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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Nintendo Smash Direct: [countdown=06/14/2015 3:40 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Nintendo World Championships: [countdown=06/14/2015 11:00 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Bethesda Conference: [countdown=06/15/2015 2:30 AM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Microsoft Conference: [countdown=06/15/2015 5:30 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] EA Conference: [countdown=06/15/2015 9:00 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Ubisoft Conference: [countdown=06/15/2015 11:00 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Sony Conference: [countdown=06/16/2015 2:00 AM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] AMD New Era of PC gaming [countdown=06/16/2015 9:00 AM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Nintendo Digital Event: [countdown=06/16/2015 5:00 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Square Enix Conference: [countdown=06/16/2015 6:00 PM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] PC Gaming Conference: [countdown=06/17/2015 1:00 AM;]Count down:[/countdown] 90%[/hr] Think these are correct, please let me know if not. Or if I've missed something out. : peace:
  2. Lovely collection @S\.C\.G. You're right about the surround sound too, was great on some of those games. :awesome:
  3. G1: : peace:
  4. As far as retail purchases go, I'm completely up to date (well, apart from my Japanese import of Captain Rainbow. Still waiting for the fan translation patch, which may never happen ) got a few digital games that I've only played briefly (or not at all) on PC and from PS+ as well. But yeah, buying less and playing what you already got is definitely the way to go.
  5. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  6. Well apparently that image appeared then disappeared from SEGA's twitter account, just spotted it on Neogaf. So yeah, no need to get excited, or angry (depending on your point of view) just yet.
  7. Nice! I be super jealous. Let us know how you find it. : peace:
  8. Hmm... Hmmmmmm...
  9. Pretty sure there will still be plenty of surprises, don't worry.
  10. Wowzers! Mind you, that is one game I really wouldn't want to play on a tiny screen. Doubt it will happen, but it'd be cool if the new characters are also made available as paid DLC on Wii U, without the need for the 3DS ver. Surprising how this doesn't appear to be N3DS exclusive.
  11. Any suggestions or requests for what to feature in the remaining countdown numbers?
  12. Wow. That is amazing! The plaza and stages look absolutely stunning at night, and Judd waking up and dancing is the icing on the cake. Proper hyped for the first Splatfest.
  13. Or, how would you feel about a Retro made Pokémon game? Could you dig it?
  14. Can you dig it, ey? Iiiiiiinteresting... Would be mad if they were working on a music/rhythm game. And no doubt make many people go mad too. But at the same time, it's probably going to be Donkey Kong related... ...maybe it's DK Jungle Beat 2!
  15. Awesome GIF of Splatoon as a retro platformer appeared on neogaf: http://jonroru.tumblr.com/
  16. Must say that was a peculiar observation for you to make Retro_Link. Well, as someone that's recently posted "played for x amount of hours, still enjoying it" it's not like I haven't also given my impressions on various aspects of the game, since the global testfire: But anyway, don't see what the problem is if people just want to post that they're enjoying the game, how long they've played, and nothing more.No one should have to justify or explain why they like a game, if they don't feel like doing so.
  17. Sorry amigo. That would be sweeeet.
  18. And I can't think of any other thread where people that have no intention of getting the game in question keep coming back to remind everyone that is enjoying it of their disappointment, but there you go. Would you rather not know?
  19. Hoping for some news on this at E3, it's gotta be coming out sometime this year... right?
  20. Been looking into the PS4 fan noise situation a bit more. It appears to be completely random as to whether you get a noisy one or not. Here's a vid which demonstrates the level of noise I'm talking about, for those lucky enough to have a silent model: Skip to around 1:10 for the part when it really kicks in. And here's another vid by the same guy, after getting a replacement system: To be honest I can live with it, just crank up my surround sound, and it's obviously not an issue when using headphones. But I do worry that my PS4 could die on me before I even get to play the games I've been looking forward to. What do the N-E tech-heads reckon, cause for concern, or nothing to worry about?
  21. That's 40 at the moment though. Chances of that being H-o-T's final playtime on Splatoon is somewhere between slim and none. They'll keep releasing cool new stuff, and he'll be back, every time... I guarantee. I'm closing in on 60 hours after tonight's session, still discovering things in both single and multiplayer. :awesome: Splatoon will easily be a 100-200+ hour game for me. Dis game is off the chain.
  22. Yeah, any friends that are online (in a battle) will be highlighted and at the top of that list. Absolutely. I was glued to it for the first couple of days, kept me up into the early hours without even realising!
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