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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Sorry, I'm going on holiday so I thought it would be best not to sign up in case we have to go back in over the course of the week. Also wasn't high enough PL anyway. I should be around next time!

  2. I have a 1080 but not sure I know enough about it to help.

    Also loving the look of that keyboard. Actually I'm getting tempted by those lovely simplistic keyboards you see on /r/mechanicalkeyboards. I have a Corsa K90 but the clack is a bit much and it's quite big.

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  3. Making the opposite effort on this game to you guys and determined to never play anything solo :p had great fun last night getting back into it although I hope I don't run out of things to do too quickly.

  4. Yesterday I set up my Oculus sensors onto wallmounts, cheap ones from amazon. Work really well! I followed a guide on reddit and now I have some much better 360 degree tracking. I also bought a new desk and rearranged my room a bit and now I have much more space. I had some friends over and I gave each of them the robot intro game to play, didn't really explain anything except how to "grab" with the touch controllers and they were all blown away.

  5. I couldn't really sit through Death Note. The adaptation wasn't badly made or anything, but right from the start they were messing with the best things about the original. Didn't like L at all, either.

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  6. I definitely found out from word of mouth, same way I skated over the top of World 1-2 or learned that you could hold "down" on a white block on SMB3. I guess it probably came from a magazine originally, but mostly spread among kids by word of mouth! Maybe an older brother read it. Kinda wish I had been a twenty-something gamer in the 8-bit years sometimes.

    On another note, turns out Super Mario Kart was released in the USA 25 years ago today so maybe that should've been the pick of the week :blush: maybe next time.

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