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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. I was really into the multiplayer for a while, but then one of the patches completely killed it. Ended up losing relics and my gameplay records for some bizarre reason, both of which really put me off playing it again.
  2. Yeah, the shoot all targets and find 5 missing film reels.I did spend a while yesterday just diving from the highest point of the tower (love the music that plays when you're falling :awesome:) and managed to find a few targets I was missing in the process, but the last few must be very well hidden. Doubt I'd have played this otherwise either. Here's hoping for some more good PS+ stuff in December!
  3. Finished The Deadly Tower of Monsters last night. Took about 5 hours to beat, only had 2 trophies left for the platinum, but they're annoying find stuff challenges so can't really be bothered. Game was pretty fun anyway, and I loved the retro sci-fi/B movie presentation. They did a great job at recreating that classic vibe, and it also helps to mask some of the general glitchyness of the game at the same time.
  4. An option to mute the music would be a good start.
  5. Decided to give this another chance tonight, and man am I glad I did. It was like playing a completely different game! Seriously, I'm wondering if the problems I encountered before were because the game hadn't completely finished downloading. Anyway, made lots of great discoveries in this just now, played alongside other players for the first time, did some challenges, and got to see what the mountains look like at sunset/night, which is actually quite stunning. Controls can still be a bit quirky at times, but nevertheless this now seems like it could be a real winner.
  6. I was very tempted to restart my town, but in the end just couldn't do it. Got quite hooked on the little mini-games, especially the desert island one, but the super slow pace has put me off a bit now. Also looking forward to the snow!
  7. Had a couple of goes on the beta, but wasn't too impressed with it, it all feels quite rough to me. The control is sluggish (not helped by the iffy frame rate) and visually it's pretty dull too. I remember being blown away by the graphics of 1080 and Avalanche back in the day, and hadn't played a snowboarding game in ages, so was really looking forward to a current gen take on the sport, but yeah... disappointed.
  8. Since when does Nintendo do anything like other companies? Fact is they've always put a lot of emphasis on customer satisfaction/goodwill, so I wouldn't really be surprised to see something similar to the Wii > Wii U VC discount applied to the Switch Wii U ports, regardless of extra content.
  9. I like how it's possible to copy (and then mess with ) your friend's doodles when replying to them, you can also use some of the DLC pens they may have purchased in this way too. A couple of things I'm not too keen on though, firstly the loading times when sending/receiving notes. Pretty sure it didn't take that long in Letter Box... I'm on the original XL though, so perhaps it's another one of those things that's improved with the New 3DS systems. The other thing I'm not a fan of is the eraser tool, it does this rough edge thing which is really annoying when trying to create clean lines. Still really glad Nintendo decided to revisit this kind of messaging app though. Not sure yet if I like it enough to invest in the pricey DLC, however, we shall see. Would've been cool if they put some of that stuff up as My Nintendo rewards instead.
  10. Shame that will probably only be possible for digital versions though, meaning people that bought their games on disc will miss out.
  11. Good games everyone (I was Nikki in case you didn't guess ). Been a while since I managed the triple GP win, thanks for not playing tonight @Glen\-i.
  12. Sent out my first Swapdoodle. Man, apart from the missing camera/mic features, this pretty much is Letter Box 2. Great stuff.
  13. Wow! Didn't think they'd ever try this kind of thing again after Letter Box, awesome news!
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty confident the price will be justified by the content of this game. Reckon it'll be somewhere in-between what's expected from a mobile title and a full retail game, in which case the price should be spot-on. I'm viewing it more like an eShop title really.
  15. Sorry I missed the hunts, but I think my Prowler is probably in permanent retirement now. Catch you guys on Monster Hunter Switch! : peace:
  16. Have you heard the news? Seriously glad I held off from buying this version now.
  17. Noticed that the Japanese direct was a few minutes longer than our one, turns out they got extra amiibo functionality thanks to the Monster Hunter Stories set!
  18. New update is amazing! :awesome: I had a right laugh playing through the Island Escape minigame. The combination of characters I had, plus just how silly it all is, made for a hilarious experience:
  19. OK, I can jump on for a few hunts now, or at around 8.
  20. I booted up the game for the first time in ages last night, and my town was exactly how I'd left it. Can't remember doing so, but must have switched to the beauty ordinance right before I stopped playing the game on a daily basis. Anyway, would be cool if the update goes live straight after today's direct, but I'm guessing we'll have to wait until the new version of the game arrives at the end of this month.
  21. Oh yeah! I forgot about that feature of the update, but it all makes perfect sense now...
  22. This seems to be the only place that has it, and judging by the price I think they know it too: https://www.gamestop.co.uk/Nintendo%203DS/Games/60349/sega-3d-classic-collection Very strange.
  23. Yeah, I kind of feel bad for the new players, I mean talk about getting thrown in at the deep end! Have you tried using the new megaphone item? It's funny but also pretty useful. In one of the towns I visited, nobody was building homes for the Matryoshka people, so I sent out a message that we needed more residences, and within a few moments there was a queue at the workbench and several houses had been constructed! Of course it could just have been a coincidence, but I like to think that my motivational message helped matters. Still a great tool for sending messages to everyone else in town though, especially as it also enables communication with players of different languages.
  24. Well I ended up getting a couple of the 3DS themes, so didn't lose any points. Have got over 1000 expiring at the end of this month too though, so hopefully they put something decent on there before then.
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