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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I hate that they alter the stats of the characters. But that's just me, in Mario Kart 8 I play standard kart because that's how everyone is equal. So I won't use it - however, I like the Event battles so will definitely spend time on that. Also "That's all the characters" in the beginning? I want to see it before I believe it.
  2. N64 as playable character in Smash!? Though N64 as assist trophy could be fun somehow...
  3. I can't imagine what they want to show for 40 minutes but then again, the last Direct was rather long as well and that was action packed and great!
  4. He seems a bit younger than the Gerald from the series but other than that, looks good. I watched the first episode of Sabrina yesterday. Enjoyed it but yeah, it's not perfect. I think the show seems a bit long for the story but maybe it's warranted in the end.
  5. Embargo has lifted and reviews are out. I gave the game 5/5 with my points being: It's a great port with no frame drops, clean graphics and an addictive gameplay. Local multiplayer is great. My negative points are that the game can get a bit repetitive in the long run, the story is just there with no real impact, and the game drains the battery rather fast, after playing two hours my Switch had 1/5-1/3 battery left. But nothing serious. It's a great port of a really good game.
  6. Got Spiritomb tonight so that's that Special Research. This was quite the chore, feeding 108 berries to Pokémon was a bit much and catching 108 Pokémon afterwards also dragged a bit on. But it was nice to have something to do in the game. Also finally passed 100 Candy for my Shelgon. Funny story, I've been walking with that Pokémon for the past month or so, slowly earning Candg and feeding it Rare Candy, so today I only needed 200 meters to get the 100th Candy - then a 10 km egg hatched and a Bagon appeared...! So now I went from 99 to 117 Candy so at least I have a few Candy for powering it up now. Now for getting the evolutions of Lotad and find more Shinx raids.
  7. Hard to say precisely at this point. But having played PoGo will at least give you an idea of the catching mechanics of Let's Go, and the benefit of having played more than enough PoGo is that you can transfer your Pokémon to Let's Go, giving you the chance to get a strong Dragonite in Let's Go. Also, you can only evolve the new Pokémon Meltan through Pokémon Go. Aside from that, though, it's not a requirement to enjoy Let's Go, I believe.
  8. Anyone seen Sabrina yet?
  9. Done with the berries! Phew. Now for finding 8 stops I've never visited. Fairly easy as I live in a big city but will still have to go to some new places.
  10. I don't use those apps but might start to if that means that I can avoid having PoGo open and consume my battery. On another note, 89 berries fed, 19 to go! Then I just have to catch 108 Pokémon but that's easier as PokéBalls are literally everywhere, unlike berries.
  11. Draught? Dark Souls, Mario Party, Diablo, Pokémon, Smash, New Super Mario Bros., all within four months. Not to mention Indies. I have never had so many games to play whole owning only a Nintendo console.
  12. I don't believe it. Mainly because of the number of newcomers there. They said they'd slow down the pace of the reveals but this many characters will need to speed it up before the game launches.
  13. This game is technically really well done: no lag, no loading screens between areas, and the graphics are clean and soft - and I'm playing handheld...!
  14. I don't think any category in their reporting service is appropriate but did it anyway - three times, one for each account. Hopefully that can give her a warning but I don't think it will do anything at all.
  15. I fully expect to be able to have one save per profile on the Switch. Every other game does that.
  16. Yeah, in the Raid group I'm using on Facebook, a lot of the active players are actually women. Funny how that goes - even though the average gamer is actually a middle-aged woman playing something on her phone. I have a problem with one player and one gym. She has three accounts and takes that gym back within minutes every time someone else takes it - we're talking all times a day, and the gym is not even in a place where you can get it from any apartment. So I tried addressing the issue on the raid group on Facebook and was surprised that others had the same problem with her at other gyms. However, the post was deleted within an hour by an admin - only raid relevant posts are allowed. I really wish I could do something about it. :/
  17. I think the last part is the true one. I guess that your profile will be tied to a PoGo profile. The second player will not be able to do anything when in the overworld but will be able to help out in battles and when catching Pokémon. Probably similar to Super Mario Galaxy where the second player had a very minor role.
  18. I hate Animal Crossing in this picture.
  19. No one's playing this game, then? I would really like to try it out - they should release a demo of it. I don't like the dogfight parts of StarFox that much and this is apparently a bit heavy on those. But are they fun here? How are the other levels?
  20. Bought Tiny Barbarian yesterday from the Norwegian eShop (among the cheapest places) and spent some gold coins on it, making the investment very small so it's no Biggie if I don't enjoy it. Never really played Mega Man but I like what I see from this game. However, I may be getting Diablo for review soon so don't know when I can try it out.
  21. Hmm. The game is starting to bore me a bit. I've got all characters now and am working on completing the stories for Therion, H'aanit, Cyrus and Ophilia, I need to complete chapter 3 of the two latter before going to all chapter 4s. I've spent a little more than 30 hours on it. The game is good but the fragmented story really takes some enjoyment out of it for me, even though the individual stories are actually good. Furthermore, the battles are just way too long and there is no real way to speed them up. Fought a dragon yesterday and it took 40 minutes! Some bosses can also wipe my team completely because they can attack all characters at once and then attack a little more, meaning that the battles are relatively defensive overall. I haven't found all secondary jobs, though, that may speed up things a bit. Each chapter is also really alike: go to a person, do a small task, be sent to a cave and beat the boss there. Rinse and repeat, 32 times... My goal is to complete chapter 4 of the first 4 and then just quickly level up one of the remaining at a time to finish their stories.
  22. Had a very rewarding Community Day today. Only needed 1 Beldum to evolve my Metan-thing but went for a long walk. Hatched 8 eggs, 5 of which were 10 km eggs and got both a Shinx and a Chimchar from those, other than some less interesting ones. Caught about 60 Beldum, some Shinies but I don't care for that. In totalt, I got 240 Candy which I spent powering up my new Metagross which is now a 3102 CP beast. And I still have about 140 left so could evolve the shiny Beldum I've got left just for the sake of it. Also got a Bagon so now I only need 7 Candies for Shelgon to get Salamence. Then I'll buddy up with Lotad to get those evolutions before moving on to Gen 4 buddies.
  23. I have a friend that's very fond of that game and really wishes for another installment. Which is long overdue if it's going to happen. Even though I find the idea of a digital card game a bit weird ..
  24. Daredevil season 3 is out. I've seen one review, 5/6. So it seems to be better than season 2. Anyone started it yet?
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