just shows the preset face types and body size, but there appear to be at least 17 other options/menus in there. Today's update on the official site also seems to suggest that you can use face paint and masks too.
  3. That's a no then. Damn, that just confuses me even more. Anyway, we're going to be spending the majority of the time playing this game looking at the back of the character's head, so I guess it doesn't make much difference whether you like the faces or not.
  4. It's just the one drift challenge, nothing major.I hadn't actually played the game for quite a while, decided to play last night for a bit as I was waiting for the Resogun update to download.
  5. I still don't get the hate regarding the faces. I'm well aware that I'm very much in the minority in liking these designs (having seen the backlash on here and neogaf ) but I genuinely don't see what's wrong with them. Like I mentioned before, they remind me of Gerry Anderson's marionettes: Which are awesome. :awesome: Do the people that dislike the faces in Xenoblade Chronicles X also dislike the above? reggiewhat'swrongwithyou.gif
  6. Character customisation: :awesome: ...
  7. Yeah. Just go to [settings] > [Notifications]. You can either turn 'em all off, or choose specific notifications.
  8. LOL. Sorry about that. You should turn all of that notification shit off when playing an intense game like that.
  9. Darthvadernooooooooooo.gif Think it's €44.99. Interesting.Might have to look into ordering something from them at some point then, cheers.
  10. Glad to hear that. Freaky as hell (just like the game itself ) is what I was going for.
  11. Nice. You ever order anything from them before MH4? Wonder if they're always that quick?I really want to find a decent alternative to ShopTo.
  12. So I see @f00had is already playing this. Dude, where did you order from for a Wednesday GET!!? :awesome:
  13. I actually intend to do exactly that. Yeah, just way too much being released this week (thanks for that Nintendo! Great scheduling. ) I'll try to pick up some of those at a later date.
  14. You've just reminded me about the ridiculously rare item drops. I guess Capcom is going to keep that tradition going in this version too. Remember when I got my Cha-Cha to steal some of the super rare items on MH3U? Shame he's not in this version.
  15. Wow, with MH4U and flipnote 3D my 3DS is gonna be very busy indeed over the next few weeks/months.
  16. Actually I think I knew that already, but I'd completely forgotten. So... But yeah, direct Miiverse uploads would be awesome. When are we expecting Flipnote 3D in Europe anyway? Didn't they say it was going to launch with the new Club Nintendo thingy?
  17. Having nightmares already. I get the feeling that thing is going to annoy me just as much as Gigginox did. Same here, even though I'd already seen it. Quoting from the old thread: Don't even joke about that!
  18. Pretty sure a lot of those people will just scroll down to the final paragraph instead, but still this is a good change I reckon.Scores really are outdated now, and a pain in the arse to use too. I always struggled to decide on the scores when reviewing for N-E.
  19. I don't think even Nintendo could make Harry Potter fun. And that speaks volumes about what I think of Harry Potter.
  20. So are NoE no longer doing the usual eShop PR? Or perhaps this is just a one-off because they're releasing waaaay too much stuff this week.
  21. Excitebike Arena really is the new Baby Park.
  22. Finished Apotheon today. Interesting game. I like the artstyle a lot, and it played reasonably well. The problem is it's incredibly glitchy, and I lost count of how many times it crashed! Not sure if that was also an issue on PC, or if it's just a dodgy port to PS4 but I soon learnt to save my progress frequently. Also made a start on Yakuza 4 a few days ago. Loving this game, but from what I can tell it's pretty huge, so I don't expect to be finishing this one soon. Esspecially with MH4U set to occupy my gaming time next week too.
  23. Nope. I never really liked the look of the CPP to be honest, and have only got a couple of games that can even use it. Might actually look into getting one for this game though.
  24. Excuse me while I bump a 4 year old thread but I started playing this the other day courtesy of PS+, and have been really enjoying it. Never played a Yakuza game before (caught up with the story thanks to the included vids of the first 3) but felt at home with this game pretty much instantly! Major Shenmue vibes. It's got that same clunky gameplay and just overall weird feeling to it. I adore all of the little distractions too, like mini-arcade games and UFO catchers. The hostess dress up thing (and accompanying music) also had me in stitches. So unbelievably bad it's good. This game alone is worth the 30 quid I paid for a year of PS+.
  25. I was seriously close to canceling my pre-order for this recently. Camera controls were doing my nut in, as was the constant thought that this game should be on Wii U. But I played through the demo some more (with my weapon of choice, the hammer ) and somehow managed to get to grips with just using the L button to keep the camera under control. Also managed to solo all of those monsters, without losing a life. :awesome: Quite an achievement seeing as I got destroyed by Gore Magala previously, as witnessed by @Glen\-i. Brought back great memories of MH3/Ultimate though, and I'm pretty sure I can live with the shitty camera controls now, but I'll almost certainly be sticking to the hammer again, at least for the first 100 or so hours.
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