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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. I appreciate that breakdown :D sorry for getting ultra defensive. Learning to ride and buying a bike was something that kept me going in a rough patch a couple of years ago so it kinda means a lot to me.

    13 hours ago, Ashley said:

    I have also never used Deliveroo (and I see more of them on bikes than motorbikes) and I've not eaten sushi in a long time if we're going to discuss assumptions.  

    I was just being rhetorical/making a whimsical reference there, didn't mean you in particular so sorry if it sounded presumptuous.

    To get back on the want face topic, I want a 55" 4k HDR TV - @Deathjam weren't you going to jump in with a suggestion for me here? ;)

  2. Followed up my electric works installing a Nest thermostat from Prime Day :D went much smoother except for the gash I put in my thumb with a pocket knife while stripping flex...

    I spent most of yesterday tidying my house and I'll probably spend most of today on it too. Took 2 whole bin bags of stuff to charity! Gradually killing the hoarder within.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Ashley said:

    They're noisy, they're polluting, they are the most un...reliable?  Untrustworthy...? on the road.  Basically they can go quickly while zipping in and out of others.

    You do you, but they are my second least favourite mode of transport (and only behind cars because of their ubiquity).

    Unreliable, untrustworthy... what do these things even mean from an outside context? I'm very confused. "Basically they can go quickly while zipping in and out of others." < I'm struggling to even see how this is saying something negative, but assuming you're saying they move back and forth across lanes (dangerously?), it's worth mentioning: people ride very differently in London to the rest of the country (maybe this is the typical Londoner forgetting London is not the whole world?). There's no winding in and out of traffic in most towns and cities,you can usually just filter down between lanes. Not that there's anything wrong with lane filtering, it's completely legal and the reason Deliveroo gets you your sushi on time.

    Not that the behaviour of riders has anything to do with bikes themselves.... you talk as if the bikes are autonomous and what they're doing isn't the fault of the decision of the person sitting on it. I ride my bike on mostly empty twisty country lanes, 99% of the time no pedestrian comes near my bike, no other vehicle has to worry about me, I'm just enjoying watching the sights fly by and feeling the rush of leaning into the twists, it's like a rollercoaster but you're in control and you can just ride it all the way to Europe if you feel like it.

    All bike, car and bus pollution is pretty irrelevant in a world where something like 15 cargo ships produce more pollutants than all the cars in the world combined.

    Noisy, I can't really argue with that, but the loudest noises I hear around where I live are usually from cars with decked out exhausts. However again that comes down to the behaviour of the individual. They are not loud on their own when being ridden normally and using the gears properly. I get out of urban areas before I hit the top of my rev counter. 

    Funnily enough I think if you told me "I hate most bikers" I'd be less irked than I am right now, how strange to have something you love ranked on a chart by someone with no experience of actually using it. It's like if I just waltzed into the Xbox One thread and told them that I rank their console #2 worst ever behind the Virtual Boy despite never using either.

  4. On 7/13/2017 at 5:49 PM, Zell said:

    Would you be able to either day either side of the Saturday? Would be good to catch up, you're the only person here apart from Anil who likes cricket :)

    Can I please get some confirmations from people so that I can start booking the Escape Room?

    Do you want me to confirm it again or was the other two times I said it ok? :p

    Where abouts is this escape room and is there somewhere nearby we could go for food before/after and then just hang out after.

    Is 19th locked in? If I'm robbing two other people of being there, it's not right and I will sit it out.

    Also is there only like... four of us going to be there or something? Not seeing a lot of names here

  5. I replaced a light fitting in my house. I thought it was going to be super easy, but everything went wrong. I feel a need to document this:

    1. The flex on the light was way too long
    2. After cutting it, I realised there was no easy way to tell which was Line and Neutral, so I had to buy a multimeter
    3. After figuring out the live wire with the multimeter, I realised there was actually a tiny blue thread in the neutral so I didn't need it after all
    4. Couldn't get the wire screws out of the old ceiling rose because my mini screwdriver was too crap so had to go to B&Q to buy another
    5. Couldn't get the old, tough wires into the terminal box so had to cut that open
    6. Thinking I was at the last step, realised that this very heavy light fitting was near impossible to put up by myself because it couldn't be left to hang from the fitting while screwing the wires together. I actually had earth and switch live in at this point, all I had to do was get neutral in and I was done, but... impossible.
    7. Not wanting to give up, dragged a bookcase downstairs that I want rid of anyway, putting dents in the plaster on the way
    8. Leaned cheap bookcase against coffee table and put the light on top of the bookcase, realised it was too far away
    9. Moved coffee table, bookcase and lamp fell and hit me on the head, thought I was going to pass out from the pain/impact, probably looked like I was in slapstick comedy
    10. Finally with everything in place, lost the last small screw for like ten minutes
    11. Bought myself a massive pizza - this is on the list of negatives because I was doing pretty well calorie wise - because of feeling sorry for myself and because the electricity was off (didn't trust the old labels on the circuitry or my cheap voltage tester) so I couldn't cook anything
    12. Light in place, Hue bulb in, noticed at the last minute that Phillips Hue dimmer switch holders are not wide enough to cover the gap left by a standard light switch, wth Phillips.

    But at least I didn't get zapped.


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  6. If I'm honest I'd be totally happy with the app as a replacement for whatever means of talking on a mic, if it worked really well.

    And we can't just keep saying "this is their first attempt, this is a beta, it will get better in the future". They should be getting these things right first time, plus the games that this functionality is wanted for are out now.

  7. 2 hours ago, MoogleViper said:

    @Shorty didn't you used to have an rs125? When did you become a big boy?

    I had a YBR125 for about 8 months, I got this over a year ago though! 

    Man it's like you guys don't subscribe to every post I make in the purchases thread or something. Y'all know I got a house too right?? :p

  8. On 7/18/2017 at 3:59 PM, Grazza said:

    What Metroid needs to do, in my opinion, is remove the more frustrating aspects of punishment.  No more long treks from a save room to a boss.  Every restart should give you full health and ammo.  That way, as long as the game is good, Metroid has the best chance of succeeding.

    This is a reasonable theory, but I don't think there's enough recent examples to really prove it. There hasn't been a Metroid game for a long time, and a good one for much longer, so how do we know how it will compete these days? I think Metroid would do fantastically without any real change in the formula, all they really need to do is make it.

    Do you really think "mainstream" gamers were won over to Fire Emblem because they made it less punishing? I think realistically the market has just grown, and Awakening got oustanding feedback and was available on a hugely popular system, plus added more social functions. It would've sold well even if it had unavoidable punishments, as long as it got the kind of scores it did.

    I never felt that Metroid was particularly hard, punishing or frustrating in the first place, at least since the original NES/GB games. Frustration was alleviated by smoother controls which is what made Zero Mission such a good remake.

    • Like 1
  9. If you've got your smartphone out and you've opened your app store, you might as well use a proper, fully fledged app at this point right? One that can be locked, switched with other apps, make calls, send messages and work when the game is closed, like... whatsapp, discord, google hangouts, your phone's built in software...

    • Like 3
  10. On 7/17/2017 at 6:32 PM, Zell said:

    Control is my least favourite game type in Overwatch. I do enjoy it but I feel it's not as deep from a tactical perspective than Assault or Escort. Too often it descends into which team can brawl the best in team fights, or who gets the luckiest after ults have been triggered left, right and centre. It can also last ages in competitive where it's best of 5.

    Control annoys me especially because of the length. Even in quick play if you're doing badly you know it's going to drag out for 2-4 rounds and it's not worth it. I don't really understand why it's best-of in QP at all to be honest. If anything, it's the game mode that least deserves to reward the sum of multiple rounds because unlike swapping the payload on Escort, for example, there's no reward for getting 99.9% of the way on attack even if you would've crushed them on defense.

  11. I'm very torn on the beta. I loved a lot about it and was very meh at times too. As suspected, it really just feels like I've gone back to Destiny but they've nerfed my character, it doesn't feel like much of a departure from D1 at all. It doesn't really look any better and it doesn't feel any better because it's only 30fps and I've been playing so much Overwatch. The strike boss is another uninspiring bullet sponge.

    But, it was great to be back to chatting with N-E folks and the co-op gameplay is still great fun. I actually enjoyed the PvP, love the new Titan and Warlock supers (although they feel a bit samey), I like the new weapon loadout a whole lot. I just hope there's a tonne more to do and the game generally feels busier and more alive. Looking forward to the social space being added because it's missing a lot without patrol or social.

    • Like 1
  12. Split the thread to try and grab peoples' attention!

    19 minutes ago, The Cape said:

    I had to look up who Sheeran is :blank:  I didn't notice anything special in that scene, and it was a bit weird, but I thought

    I find this quite interesting actually! One person in our group said "if you didn't know who he was, you wouldn't have thought anything", but I wasn't sure. I thought his part just didn't fit in very well or make sense, and his line was delivered poorly. If anything, they should've just let him get stabbed in a battle or something.

    I thought it was a great start to the series, if a little tame. It didn't take any risks, it just kinda carried on the story, and didn't have an epic Season Premiere feel. That said, a lot of things are finally coming to a head and I'm very much looking forward to where we're going next.

  13. I'm also playing it because there's a free ten hour demo available on all platforms now. I'm liking it myself, not got very far but I love the jump jet movement and the design of the planet. The music in the character creation screen was rad but there hasn't been much epic since then.

    I had a sneaking suspicion that I would probably love this game (if never as much as ME1 or 2) if I could get past the animation, so a demo was probably a smart idea.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    What is the whole point of 'Overtime'? I feel it just artificially lengthens the game. Our team captured the point and were at 99% and in Overtime for what seemed like forever. Other team were on 24%but we eventually ended up losing the game/match. It can feel grossly unfair because we should have reached 100% in the allotted time. It's my only gripe with the game, but I actually hate the feature.

    You're in overtime for as long as someone is touching the goal. The longer overtime goes on for, the quicker it drops off if the other team dies or gets knocked off the point. Also I think there's a limit at which overtime eventually just ends. If you can knock the enemies off the point a second before the game ends, there'll be no overtime.

    I think that the point is that if a team's evenly matched, they shouldn't win at the end just because they took it first. Or something? The fact that the team managed to wrestle it from you at 99% without you knocking them off and then subsequently gain the last 76% without your team ever taking it again even for a second suggests they deserved the fighting chance! Usually it happens because their team finally switches up the approach to counter, and the team that was originally winning does not adjust accordingly.

    I actually really like the overtime mechanic as a last chance for flipping the tables, as it brings an otherwise uncoordinated PuG in for one last concentrated push.

    Here's a game with a couple of N-E folks from over a year ago where we had to hold the payload at overtime to win, all they had to do was knock me off (Lucio and Pharah serve this purpose well!) it and it would've been over ('scuse the average accuracy, I'm much better these days honest/was panicking):


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  15. Sorry but I've no interest in significantly refining the theme. Darker means of separating features looks dated and ugly and would require more significant overrides to the default theme, which would break responsively or when new features come out etc. I've gotten used to it very quickly and I can't for the life of me understand complaints about newly updated threads, they're both bold and have a symbol next to them.

    Also the software does not seem to allow installation of a source-code view I'm afraid. Says the addon is already installed but doesn't give an option to put it in the toolbar.

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