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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Honestly I couldn't make it all the way through Luke Cage or Iron Fist but I'm not really feeling like I missed much going into The Defenders.

    I've only watched about 5 or 6 eps so far but I never found it slow, in fact I've been loving every minute of it. The action is so much tighter and the dialogue and acting so much better than anything since Daredevil Season 1 IMO.

  2. I know you're joking but it's the detachment there that's really hard to get past. You see it as a meet up of "you", rather than "us".

    Everyone's invited but it's only the same small group that makes the effort each year, and that group is getting older and smaller all the time.

  3. I'm gutted that I accidentally read a spoiler about that boss. It seems to have put a smile on everyone else's head.

    That said


    Mean Bean Machine is so crap compared to the similar Super Puzzle Fighter



    1 minute ago, Grazza said:

    I always wanted Sega to produce a 2D Sonic that looked 32-bit.  As cool as this seems, it does surprise me that the route to success was to make something that actually looks 16-bit.

    32-bit? You wanted something that looked like it was on the Playstation? An odd choice, but they do have Sonic The Hedgehog 4. That would've been great if it wasn't for some strange physics and some poor level design choices. So many 2D sonic games in the last 20 years have had a huge flaw: loads of places you could fall off the map. Actually, the 3D games had the same problem. Mania proves that that's absolutely not necessary, and in fact goes above and beyond to add layers and layers so that never really happens.

  4. Tbf if they had released this to compete with Mario 64, how well do you think that would've gone down? How would you have convinced that approach to investors? They had to try and keep up, they took a lot of misguided attempts and IMO never really nailed it. In the end they're lucky that in the last ten years, people have embraced paying around 40% standard RRP for titles like this, and that they had some third party in touch enough to make it happen.

    I'm really loving the game. Not played much. I kinda suck at the new special stages and finding the giant rings.

    • Like 1
  5. Sometimes it feels weird telling the whole internet my personal information :p Last year we went to the South of France, this year it's somewhere a little cheaper but with a few more conveniences nearby.

    Had a staycation earlier in the year with a hot tub rental, highly recommend that!

  6. My jaw just dropped just from playing around in Google Earth VR last night. I know it's really not much more than the desktop version which is pretty much just a bumpy sattelite view but I was still in awe. I zoomed in on my home, then I looked up and around and felt like I got the layout of my city better than ever before, glancing all the way to the city centre then out to the countryside. So cool. And that first time you zoom right out....

    My only concern right now is the cost barrier to other games.... I didn't really do my research, I just dove right in, and a lot of very short games/experiences like Batman are so expensive for what they are. Even though I know it's going to be incredible, I can't really justify that now.

  7. Pretty annoyed at myself right now. I didn't pick up a display port adapter. I had no idea modern graphics cards would have one HDMI and 3 display ports...

    All my monitors are either HDMI or VGA, no dvi... and the card doesnt have vga obvs.

    Tried going through the rift setup with Teamviewer but it wouldn't work, I think (or rather hope) Teamviewer itself was interfering.

    So all this kit I've just acquired and I can't do anything til Amazon prime brings me a £5 adapter tomorrow.

    First worldiest of problems I know but damn, that's frustrating.

    On the plus side I have a beast of a PC now....

    • Like 2
  8. Only one puzzle has fully stumped me on this game so far and I'm a bit annoyed by it. Not sure if I want help, just to vent...


    It's the last, I think, of the sound/speaker puzzles that start with birds chirping. The last is a mix of 3 sounds that don't repeat the same way, nor do they seem to resemble part of the puzzle. Argh. Maybe my hearing just isn't good enough.


  9. There was an issue with password reset emails but I believe they were fixed weeks ago. Other than that I don't think people could be locked out permanently. You could sign up again and message me, message through the main site, contact on Facebook, Twitter etc etc.

    Mokong stopped posting months, maybe years ago except for when he makes a new YouTube video, and he offered to step down as admin a long time ago, I just never did it.

    An email to members is something I'm sure I said already we intend to do, just haven't had a chance yet.

    • Like 2
  10. I haven't tried it. My only experience with VR beyond a phone strapped to my face has been the Vive, a couple of years ago at EGX, for about 3 minutes. However I've wanted one for a long time, and for £399 with the touch controllers I couldn't stop myself :D

    I will need a much nicer monitor to get some good use out of the video card at some point... but my bank balance hates me enough for now.

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  11. At £300 for 1060 and £430 for 1070 it seems like more than a little jump for more power!

    Well either way, I'm going to hold off for a little bit I think til money evens out a bit. That feedback was very appreciated though.

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